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BEFORT Nicolas

PhD, Management, Economics

Nicolas holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne. His teaching at NEOMA BS focuses on the economics of ecological transition and the development of new sustainable practices. His research work, at the crossroads of ecological economics, institutional economics, innovation economics and transition studies, aims at characterizing the formation of new economic spaces or the transformation of existing spaces in the face of ecological transition. To this end, he studies the bioeconomy, the circular economy and the development of sustainable forms of agriculture. His research has been published in journals such as Ecological Economics and Technological Forecasting and Social Change. At NEOMA Business School, Nicolas is the head of the Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development Chair.

Areas of research

  • Innovation
  • Bioeconomy
  • Ecological transition
  • Institutional change

Recent academic contributions

  • AYRAPETYAN, D., N. BEFORT, F. HERMANS, "From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics", Research Policy, January 2025, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 105130
    DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2024.105130
  • LHUILLERY, S., N. BEFORT, S. ATMANE, "Biotechnology or bioeconomy: Six of one and half a dozen of the other?", Ecological Economics, March 2025, vol. 229, pp. 108470
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108470
  • AYOUB, M., N. BEFORT, M. MATT, "From Niches to Global Value Chains: The Role of Firms' Collaborative Strategies in the Bioeconomy", Business Strategy and the Environment, December 2024
    DOI : 10.1002/bse.4107


  • LHUILLERY, S., N. BEFORT, S. ATMANE, "Biotechnology or bioeconomy: Six of one and half a dozen of the other?", Ecological Economics, March 2025, vol. 229, pp. 108470
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2024.108470
  • AYRAPETYAN, D., N. BEFORT, F. HERMANS, "From local markets to global legitimacy: A materialization perspective on technological innovation system's dynamics", Research Policy, January 2025, vol. 54, no. 1, pp. 105130
    DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2024.105130
  • AYOUB, M., N. BEFORT, M. MATT, "From Niches to Global Value Chains: The Role of Firms' Collaborative Strategies in the Bioeconomy", Business Strategy and the Environment, December 2024
    DOI : 10.1002/bse.4107
  • BEFORT, N., P. GROUIEZ, R. DEBREF, F. VIVIEN, "Les récits de la bioéconomie comme grille de lecture des tensions sur les transformations écologiques du capitalisme", Revue de la régulation, December 2023, vol. 2nd semester, no. 35
    DOI : 10.4000/regulation.23106
  • GROUIEZ, P., R. DEBREF, F. VIVIEN, N. BEFORT, "The complex relationships between non-food agriculture and the sustainable bioeconomy: The French case", Ecological Economics, December 2023, vol. 214, pp. 107974
    DOI : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921800923002379?via%3Dihub
  • GIURCA, A., N. BEFORT, "Deconstructing substitution narratives: The case of bioeconomy innovations from the forest-based sector", Ecological Economics, May 2023, vol. 207
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107753
  • BEFORT, N., A. GIURCA, A. TAYLOR, "Exploring transformative policy imaginaries for a sustainable Post-COVID society", Journal of Cleaner Production, April 2022, no. 344
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131053
  • AYRAPETYAN, D., N. BEFORT, F. HERMANS, "The role of sustainability in the emergence and evolution of bioeconomy clusters: An application of a multiscalar framework", Journal of Cleaner Production, November 2022, vol. 376
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.134306
  • BEFORT, N., M. THENOT, "Edito :Introduction", Économie Rurale, April 2021, no. 376, pp. 13-17
    DOI : 10.4000/economierurale.8779
  • BEFORT, N., "The promises of drop-in vs. functional innovations: The case of bioplastics", Ecological Economics, March 2021, vol. 181
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106886
  • BEFORT, N., M. NIEDDU, "Bioéconomie?: un retour historique sur deux problématisations de l’usage des ressources renouvelables", Nature Sciences Sociétés, July 2020, vol. 28, no. 3-4, pp. 216-225
    DOI : 10.1051/nss/2021011
  • BEFORT, N., "Going beyond definitions to understand tensions within the bioeconomy: The contribution of sociotechnical regimes to contested fields", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, April 2020, vol. 153, pp. 119923
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.119923
  • BEFORT, N., F. DE FOUCHÉCOUR, A. DE ROUFFIGNAC, C. A. HOLT, M. LECLÈRE, T. LOTH, R. MOSCOVIZ, F. PION, J. -F. RUAULT, M. THIERRY, "Toward a European bioeconomic transition: is a soft shift enough to challenge hard socio-ecological issues?", Nature Sciences Sociétés, October 2019, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 438-444
    DOI : 10.1051/nss/2020004
  • VIVIEN, F., M.NIEDDU, N.BEFORT, R.DEBREF, M.GIAMPIETRO, "The Hijacking of the Bioeconomy", Ecological Economics, May 2019, vol. 159, pp. 189-197
    DOI : 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.01.027
  • BEFORT, N., "Régulation, verrous technologiques et transition écologique : le cas des formaldéhydes", Revue de la régulation, November 2017, no. 22, pp. 1-29
  • BEFORT, N., "Lectures : BIRCH K (2017) Innovation, regional development and the life sciences – beyond clusters, Londres et New York, 147 p.", Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine, October 2017, vol. Octobre, no. 4, pp. 733
    DOI : 10.3917/reru.174.0733
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "De la variété des stratégies d’ancrage territorial des firmes en Chimie Doublement Verte", Géographie Économie Société, January 2017, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 133 - 152
    DOI : 10.3166/ges.19.2017.0006

