HDR (Authorization to supervise research), Management, Information Systems
Oihab Allal-Chérif is Full Professor in Information Systems Management and Purchase Management at NEOMA Business School in Reims, France. He received his doctorate in Management Science from Université Grenoble-Alpes and his post-doctoral accreditation to supervise research from Université de Nantes. His areas of research are Information Systems and Purchasing Management in general, and more specifically, e-business, serious games, digital transformation, cloud computing, digital heritage, and open innovation. His research work has been published in Journal of Business Research, Journal of Global Information Management, Systems Information and Management, and other ranked academic journals. He also enjoys publishing book chapters and case studies. Oihab is on the editorial board of several academic journals and has participated in the organization of numerous research events. He has held managerial positions within the Faculty and participated in the creation and development of teaching programs.
Areas of research
- Digital transformation
- Artificial intelligence
- Serious games
- Purchasing and supply management.
Recent academic contributions
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Building the meta-museum of the future: using artificial intelligence and virtual reality to power an immersive experiential tailor-made museum from anywhere" in International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, 2024
POISSONNIER, H., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, M. A. LE DAIN, "Developing a sustainable buyer-supplier collaboration: an approach based on Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, January 2024, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-14
DOI : 10.1080/16258312.2023.2288851 - ALLAL-CHERIF, O., J. F. GALLEGO-NICHOLLS, A. CARRILERO-CASTILLO, F. J. SENDRA GARCIA, "Stepping out of the innovation race to embrace outnovation: fostering well-being and responsible consumption through sustainability, simplicity, authenticity, and nostalgia" in Academy of Innovation Entrepreneurship and Knowledge, 2024, Paris
POISSONNIER, H., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, M. A. LE DAIN, "Developing a sustainable buyer-supplier collaboration: an approach based on Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, January 2024, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-14
DOI : 10.1080/16258312.2023.2288851 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., R. PUERTAS, P. CARRACEDO, "Intelligent influencer marketing: how AI-powered virtual influencers outperform human influencers", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, March 2024, vol. 200, no. 123113, pp. 1-14
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.123113 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., J. M. GUAITA MARTINEZ, E. MONTESINOS SANSALONI, "Sustainable esports entrepreneurs in emerging countries: Audacity, resourcefulness, innovation, transmission, and resilience in adversity", Journal of Business Research, January 2024, vol. 171, pp. 114382
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114382 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Born to be sustainable: how to combine strategic disruption, open innovation, and process digitization to create a sustainable business", Journal of Business Research, January 2023, no. 154
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.113379 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., E. LOMBARDO, F. JAOTOMBO, "Serious games for managers: Creating cognitive, financial, technological, social, and emotional value in in-service training", Journal of Business Research, July 2022, vol. 146, pp. 166-175
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2022.03.083 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A. GOMBAULT, C. CHARLES, "American Latter-Day Saint Business Leaders: A Meta-Ethical, Prosocial, and Transformational Leadership", Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, August 2022, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 422-450
DOI : 10.51327/YUGX1495 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M. GUIJARRO-GARCIA, K. ULRICH, "Fostering sustainable growth in aeronautics: Open social innovation, multifunctional team management, and collaborative governance", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2022, vol. 174, no. 121269, pp. 1-8
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.121269 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Intelligent cathedrals: Using augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence to provide an intense cultural, historical, and religious visitor experience", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, May 2022, vol. 178
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121604 -
DECAMPS, A., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, A. GOMBAULT, "Fostering Knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities: The Case of Sulitest", Sustainability, November 2021, vol. 13, no. 23, pp. 13215
DOI : 10.3390/su132313215 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M. GUIJARRO-GARCIA, J. C. BALLESTER-MIQUEL, A. CARRILERO-CASTILLO, "Being an ethical leader during the apocalypse: Lessons from the walking dead to face the COVID-19 crisis", Journal of Business Research, September 2021, vol. 133, pp. 354-364
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.05.008 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., V.SIMON-MOYA, A.BALLESTER, "Intelligent purchasing: How artificial intelligence can redefine the purchasing function", Journal of Business Research, January 2021, vol. 124, pp. 69-76
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2020.11.050 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A. YELA ARANEGA, R. CASTAÑO SANCHEZ, "Intelligent recruitment: How to identify, select, and retain talents from around the world using artificial intelligence", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, August 2021, vol. 169, no. 120822, pp. 1-11
DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2021.120822 -
