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PhD, Management, Economics

Dr. Sharam Alijani is Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at NEOMA Business School and a research fellow at HABITER Research Center, Reims Champagne-Ardenne University. Sharam’s teaching and research activities lie at the intersection of strategic management and social entrepreneurship with a special emphasis on ethical governance and the geopolitics of innovation. Sharam has designed and headed a joint degree program in Geopolitics with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. He is on the editorial board of the ‘Journal of Global Responsibility’ and ‘European Public Social Innovation Review’ and serves as Chair of the “Economy and Finance for Society” track at EURAM. His research has appeared in international academic journals and disciplined-based books on entrepreneurship, innovation, economics and finance. Sharam has been involved in EU research projects on entrepreneurship and been a recipient of a research grant on social innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe. He has collaborated with innovative firms and entrepreneurs in Europe and the United States on responsible and sustainable business models for high social impact.  

Areas of research

  • Social Innovation
  • Sustainable development
  • Ethics
  • Governance
  • Geopolitics
  • Impact investing

Recent academic contributions

  • KARYOTIS, C., S. ALIJANI, "Les obligations à impact social" in Ouvertures économiques Monnaie et finance écologiques., Lagoarde-Ségot Thomas Ed., De Boeck, pp. 243-253, 2024
  • KARYOTIS, C., S. ALIJANI, "Social Investment Bonds" in Ecological Money and Finance: Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems., Thomas LAGOARDE-SEGOT Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 591-621, 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-14232-1_19
  • ALIJANI, S., "Responsible Finance and Social Impact: Assessing Alternative Forms of Social Engagement and Value Creation" in Finance Between Two Worlds, Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability., D. Bourghelle and .P. Rozin Ed., Emerald Group Publishers, 2021


  • ALIJANI, S., C.KARYOTIS, "Coping with impact investing antagonistic objectives: A multistakeholder approach", Research in International Business and Finance, January 2019, vol. 47, pp. 10-17
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ribaf.2018.04.002
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "La finance au service de l'économie et de la société - SBI et Impact investing : risque de financiarisation du social ou véritable outil ?", Revue Banque, January 2018, no. 815, pp. 123-126
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, D.DUPRÉ, E.RAUFFLET, "Une nécessaire refonte des enseignements et de la recherche en finance", La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, January 2016, vol. 1, no. 277, pp. 57-63
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "Soft commodities and the global financial crisis: Implications for the economy, resources and institutions", Research in International Business and Finance, May 2016, vol. 37, pp. 350-359
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ribaf.2016.01.007
  • ALIJANI, S., "Pathways to Innovation: Evidence from Competitiveness Clusters in France", Oxford Journal, October 2009, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 107-117