Book chapter

  • ANDRE, C., L. WIART, N. BEFORT, M. THENOT, "Institutionnalisation de l'économie sociale et solidaire et transition écologique : quel(s) jeu(x) d'influence? Chapitre 3" in Fabriquer l'économie circulaire, Monographie d'un projet transmanche., Blot, Domingo, Dormoy, Le Meec et Wiart Eds, Presse Universitaire du Septentrion, 2024
  • BEFORT, N., "Technological Lock-in" in Dictionary of Ecological Economics - Terms for the New Millennium., Brent M. Haddad, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz and Barry D. Solomon, Professor Emeritus of Geography and Environmental Policy, Michigan Technological University, US Eds, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023
  • MAGRINI, M., B., N. BEFORT, M. NIEDDU, "Chapter 24 - Technological Lock-In and Pathways for Crop Diversification in the Bio-Economy" in Agro-Ecosystem Diversity: Reconciling Contemporary Agriculture and Environment Quality., Lemaire, G., Carvalho, P., Kronberg, S., Recous, S. Eds, Editions Elsevier, 2018
  • LEVIDOW, L., M. NIEDDU, F. VIVIEN, N. BEFORT, "Transitions towards a European bioeconomy" in Ecology, Capitalism and the New Agricultural Economy The Second Great Transformation., Gilles Allaire, Benoit Daviron Eds, Routledge Academic, 2018
  • LEVIDOW, L., N.BEFORT, F., D.VIVIEN, "Transition du régime agroindustriel européen vers la bioéconomie : Life Sciences versus Agroécologie" in Transformations agricoles et agroalimentaires Entre écologie et capitalisme., Allaire, G., Daviron, B. Eds, Editions QUAE, pp. 167-180, 2017
  • BEFORT, N., "La présence d’une problématique d’ancrage territorial dans les publications scientifiques en chimie doublement verte" in Ecologie Industrielle et Territoriale - COLEIT 2012., Junqua, G., Brullot, S. Eds, Presse des Mines, pp. 269-306, 2015


  • BEFORT, N., The Bioeconomy Institutions, Innovation and Sustainability, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, 2023
  • MORONE, P., D. DALIA , N. BEFORT, Y. GÜLŞAH, The Circular Bioeconomy: Theories and Tools for Economists and Sustainability Scientists, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2023
    DOI : 10.1017/9781009232586