MAKHLOUF, M., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Strategic Values of Cloud Computing Transformation", Journal of Global Information Management, January 2019, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 128-143
DOI : 10.4018/JGIM.2019010107 -
GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.DECAMPS, C.GRELLIER, "ICT Adoption Behaviours of Heritage Organizations in South West Europe: Conservative, Pragmatist and Pioneering", International Journal of Arts Management, 2018, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 4-16
BOMPAR, L., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "La dynamique de la confiance sur la coopération acheteur / vendeur en B2B", Logistique & Management, January 2017, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 253-265
DOI : 10.1080/12507970.2017.1376602 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Promoting and managing collaborative performance", Strategic Direction, February 2017, vol. 33, no. 2
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.BIDAN, "Collaborative open training with serious games: Relations, culture, knowledge, innovation, and desire", Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, January 2017, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 31-38
DOI : 10.1016/j.jik.2016.06.003 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., H.POISSONNIER, "Achats et création de valeur durable", Logistique & Management, December 2017, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 251-252
DOI : 10.1080/12507970.2017.1393241 -
GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.DÉCAMPS, "ICT adoption in heritage organizations: Crossing the chasm", Journal of Business Research, November 2016, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 5135-5140
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2016.04.093 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.BIDAN, M.MAKHLOUF, "Using serious games to manage knowledge and competencies: The seven-step development process", Information Systems Frontiers, December 2016, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1153-1163
DOI : 10.1007/s10796-016-9649-7 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Using Serious Games for Human Resource Management: Lessons From France's Top 40 Companies", Global Business and Organizational Excellence, March 2016, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 27-36
DOI : 10.1002/joe.21668 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Using serious games to manage knowledge: The SECI model perspective", Journal of Business Research, May 2016, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 1539-1543
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2015.10.013 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "The Way Towards Open Innovation: Airbus Multi-Functional Teams", European Scientific Journal, December 2015, vol. 11, pp. 129-139
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Implementing a sustainable purchasing policy: an exploratory sudy in the Colas Group", European Scientific Journal, November 2015, vol. 11, pp. 427-437
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Achats et Open Innovation : l'A380 le Technocampus EMC² d'Airbus", Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, March 2015, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 7-26
MAKHLOUF, M., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Pertinence and Feasibility of a Unifying Holistic Approach of IT Governance", International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, January 2015, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 1-15
DOI : 10.4018/IJITBAG.2015010101 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, A.BAJARD, "Les serious games au service de la gestion des ressources humaines : une cartographie dans les entreprises du CAC40", Revue Système d'Information et Management, March 2014, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 97-126
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Using Serious Games to Recruit, Integrate and Train your Employees: an Exploratory Study of Practices", European Scientific Journal, May 2014, no. Special Issue, pp. 283-292
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Le rôle de la fonction achats dans l'innovation ouverte : une observation participante chez Airbus", Revue Management et Gouvernance, January 2014, no. 11
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment bien collaborer avec des clients qui vous détestent ?", Revue Profession Achat, September 2013, no. 51, pp. 18-19
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Les acheteurs sont-ils trop ou mal payés ?", Revue Profession Achat, June 2013, no. 50, pp. 14-15
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Pourquoi la fonction achats va-t-elle (et doit-elle) bientôt disparaître de vos entreprises ?", Revue Profession Achat, June 2013, no. 50, pp. 24-26
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Pourquoi garder des PME dans notre panel de fournisseurs ?", Revue Profession Achat, March 2013, no. 49, pp. 38-39
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Improving Sustainable Procurement: The Role of Information Systems", International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications, January 2012, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 42-58
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.-Z.BABAI, "Do Electronic Marketplaces Improve Procurement Performance?", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, December 2012, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 40-54
DOI : 10.1080/16258312.2012.11517297 -
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.-Z.BABAI, M.BIDAN, "Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal,", Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, January 2012, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 2-3
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., S.MAIRA, "Collaboration as an Anti-Crisis Solution: The Role of the Procurement Function", International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, November 2011, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 860-877