Book chapter

  • KARYOTIS, C., S. ALIJANI, "Les obligations à impact social" in Ouvertures économiques Monnaie et finance écologiques., Lagoarde-Ségot Thomas Ed., De Boeck, pp. 243-253, 2024
  • KARYOTIS, C., S. ALIJANI, "Social Investment Bonds" in Ecological Money and Finance: Exploring Sustainable Monetary and Financial Systems., Thomas LAGOARDE-SEGOT Ed., Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 591-621, 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/978-3-031-14232-1_19
  • ALIJANI, S., "Responsible Finance and Social Impact: Assessing Alternative Forms of Social Engagement and Value Creation" in Finance Between Two Worlds, Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability., D. Bourghelle and .P. Rozin Ed., Emerald Group Publishers, 2021
  • ALIJANI, S., "Entrepreneurial Capability & Leadership" in Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation & Entrepreneurship., Elias G. Carayannis Ed., Springer Science, 2020
  • ALIJANI, S., "De l’agilité à la peformance et tranformation organisationnelle" in Organisation des entreprises : quels changements ?., M. Huet, Lahaire-Marcouyoux, C. Eds, Pearson Education, pp. 23-34, 2019
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "Society at the Crossroads: The Path to a Sustainable Economy" in Volume 11 - Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability , Book Series: Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability., Sharam Alijani & Catherine Karyotis Ed., Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 3 - 23, 2017
    DOI : 10.1108/S2043-905920160000011021
  • ALIJANI, S., A. LUNA, J.CASTRO-SPILA, A. UNCETA, "Building Capabilities through Social Innovation: Implications for the Economy and Society" in Volume 11 - Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability , Book Series: Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability., Sharam Alijani, Catherine Karyotis Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 293 - 313, 2017
  • KOMATSU, T., A.DESERTI , F.RIZZO , M.CELI, S.ALIJANI, "Social Innovation Business Models: Coping with Antagonistic Objectives and Assets" in Book Series: Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability, Volume 11 - Finance and Economy for Society: Integrating Sustainability., Sharam Alijani, Catherine Karyotis Eds, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 315 - 347, 2017
  • ALIJANI, S., D.ASSADI, S.SOGALA, "An Exploratory Assessment of Customer Intelligence Information System in Microfinance Transactions: Evidence from India" in Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social innovation for competitive advantage., Ashta A. Ed., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 87-100, 2014
  • ALIJANI, S., "Capacités organisationnelles des territoires : sources, trajectoires et enjeux" in Management des capacités organisationnelles., Renard L., Soparnot R. Eds, EMS - Editions Management et Société, 2014
  • ALIJANI, S., "Entrepreneurial Capability & Leadership" in Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation & Entrepreneurship., Elias G. Carayannis Ed., Springer Science, pp. 603-614, 2013
  • ALIJANI, S., "Pathways to Innovation: Evidence from Competitiveness Clusters in France" in Emerging issues and challenges in business & economics: selected contributions from the 8th global conference., CIAMPI Francesco Ed., Firenze University Press, 2009