Academic conferences

  • BEFORT, N., "Towards a political economy of the ecological transition. The case of the bioeconomy" in 32nd EAEPE conference, 2020
  • BEFORT, N., M.MORALES, "A review of waste conceptualization – revealing the controversy regarding its commodification" in 13th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, 2019, Turku, Finland
  • BEFORT, N., "The economics of promises in transition to sustainability: the case of bioplastics" in The 10th International Sustainability Transitions conference - IST, 2019, Ottawa, Canada
  • MORALES, M. E., N.BEFORT, "Symbiose industrielle et urbaine, une stratégie innovant pour la Bioéconomie. Le cas de la Bioraffinerie de Pomacle-Bezancourt" in Journee d'Etude Immobilier durable: de la ville d'aujourd'hui a la cité de demain, 2019
  • BEFORT, N., F.DE SALIVET DE FOUCHÉCOUR, A.DE ROUFFIGNAC, C. A.HOLT, M.LECLERE, T.LOTH, R.MOSCOVIZ, F.PION, J.-F.RUAULT, M.THIERRY, "Toward a European Bioeconomic Transition: Is a Soft Shift Enough to Challenge Hard Socio-ecological Issues?. Youth scientist panel Position Paper - YSPPP - bioeconomy" in European Workshop on Bioeconomy, 2017, Paris
    DOI : 10.15454/1.5087523122132947E12
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "The diversity of business models in doubly green chemistry" in 10th International Conference Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, 2014, Valladolid, Spain
  • RASCHKA, A., N.BEFORT, B.DOMMERMUTH, "Techno-economic evaluation of BIOFOAMBARK" in 4th Biofoambark Meeting, 2014, Freiburg, Germany
  • BEFORT, N., "La construction des identités en Chimie Doublement Verte" in L’école d’été du Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation, 2013, Belfort, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "Comment se construisent les filières territorialisées de la Chimie Doublement Verte ? De l’hétérogénéité des stratégies d’ancrage territorial des firmes" in 50ème colloque de l’ASRDLF, 2013, Mons, Belgium
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "How to build the filières of Doubly Green Chemistry? The diversity of strategies of involved firms" in Colloque ESEE, 2013, Lille, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, F., D.VIVIEN, E.GARNIER, C.BLIARD , B.KUREK , A.YOUSSEF, "De l’usage des systèmes sectoriels d’innovation dédiés à la transition vers l’usage des ressources renouvelables : le cas de la chimie doublement verte" in L’école d’été du Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation, 2012, Montpellier, France
  • NIEDDU, M., C.CAZALS , A.SERGENT , A.YOUSSEF , F., D.VIVIEN, N.BEFORT, "La présence d'une problématique d'ancrage territorial dans les publications scientifiques en chimie doublement verte, une approche exploratoire" in Colloque Coleit 2012, 2012, Troyes, France
  • NIEDDU, M., F., D.VIVIEN, E.GARNIER, C.BLIARD, B.KUREK, N.BEFORT, "Diversity in biorefinery : an interdisciplinary approach on Science, Business and « doubly green » Chemistry" in 2nd International Conference on Sustainability Transitions Diversity, plurality and change : breaking new grounds in sustainability transition research, 2011, Lund, Sweden