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.FAVIER, "Le modèle économique des places de marché électroniques. Du transactionnel au collaboratif", Revue Française de Gestion, January 2008, no. 181, pp. 161-173
DOI : 10.3166/RFG.181.161-173
Book chapter
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Cas Patagonia - Des achats responsables pour une croissance durable" in Cas en Management des Achats., Gwenaëlle Oruezabala et Hugues Poissonnier Ed., Editions EMS, pp. 98-110, 2021
MAKHLOUF, M., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, "Strategic Values of Cloud Computing Transformation: A Multi-Case Study of 173 Adopters" in Research Anthology on Architectures, Frameworks, and Integration Strategies for Distributed and Cloud Computing., Information Resources Management Association Ed., IGI Global Editions, pp. 1668-1684, 2021
DOI : 10.4018/978-1-7998-5339-8.ch081 - ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A. GOMBAULT, "The expansion of virtual spaces of superstar and star museums during the COVID-19 lockdown" in The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations., Federica De Molli, Marilena Vecco Eds, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., L.ARENA, "Étienne Wenger : les communautés de pratique au service de la connaissance située et de l’apprentissage social" in Les grands auteurs en management des systèmes d’information., M., Kalika, I., Walsh, & C., Dominguez-Pery Eds, EMS - Editions Management et Société, 2018
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.DECAMPS, C.GRELLIER, "Coping with ICT adoption, a difficult route for heritage in Southern Europe" in Culture, Innovation and the Economy., B., Mickov, & J. E., Doyle Eds, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group - Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, 2017
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Les styles de leadership selon The Walking Dead" in De MacGyver à Mad Men : quand les série TV nous enseignent le managemen., B., Aubert, & B., Meyronin Eds, Dunod, pp. 57-79, 2017
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., H.POISSONNIER, "Richard C. Lamming : La conceptualisation prophétique des réseaux logistiques collaboratifs, innovants et durables" in Les grands auteurs en logistique et supply chain management., Poissonnier H. Ed., EMS - Editions Management et Société, pp. 207-221, 2016
- MAKHLOUF, M., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "IS Governance, Agility and Strategic Flexibility in Multi-Approaches Based Management Companies" in Organizational Innovation and Change., Lect.Notes Information Syst., Organisation, Vol.13 Cecilia Rossignoli et al. Eds, Springer, 2015
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "How can Information Systems Improve Sustainable Procurement Policies" in Developing Business Strategies and Identifying Risk Factors in Modern Organizations., M. Tavana Ed., IGI Global, pp. 48-68, 2014
DOI : 10.4018/978-1-4666-4860-9.ch004 - ALLAL-CHERIF, O., D.ASSIMAKOPOULOS, "A typology of French Marketplaces: looking into a collaborative future" in Pervasive Collaborative Networks, 9th IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises., Camarinha-Matos L.M, Picard W. Eds, Springer, 2008
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., S.MAIRA, "E-business, mise en oeuvre d’une solution e-procurement" in Piloter les Technologies de l'information et de la communication., Marciniak R. Ed., Weka, 2006
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., B.GUMB, S.MAIRA, "Chapitre II : Achats / Logistique – Étude de cas RichNeeds" in Des Idées pour décider., Gumb B. Ed., Collection village mondial, 2005
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., O.DUPOUET, Optimisez votre système d'information ! Vers la PME numérique en réseau, Editions AFNOR, Paris, 2014
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., O.DUPOUET, L'AlphaBEM de l'entreprise numérique, Bordeaux Ecole de Management, Bordeaux, France, 2012
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., R.PLANTEY, Optimisez vos Achats ! Construisez votre performance de demain, TPE PME, Editions AFNOR, Paris, 2011
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.-Z.BABAI, The Sustainable Supply Chain, Bordeaux Ecole de Management, Bordeaux, 2011
Academic conferences
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Building the meta-museum of the future: using artificial intelligence and virtual reality to power an immersive experiential tailor-made museum from anywhere" in International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management AIMAC, 2024
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., J. F. GALLEGO-NICHOLLS, A. CARRILERO-CASTILLO, F. J. SENDRA GARCIA, "Stepping out of the innovation race to embrace outnovation: fostering well-being and responsible consumption through sustainability, simplicity, authenticity, and nostalgia" in Academy of Innovation Entrepreneurship and Knowledge, 2024, Paris
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M. A. LE DAIN, H. POISSONNIER, "How to deal with paradoxes in purchasing and supply management: resolving paradoxes when collaborating with strategic suppliers to innovate" in International Purchasing & Supply Education & Research Association, 2024, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Sustainable esports entrepreneurs in emerging countries: audacity, resourcefulness, innovation, transmission, and resilience in adversity" in Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge (ACIEK) Conference, Madrid, June, 20-23, 2023
- LE DAIN, M.-A., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, H. POISSONNIER, "Embracing paradox theory in purchasing and supply management: an extensive and systematic literature review and research agenda" in IPSERA 2023: 32nd Conference of the International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association, 2023, Barcelone
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Born to be sustainable: how to combine strategic disruption, open sustainable product innovation, and process digitization to create a sustainable business" in ACIEK 2022, 16TH Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference,, 2022, Sevilla, Spain