Academic conferences

  • ALIJANI, S., S. TURNBULL, W. SUN, "Symposium proponent and panelist: Democratically Governed Organizations, Managing Existential Risks for the Common Good" in European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, 2021, Montreal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., S. TURNBULL, W. SUN, "Symposium proponent and panelist: Democratically Governed Organizations, Managing Existential Risks for the Common Good" in European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, 2020, Dublin, Ireland
  • GANGI, F., J. MERIC, L. M. DANIELE, S. ALIJANI, C. KARYOTIS, R. JARDAT, "Symposium proponent and panelist: Business for Society Project: Next Step Finance for Society" in European Academy of Management Symposium, Trinity College, 2020, Dublin, Ireland
  • ALIJANI, S., W.SUN, S.ROBINSON, "Symposium proponent and panelist: Social Innovation Pathways: Public Engagement and Participative Democracy" in European Academy of Management (EURAM) Symposium, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), EURAM, 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  • ALIJANI, S., "Discussant: Financialization and Sustainabilit" in AFEP-IIPPE Congress -International Initiative for Promoting Polical Economy, Sciences Po, 2019, Lille, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Session Chair, Institutions and Entrepreneurship Policy", Academy of Management, 2019, Boston, United States
  • ALIJANI, S., "De l’agilité à la performance organisationnelle : l’analyse des fondements de la gouvernance transformationnelle (Conference session 460), Governance & Innovation" in Association francophone pour le savoir 87th ACFAS Congress, Université du Québec en Outaouais, 2019, Outaouais, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., F.HOMBERG, D.HERATH, C.WORELY, "Symposium proponent and panelist: Organizational Design and Agility: Implications for Society, Business and Environment" in EURAM, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  • ALIJANI, S., "De la coopération à la confrontation : l’étude des pays du Conseil de coopération du Golfe, (Conference session 429), Mondes arabes post-2011 : acteurs, évolutions sociopolitiques et (en)jeux géopolitiques" in Association francophone pour le savoir 87th ACFAS Congress, Université du Québec en Outaouais, 2019, Outaouais, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., D.PREVIATI, J.MERIC, L. M.DANIELE, F.GANGI, L.VANVITELLI, "Symposium proponent and panelist: Lending and Equity Crowdfunding and traditional financial services: competition or coopetition" in European Academy of Management (EURAM), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
  • ALIJANI, S., "Gouvernance et développement térritorial : quels liens et quelles dynamiques ? Colloque international ‘Gouvernance dans tous ses états’", Université de Montpellier 3 Paul Valéry et Université de Quebec à Outaouais, 2018, Montpellier, France
  • ALIJANI, S., W.SUN, S.ROBISNON, "Social Innovation Pathways: Public Engagement and Participative Democracy: From Knowledge Creation to Social Engagement" in European Academy of Management Symposium, University of Iceland, 2018, Raykjavic, Iceland
  • ALIJANI, S., "Développement durable comme accélérateur de création de la valeur sociale et partagée," in Colloque ‘Gouvernance d’entreprise et développement durable : de la valeur actionnariale à la valeur partagée, Association francophone pour le savoir 86ème conférence ACFAS, UQAC, 2018, Chicoutimi, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Coopération régionale comme levier de dynamique économique et croissance partagée" in Colloque ‘Coopération internationale et développement régional : enjeux et défis des régions’ - Association francophone pour le savoir 86ème conférence ACFAS, UQAC, 2018, Chicoutimi, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., W.SUN, T.CLARKE, "Governance, Collective Action and Social Innovation: Rediscovering the Boundaries of Sustainable Cooperation" in European Academy of Management Symposium, Strathclyde Business School, 2017, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • ALIJANI, S., C.KARYOTIS, "Impact Investing: du ROI au SROI, vers une trajectoire de desencastrement ?" in RIODD 12th Annual Conference, 2017, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "La place de l’entrepreneuriat féminin et son impact sur le développement du capital social et la performance économique : quels processus et quels liens ?" in 85ème conférence ACFAS, McGill University Montreal, 2017, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Les dilemmes et contingences des innovateurs sociaux : les formes d’agir, les processus d’émergence et le changement d’échelle" in Colloque ‘Trajectoires des innovations sociales : entre innovation et isomorphisme’ - Association francophone pour le savoir 85ème conférence ACFAS, McGill University Montreal, 2017, Montréal, Canada
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "L’impact investing : du ROI au SROI ou vers le désencastrement ?" in RIODD (Réseau International sur les Organisations et le Développement Durable), 2017, Paris, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Social Innovation Boundaries and Contingencies: Institutional Isomorphism and Open Social Innovation" in International Social Innovation Research Conference, 2017, Melbourne, Australia
  • ALIJANI, S., "Trajectoires des organismes publics et des organismes sans but lucratif : quels liens entre la gouvernance et la performance ?" in Colloque ‘Gouvernance et performance, une perspective internationale’ - 85ème conférence ACFAS, McGill University Montreal, 2017, Montréal, Australia
  • ALIJANI, S., "Funding and Management of French Social Enterprises: Coping with Performance, Governance and Sustainability Challenges" in 9th International Social Innovation Research Conference, 2017, Melbourne, Australia