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • LHUILLERY, S., N. BEFORT, S. ATMANE, "Biotech and bioeconomy: six of one and half a dozen of the other?" in Colloque SFER 2019, 2019, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.MORALES, "A review of waste conceptualization – revealing the controversy regarding its commodification" in International Workshop Economics and the Environment - Economics and the environment since the 1950s – History, Methodology and Philosophy, 2019, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., F.VIVIEN, R.DEBREF, "What is the bioeconomy the name of ? An alternative analysis" in Colloque SFER 2019, 2019, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., "Is bioeconomy a sub-sector of biotechnology?" in Colloque SFER, 2019, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "The Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, and the Transition to Sustainability" in ISS (International Schumpeter Society), 2018, Seoul, Korea, Republic Of
  • BEFORT, N., M. NIEDDU, "The Bioeconomy, Biotechnology, and the Transition to Sustainability" in 9th International Sustainability Transition Conference, 2018, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • BEFORT, N., "The bioeconomy, biotechnology, and the transition to sustainability" in NEST Conference, 2018, Utrecht, Netherlands
  • BEFORT, N., "The bioeconomy, biotechnology, and the transition to sustainability" in Exploring lignocellulosic Biomass, 2018, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., "Verrous, promesses et apprentissages dans la bioéconomie : le cas emblématique du PLA" Journée Glyco@lps. 2017, Grenoble, France
  • BEFORT, N., "Verrous, promesses et apprentissages dans la bioéconomie : le cas emblématique du PLA" in Journée Glyco@lps, 2017, Grenoble, France
  • BEFORT, N., A.ET AL., "Toward a European Bioeconomic Transition ? Is a soft-Shift enough to Challenge Hard Socio-Ecological Issues ?" in Youth Panel Scientist, European Workshop on Bioeconomy, 2017, Paris, France
  • BEFORT, N., "Les coproduits dans une bioéconomie : usages, promesses, conflits" Séminaire de restitution de l’étude sur les coproduits menées par l’ADEME et RESEDA. 2017, Paris, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "La compétitivité de la valorisation non-alimentaire des ressources agricoles dans la bioéconomie : normes et modèles économiques" in Colloque de la Société Française d’Economie Rurale, 2017, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "La transition vers une « chimie doublement verte » : le cas de l’acide polylactique" in Stratégies Industrielles d’Innovation et Dynamiques Entrepreneuriales Durables, ULCO, 2016, Dunkerque, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "Une analyse des stratégies et fonctionnalités attendues dans la transition vers une bioéconomie à partir des cas emblématiques de l’acide polylactique, succinique et lévulinique" in Filière biomasse : une approche de mésoéconomistes, 2016, Paris, France
  • BEFORT, N., C.LECAT, "Industrie et transition écologique : perspectives pour une réindustrialisation écologique" in De la COP 21 à la transition écologique : enjeux et perspectives, 2015, Reims, France
  • BEFORT, N., M.NIEDDU, "Des logiques produits dans les régulations émergentes du secteur de la chimie doublement verte" in L’atelier « Régulations sectorielles et territoriales : nouveaux espaces de conflit et de compromis » du colloque Recherche et Régulation, 2015, Paris, France
  • NIEDDU, M., N.BEFORT, J.VAN NIEL, "Les représentations de l’économie circulaire en chimie doublement verte : une variété de modèles" in 51ème colloque de l’ASRDLF, 2014, Marne-la-Vallée, France
  • NIEDDU, M., N.BEFORT, F., D.VIVIEN, "Agriculture productiviste et identités dans la chimie doublement verte de la knowedlge based bioeconomy" in Séminaire « Renouveler les approches institutionnalistes sur l'agriculture et l'alimentation: la "grande transformation" 20 ans après » (Communication en session plénière « la bioéconomie en question »), 2014, Montpellier, France

Professional journals

  • BEFORT, N., "Les écoles de commerce doivent former de futurs dirigeants à l’économie soutenable de demain", L'union, July 2023
  • BEFORT, N., "Coming together over climate change", Climate Change Review, January 2023, pp. 16-18
  • BEFORT, N., "Opinion | Vers une Union européenne écologique ?", Les Echos, September 2022
  • BEFORT, N., "The sustainability agenda could be a rallying point for the EU", Finance Derivative, October 2022
  • BEFORT, N., "When green innovations become self-defeating", The European Climate Change Review , October 2022
  • BEFORT, N., "The EU is divided, climate action could provide unity", Global Banking & Finance review, November 2022