- POISSONNIER, H., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, M.-A. LE DAIN, "Developing a productive and sustainable buyer-supplier collaboration: an approach based on Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory" in IPSERA Conference, 2022, Jönköping, Sweden
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Fostering sustainable growth in aeronautics: open social innovation, multifunctional team management, and collaborative governance" in Conference of the Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge, Sorbonne, France, 2021
- MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Network Design under Uncertain Demand:an Alternative Capacitated Location DecisionFramework" in X International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems, Sevilla, Spain, January 23-24, 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Intelligent Purchasing: How artificial intelligence can redefine the purchasing function" in 11th Academy of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Conference, online, June 23-24, 2020
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Les entrepreneurs créatifs du e-sport en Afrique : entre innovation frugale et résilience" in Conférence Annuelle de l'Association Information et Management, online, 11-12 juin, 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "L’uberisation du recrutement : comment mieux identifier, sélectionner et fidéliser les talents du monde entier grâce aux technologies numériques" in 24ème conférence de l'AIM, Association Information et Management (AIM), 2019
- DECAMPS, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.GOMBAULT, "Fostering Knowledge of Sustainable Development in 177 Universities and Business Schools in 33 countries: The Rise of a Societal Innovation" in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Academy 2019 Conference (INEKA 2019), Verona, Italy, 2019, Verona, Italie
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Fostering Knowledge of Sustainable Development in 177 Universities and Business Schools in 33 countries: The Rise of a Societal Innovation" in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Academy INEKA, 2019, Verone, Italy
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Open Access Museum Revolution: Learning From the Pioneers" in 15th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2019), Venice, Italy, 2019
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.DECAMPS, C.GRELLIER, "Coping with ICT Adoption: a difficult route for heritage in Southern Europe" in AIMAC - International Conference on Arts & Cultural Management, 2017, Beijing
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A.GOMBAULT, A.DECAMPS, "French arts museums going digital: From a vicious to a virtuous cycle" in 7th Conference of the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., E.LOMBARDO, "Conception, optimisation, cognition, émotion et socialisation : quelle valeur créent réellement les serious games ?" in 22ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management (AIM), 2017, Paris, France
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.BIDAN, "Collaborative open training with serious games: relations, culture, knowledge, innovation and desire" in 6th Conference of the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), 2016, Valencia, Spain
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, A.DECAMPS, "How to improve ICT adoption in heritage organizations: crossing the chasm"" in 6th Conference of the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), 2016
- MAKHLOUF, M., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, M.DUMAS, "Determinants of the Decision to Transform Towards Cloud: an Exploratory Analysis of 225 CISCO Case Studies" in 49th International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 3948-3958, 2016, Kauai,
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Implementing a sustainable purchasing policy: an exploratory study in the Colas Group." in 3rd Global Academic Meeting (GAM), 2015, New York
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Utiliser des jeux pour collecter, formaliser et diffuser les connaissances et les bonnes pratiques : une étude exploratoire orientée par le modèle SECI." in 20ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management (AIM), 2015, Casablanca, Morocco
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "The Way towards Open Innovation: Airbus Multi-Functional Teams." in 4th Global Academic Meeting (GAM), 2015, Dubaï
- MAKHLOUF, M., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Les déterminants de la prise de décision de transformation vers le cloud : une analyse exploratoire de 225 études de cas CISCO" in 20ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management (AIM), 2015, Casablanca, Morocco
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Using serious games to manage knowledge: the SECI model perspective" in 5th Conference of the Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA), 2015, Valencia, Spain
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Serious Games and Their Use in HRM: A Typology of Uses in CAC40 Companies" in International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 2015, Hawaii,
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Pertinence and feasibility of unifying holistic approach of IT governance" in International Conference on System Sciences, 2015, Hawaii
- MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, K.LUO, O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "New products supply chains: the effect of short lifecycles on the supply chain network design" in REDLOCA, 2015, Barcelona
- MENEZES, M., D.RUIZ-HERNANDEZ, K.LUO, O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "New Product Network Design: Facility Location and Capacity Decisions under Uncertainty" in Institute For Operations Research and the Management Sciences Conference, INFORMS, 2015, Philadelphia,, United States
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Diversité et créativité dans les usages des serious games : une étude exploratoire dans les entreprises du CAC40" in Transcreativa, Creative industries and social innovations: concepts, practices and policies, 2014