  • ALIJANI, S., "La politique d’influence de l’Iran au Machrek" in 3èmes Journées Géopolitiques de Reims, 2016, Reims, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Antecedents, Drivers and Outcomes of Social Investment: Assessing and Comparing Financial Innovation and Social Impact Investing in France" in International Social Innovation Research Conference, 2016, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • ALIJANI, S., "Social Innovation Pathways: Economic Choices and Social Capabilities" in Making Utopias Real, Social Innovation, Movements and Change, European Group for Organisation Studies (EGOS), 2016, Naples, Italy
  • ALIJANI, S., D.REHFELD, W.SUN, T.CLARKE, "Governance, Collective Action and Social Innovation: Rediscovering the Boundaries of Sustainable Cooperation" in European Academy of Management Symposium, 2016, Paris, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "New Economic Dynamics in the East: Eastern Europe, Central and Eastern Asia" in Colloque Crises et mutuations contemporaines, Champagne-Ardenne, Université de Reims, 2016, Reims, France
  • ALIJANI, S., F.MANCEBO, "Limites et contingences de l’analyse systémique de la durabilité: l’exemple des villes françaises" in Colloque ‘Opérationnalisation du développement durable: quel rôle pour l’analyse systémique de durabilité’ 84ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2016, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "La finance alternative comme catalyseur du développement territorial et entrepreneurial : Le cas de la microfinance et du financement participatif" in Colloque ‘De la microfinance au financement participatif: quelles perspectives pour l’entrepreneuriat et le développement territorial’ 84ème conférence ACFAS, 2016, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "L’acceptabilité sociale et l’action collective: quels liens et processus et quel développement?," in Colloque ‘L’acceptabilité sociale, mouvements sociaux, démocratie participative et vision du monde’ 84ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2016, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Frein ou catalyseur ? L’impact de l’économie informelle sur l’entrepreneuriat et l’emploi" in Colloque ‘L’économie informelle, l’entrepreneuriat et l’emploi’ 84ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2016, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Urban Social Innovation, Resources, Infrastructure, Networks" in Urban Social Innovation Ecosystems European Meeting, 2016, San Sebastian, Spain
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "Rethinking Research and Teaching in Finance: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach" in INFINITI, 2016, Dublin
  • ALIJANI, S., "Agir et innover en temps de crise: l’innovation sociale à l’épreuve des réformes et de l'austérité , Colloque ‘L’innovation sociale en contexte d’austérité’" in 83ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2015, Rimouski, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "L'innovation sociale en contexte d'austérité" in Association francophone pour le savoir, 83ème congrès, Agir et innover en temps de crise : l’innovation sociale à l’épreuve des réformes et de l'austérité, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2015, Rimouski, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., F.MANCEBO, "Trajectoires et enjeux du développement territorial face aux contingences des ressources communes et de développement durable" in Colloque ‘Ressources naturelles, gouvernance et communautés : refonder le développement des territoires’ 83ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2015, Rimouski, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Crowdfunding as Social Innovation" in 6th International Conference on Institutional and Technological Environment of Microfinance, 2015, Lyon, France
  • ALIJANI, S., B.PARENQUE, "Cooperatives, Communities and the Commons: Exploring Alternative Models of Value Creation and Common-Pool Resources" in Conference ‘Finance, Economy, Society: Toward a Sustainable Re-embedding, European Academy of Management, 2015, Warsaw, Poland
  • ALIJANI, S., "Microfinance and Crowdfunding Value Creation Dynamics: A Catalyst for Social Innovation" in Uncertainty is a great opportunity, European Academy of Management, 2015, Varsovie, Poland
  • ALIJANI, S., M.BOURGEOIS-BERTREL, C.KARYOTIS, "Le passage en Scop, une démarche identitaire socialement innovante" in 14ème et 15ème rencontre sur la Prospective des métiers, 2015, Paris, France
  • ALIJANI, S., D.ASSADI, A.ASHTA, "Microfinance and Crowdfunding Value Creation Dynamics: A Catalyst for Social Innovation" in Conference ‘Finance, Economy, Society: Toward a Sustainable Re-embedding, European Academy of Management, 2015, Warsaw, Poland
  • ALIJANI, S., "From Economic Roots to Social Choices: an Exploratory Study of the Economic Foundations of Social Innovation" in International Social Innovation Research Conference, 2015, York, United Kingdom
  • ALIJANI, S., "Economic Roots and Social Choices: An Assessment of Economic Foundations of Social Innovation" in Pathways to Social Innovation Conference, 2015, Vienna, Austria
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "Une refonte des enseignements et de la recherche en finance" in Journée du Litem, Telecom EM, 2015, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Open Innovation and Workplace Contingencies: an exploratory assessement" in 1st, International Conference on Social Boundaries of Work, 2015, Wroclaw, Poland
  • ALIJANI, S., "Open Innovation and Workplace Contingencies: an Exploratory Assessment" in International Conference on Social Boundaries of Work, 2014, Wroclaw, Poland
  • ALIJANI, S., "Microfoundations of Ethical Marketing Decision Making" in Conference ‘Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era', Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2014, Indianapolis, United States
  • ALIJANI, S., F.MANCEBO, "Changement climatique, gouvernance urbaine et la transition à la durabilité des villes" in 82ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2014, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., C.KARYOTIS, "Financialization, Agricultural Markets, and Common-Pool Resources: A Multilevel Analys" in Conference ‘Finance, Economy, Society: Toward a Sustainable Re-embedding’, European Academy of Management, 2014, Valencia, Spain
  • ALIJANI, S., "Innovation sociale et développement durable: quels liens et quelles dynamiques ?" in Colloque La politique nationale de la recherche et de l’innovation : vers un système québécois d’innovation sociale 82ème conférence ACFAS, Association francophone pour le savoir, 2014, Montréal, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., C.KARYOTIS, "Financialization and soft commodities" in International Federation of Scholarly Federaions of Management (IFSAM) World Congres, Meij University, 2014, Tokyo, Japan
  • ALIJANI, S., "Social innovation through cross-sector partnerships" in 14th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, European Academy of Management, 2014, Valencia, Spain
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "Financialization and soft commodities" in IFSAM World Congress, Meiji University, 2014, Japan
  • KARYOTIS, C., S.ALIJANI, "Financialization, Agricultural Markets, and Common-Pool Resources: A Multilevel Analysis" in Euram, Meiji University, 2014, Japan
  • ALIJANI, S., C.KARYOTIS, "Quand la financiarisation des économies touche les marchés des denrées alimentaires" in 10th International ESEE Conference: Ecological Economics & Institutional Dynamics, Université Lille, 2013, France
  • ALIJANI, S., C.KARYOTIS, "An Exploratory Post-Crisis Assessment of the Paradigm Shift in Microfinance Institutions and Institutional Sustainability" in 13th EURAM Conference (European Academy of Management), Galatasarai University, 2013, Turkey
  • ALIJANI, S., "Enjeux & perspectives des organisations d’économie sociale face aux logiques d’acteurs : Le cas des entreprises collectives" in XIIIe Rencontres du Réseau inter-universitaire de l'économie sociale et solidaire (RIUES), Université d’Angers - MSH et ESSCA, 2013, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Enhancing Organizational and Marketing Efficiency through Ethical Decision-Making: Implications and Propositions for Stakeholders" in Academy of marketing science: 42nd Annual conference, Portola Platza Hotel, 2013, United States
  • ALIJANI, S., "Review and Assessment of Regional Innovation Systems: Actors, Contexts, and Trajectories" in The first Annual Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 2012, France
  • ALIJANI, S., F.MANCEBO, "Trajectoires de croissance urbaine et dynamique des acteurs face aux contingences du développement territorial" in 80e Congrès de l'ACFAS (Association Francocophone pour le savoir) - Colloque 469 - Espaces ouverts des agglomérations urbaines : constructions territoriales, régulations et dynamiques de gouvernance métropolitaine, Palais des Congrès, 2012, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Building Dynamic Capabilities and Marketing Strategies through Trust: An Exploratory Model of Employee-Customer Relashionship" in AMS (Academy of Management Science) World Marketing Congress - Cultural Perspectives in Marketing, 2012, United States
  • ALIJANI, S., "Assessing Organizational Capacities through Cognitive Capabilities" in 80e Congrès de l'ACFAS (Association Francocophone pour le savoir) - Colloque 645 - Management des capacités organisationnelles, Palais des Congrès, 2012, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Pathways to Social Innovation: From Economic Choices to Social Capabilities" in XIIèmes Rencontres de RIUESS (Réseau Inter-Universitaire de l'Economie Sociale et Solidaire), Université de Nancy, 2012, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Pathways to dynamic capacities: assessing and implementing ERP solutions in institutions of higher education" in Management of organizational capacities/79th annual ACFAS conference, Sherbrooke University, 2011, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Assessing Entrepreneurial Trajectories: Contexts, Actors and Policies: Evidence from France's Auto-Entrepreneur's Policy Initiative" in Entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable development, Université du littoral Côte d'Opale, 2011, France
  • ALIJANI, S., L.FRANK, "Les impacts de la gestion aéroportuaire sur le développement des territoires : Le cas de l'aéroport d'Ottawa" in Territoires, Emploi et Politiques Publiques, Université Paul Verlaine, 2011, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Creating dynamic capabilities through knowledge integration and exploitation: evidence from the high tech firms" in Colloque Management des Capacités Organisationnelles - ACFAS, Université de Montréal, 2010, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Pathways to Organizational Capacities: Review, Proposition and Assessment of the Determinants of Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Dynamics" in 77th Association Francophone pour le Savoir (ACFAS) Conference, University of Ottawa, 2009, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Enhancing organizational capacities through trust: implications for business innovation and organizational change" in 76th ACFAS Conference (Association francophone pour le savoir), 2008, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Pathways to innovation: evidence from competitiveness clusters in France" in 8th Global Conference on Business and Economics, 2008, Italy
  • ALIJANI, S., "Value creation and trust: review, implications and propositions for the firm and its employees" in 7th Global conference on business and economics, 2007, Italy