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.MAKHLOUF, "Mise en oeuvre d'un projet logistique transversal dans une entreprise où plusieurs approches managériales différentes sont utilisées : une étude de cas dans un grand groupe de télécommunication" in 10ème Rencontres Internationales de Recherche en Logistique (RIRL), 2014, Marseille
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Les jeux sérieux au service du management des ressources humaines : une typologie des usages dans les entreprises du CAC40" in 19ème Conférence de l'Association Information et Management (AIM), 2014, Aix-en-Provence
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Using Serious Games to Recruit, Integrate and Train your Employees: an Exploratory Study of Practices" in Global Multidisciplinary Academic Meeting (GAM), 2014, Praia, Cape Verde
- MAKHLOUF, M., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "IS Governance, Agility and Strategic Flexibility in Multi-Approaches Based Management Companies" in 11th Conference of the Italian Chapter of AIS (ItAIS), 2014, Genova, Italy
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.FAVIER, D.ASSIMAKOPOULOS, "A business model for French Marketplaces" in 13ème Colloque de l’Association Informatique et Management (AIM), 2008, France
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Le polymorphisme du e-business : étude de cas pédagogique Alvéole adaptée d'un cas réel" in 13ème Colloque de l’Association Informatique et Management (AIM), 2008, France
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.FAVIER, "Présent et Futur des places de marché en France" in 15ème conférence de l'Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), 2006, France
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., B.GUMB, S.MAIRA, "Cas Richneeds : le choix d’une solution eprocurement" in 10ème Colloque de l’Association Informatique et Management (AIM), 2005, France
Published cases with instructional materials
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O. - "L’innovation au coeur de la stratégie du groupe Total" - 2017, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A.JEAGLER - "Le Groupe Colas : la RSE au coeur de la relation fournisseur et de la performance achats" - 2016, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A.JEAGLER - "Airbus : la Collaboration vecteur d'Innovation et de Compétitivité" - 2015, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O. - "Le cas Alvéole : le choix d'une solution e-business" - 2009, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., C.CHARLES, "Optimizing the Societal Impact of International Religious Humanitarian Projects: A Study of the Social Function of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" in Decentered Mormonism, 2019, Bordeaux, France
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Open access museum revolution: learning from the pioneers" in 14th Annual Conference of China AAEA (China Arts Administration Education Association), 2019, Beijing, China
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M.FAVIER, "Places de marché : du transactionnel au collaboratif" in Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management Electronique, 2008, France
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., J.HEILI, "Le modèle du libre au secours des modèles privés : une application aux places de marché électroniques" in Colloque International Online Services : Networks, Content,Usages, 2007, France
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., D.ASSIMAKOPOULOS, "Marketplaces destiny: how to find a successful business model" in 2nd European conference on Management of Technology EuroIAMOT, 2006, United Kingdom
Professional journals
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment rendre votre entreprise plus inclusive ? L’exemple d’AXA.", Forbes, Juin 2024
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Le Brésil : pionnier de l’influence virtuelle", Forbes, February 2024
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "L’e-sport, facteur d’inclusion et d’ascension sociale ?", The Conversation, March 2024
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Pourquoi Elon Musk attaque OpenAI ?", Forbes, March 2024
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Taylor Swift, l'icône pop qui influence la technologie", The Conversation, May 2024
- POISSONNIER, H., M.-A. LE DAIN, O. ALLAL-CHERIF, "Management bienveillant : pourquoi il ne faut pas prendre les dilemmes pour des paradoxes, En ligne", Harvard Business Review France, January 2024
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "GTA VI, le jeu vidéo le plus attendu de tous les temps", The Conversation, January 2024
- POISSONNIER, H., O. ALLAL-CHERIF, M.-A. LE DAIN, "Partage et respect dans les relations acheteurs-fournisseurs",, December 2023
- GELDAGE, P., J.-M. HUET, O. ALLAL-CHERIF, "Comment créer une entreprise génétiquement durable", Harvard Business Review France, October 2023, vol. En ligne
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Salon du Bourget : L'aéronautique entre décarbonation, relocalisation et nouvelle compétition", The Conversation, June 2023
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment le numérique a propulsé la campagne de Jean-Luc Mélenchon", Forbes, April 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment les saints des derniers jours influencent le management mondial", The Conversation, December 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Les influenceurs virtuels sont-ils plus puissants que les influenceurs humains ?", The Conversation, September 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., J.-M. HUET, P. GEDALGE, "Etre un leader éthique pendant l’apocalypse", Harvard Business Review France, December 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Êtes-vous bien cyber-protégé ?", Forbes, March 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Univers parallèles et mondes virtuels : la guerre des métavers est commencée", The Conversation, January 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Vers une aéronautique durable : la transition écologique des avionneurs et des compagnies aériennes", The Conversation, March 2022