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • ALIJANI, S. - "Economic Dimensions of Social Innovation, Boosting SI’s Social and Economic Impact, Institute for Work & Technology 14-25" - 2017, Gelsenkirchen, Germany
  • ALIJANI, S., "Gelsenkirchen: Institute for Work and Technology.", FP7-SSH.2013.1.1-1-613411-SIMPACT – T2.1, 2017
  • ALIJANI, S., R. WINTJES, "‘Interplay between Social and Technology Innovation’, SIMPACT Woriking Paper,", 2017
  • ALIJANI, S. - "Comparative Report on Social Innovation Framework, European Union" - 2015, Brussels
  • ALIJANI, S., R.DEBREF, L.THOMAS, M.BOUDES, D.MANGALAGIU, "Meta-Analysis of Social Innovation across Europe", European Union FP7-SSH.2013.1.1-1-613411-SIMPACT – D3.1, 2015
  • BERTREL, M., C. KARYOTIS, S. ALIJANI, "Le passage en Scop, une démarche identitaire socialement innovante" in 14ème et 15ème rencontres sur la Prospective des métiers, 2015, Paris, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Les enjeux du tourisme responsable : le rôle des acteurs et des institutions face aux contingences du développement durable" in Association francophone pour le savoir ACFAS Colloque 436 : Mobilité touristique et développement durable, 2013, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., F.MANCEBO, "Trajectoires d'innovation sociale : Choix et contingences des territoires face aux enjeux de développement et de justice" in Association francophone pour la savoir ACFAS Colloque 7 : Au-delà des secteurs et des disciplines : la co-production de la connaissance sur l'innovation sociale, 2013, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Paradigme de création et partage de valeur face aux enjeux de durabilité territoriale : contextes, acteurs et institutions acteurs et institutions" in Microfinance Insight Forum 7ième édition LOCALOPMENT de Slow Money à la Microfinance, 2013, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Gouvernance et performance des entreprises publiques et d'économie sociale : quels liens et quels processus ?" in Association francophone pour la savoir ACFAS Colloque 458 : Peut-on naviguer sans gouvernail ? La gouvernance et les indicateurs d'évaluation dans les entreprises publiques et d'économie sociale, 2013, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., F.MANCEBO, "Dynamiques de construction territoriale et de gouvernance urbaine face aux enjeux du développement durable" in Association francophone pour le savoir ACFAS Colloque 614 : Lieux de passage et vivre-ensemble : L'urbanisation diffuse à l'aune du développement durable : défi d'aménagement réaliste ou quadrature du cercle ?, 2013, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., D.ASSADI, S.SOGALA, "An Exploratory Assessment of Customer Intelligence Information System in Microfinance Transactions" in 4th International Conference on Institutional and Technological Environment for Microfinance (ITEM 4), 2013, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Limites et contingences de conduite des grands projets : Exemples des ressources communes" in Association francophone pour le savoir ACFAS Colloque 645 : Grands projets, changements et mutualisations des savoirs, 2013, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "How Does Metropolitan Governance Dynamics Meet Sustainability Requirements?" in 2nd International Conference in Sustainability Studies - Which Systems of Governance for Which Sustainability after Rio+20? When Planning Becomes a Democratic Exercise, 2012, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "A comparative framework for Assessing Asian & European Entrepreneurship Dynamics" in 3rd Workshop on Asian Management and Entrepreneurship, 2011, Belgium
  • ALIJANI, S., L.FRANK, "Gestion aéroportuaire et développement des territoires : le rayonnement économique de l'aéroport d'Ottawa" in Villes en Devenir, 2011, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "A comparative framework for assessing organizational capacities of SMEs: evidence from France and the United States" in Ecole d'été du réseau de recherche sur l'innovation, 2010, France
  • ALIJANI, S., "Entrepreneurial and Actionbased Research" in Student Conference on Business Research, 2010, Canada
  • ALIJANI, S., "Innovation dynamics, knowledge economy and the spatial organization of the SMEs" Journée de la Recherche Reims Management School. 2006, France