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment transformer un fournisseur en partenaire ?", The Conversation, April 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Débat : Le politique et l’influenceur, une alliance gagnant-gagnant ?", The Conversation, May 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment s’explique l’improbable succès de « Squid Game » ?", The Conversation, October 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Mon directeur achats est une IA", The Conversation, September 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "La pandémie vue par les séries", The Conversation, April 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Avec la réalité virtuelle, la deuxième vie de Notre-Dame de Paris", The Conversation, January 2021
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Et si nous affrontions les virus avec des jeux vidéo ?", The Conversation, June 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Covid-19 : le prétexte d’un totalitarisme numérique?", Forbes, May 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Refaire Sens Pour Sortir De La Crise", Forbes, September 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Être un leader pendant l’apocalypse : leçons de « The Walking Dead »", The Conversation, March 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Covid-19 : un vrai défi pour la cybersécurité", Confluences, May 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Quels défis pour Air France après la crise du Covid-19 ?", The Conversation, May 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Pourquoi les jeux vidéo peuvent nous apprendre à gérer les crises", The Conversation, June 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Crashs, conception défectueuse, crise aérienne… Le Boeing 737 Max revolera-t-il un jour ?", The Conversation, June 2020
- GOMBAULT, A., O.ALLAL-CHERIF, "Entre Attentisme Et Résilience : La Gestion De La Crise En France", Forbes, April 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Mon DRH est une IA", The Conversation, February 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Airbus again becomes the world’s leading aircraft manufacturer", The Conversation, January 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Pourquoi travaille-t-on plus et mieux en télétravail ?", The Conversation, October 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment les GAFA ont renforcé leur domination", Forbes, September 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Les youtubeurs stars : des entrepreneurs créatifs et innovants", The Conversation, September 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "PS5 en rupture mondiale : désastre ou génie marketing ?", The Conversation, November 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Covid-19 : une uberisation des fake news", The Conversation, October 2020
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Aéronautique : la menace sino-russe plane sur le duopole Airbus-Boeing", The Conversation, June 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Comment l’IA aide l’entreprise à sourcer, piloter et… innover dans ses achats", The Conversation, September 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "« Black Mirror » ou le côté obscur de la technologie", The Conversation, May 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "« Star Wars », une saga hors norme", The Conversation, December 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Disney takes on Netflix in the streaming wars", The Conversation, November 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "L’entrée de Disney dans la guerre du streaming fragilise l’hégémonie de Netflix", The Conversation, November 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Fortnite, un phénomène économique, social, sportif et culturel", The Conversation, October 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Musées et monuments superstars : gérer l’affluence grâce au numérique", The Conversation, October 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Air France–KLM: when cooperation becomes confrontation", The Conversation, March 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "DRH, recrutez des gamers comme managers", The Conversation, May 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "A380 : de la prouesse technologique au fiasco commercial", The Conversation, February 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Intelligence Artificielle : L’Évangélisme Numérique Ou L’Avènement De La Religion Technologique", Forbes, May 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A.GOMBAULT, "Cathédrales numériques : restaurer et visiter Notre-Dame grâce aux nouvelles technologies", The Conversation, April 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., A.GOMBAULT, "Digital cathedrals: bringing Notre-Dame de Paris back to life", The Conversation, April 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Airbus, Boeing, Google, Textron, Toyota, VW… la guerre des drones autonomes de transport de passagers", The Conversation, March 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Airbus A380: A high-tech marvel that didn't live up to its promise", Business Standard, February 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "RH : les nouvelles armes pour recruter les meilleurs candidats", The Conversation, February 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Boeing 737 Max: air safety, market pressures and cockpit technology", The Conversation, March 2019
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Quand être multiculturel ne suffit plus : une approche multifonctionnelle, inter-organisationnelle et trans-générationnelle de la fonction achats", Excellence HA, January 2017, no. 8, pp. 38-40
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "Vers des indicateurs de performance achats plus collaboratifs et plus durables", Excellence HA, February 2013, no. 2, pp. 28-33
- ALLAL-CHERIF, O., "La collaboration au coeur de l'évolution de la fonction achats", Excellence HA, January 2013, no. 1, pp. 4-10