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PhD Public Policy and Management

Alfonso Carballo is Head of the Department of People & Organisations at NEOMA Business School. He earned his PhD from Bocconi University (Italy), a Master’s in Economic Policy Management from Columbia University (USA), and a BA in Economics from ITAM (Mexico). His research focuses on individuals and organizations during times of change and transition, examining the role of organizations and institutions in addressing social and political issues and shaping business and policy outcomes. His work explores the interplay between population dynamics, institutions, and culture in shaping inequalities, gender gaps, and polarization, with significant implications for corporate and policy decision-making. Using quantitative research and advanced econometric methods, Alfonso has published in leading journals such as Nature Human Behavior, Journal of International Business Studies, and Global Strategy Journal. He has presented at prominent international conferences, including the Academy of Management, EGOS Colloquium, Strategic Management Society, Academy of International Business, Population Association of America, Economic History Association, and World Economic History Congress. Before academia, Alfonso served as CEO of Mexico's Regulatory Reform Program (with the rank of Vice Minister), appointed by the President, and has provided consulting expertise to various countries, companies and international organizations.

Recent academic contributions

  • CARBALLO, A., M. CORINA, "Holding Back the Damage: Strong Political Institutions and the Effect of Populism on Business Investment" Forthcoming Journal of International Business Studies
  • CARBALLO, A., M. CORINA, "Foreign direct investment in the context of rising populism: The role of institutions and firm-level internationalization", Global Strategy Journal, February 2024, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 84-115
    DOI : 10.1002/gsj.1488
  • CARBALLO, A., G. ALFANI, "Income and inequality in the Aztec Empire on the eve of the Spanish conquest", Nature Human Behaviour, June 2023, vol. 7, pp. 1265–1274


  • CARBALLO, A., M. CORINA, "Holding Back the Damage: Strong Political Institutions and the Effect of Populism on Business Investment" Forthcoming Journal of International Business Studies
  • CARBALLO, A., M. CORINA, "Foreign direct investment in the context of rising populism: The role of institutions and firm-level internationalization", Global Strategy Journal, February 2024, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 84-115
    DOI : 10.1002/gsj.1488
  • CARBALLO, A., G. ALFANI, "Income and inequality in the Aztec Empire on the eve of the Spanish conquest", Nature Human Behaviour, June 2023, vol. 7, pp. 1265–1274
  • CARBALLO, A., "The Conversion of 1846 of the English Debt and the Mexican American War", ITAM Studies Journal, January 1998, pp. 27-58
  • CARBALLO, A., "Mexico and the international financial system: the English debt and the attempts to re-establish the foreign credit, 1824-1846", Institut technologique autonome de Mexico (ITAM), January 1997


  • CARBALLO, A., Tabaquismo en México. Análisis y Recomendaciones de Mejora Regulatoria - Documentos de Investigación en Regulación No. 2012-01, COFEMER, 2012
  • CARBALLO, A., Reforma Regulatoria en América Latina, COFEMER, Mexico, 2012
  • CARBALLO, A., Institutional Strength of Economic Regulators in Mexico, COFEMER, Mexico, 2011

Academic conferences

  • CARBALLO, A., "The effect of populist leaders’ speeches on firms’ strategies" in EGOS Colloquium, 2022
  • CARBALLO, A., "The effect of populist leaders’ speeches on firms’ strategies" in Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 2022
  • CARBALLO, A., "Income and inequality in the Aztec Empire on the eve of the Spanish conquest" in XIX World Economic History Congress, 2022
  • CARBALLO, A., "The effect of populist leaders’ speeches on firms’ strategies" in Academy of International Business Conference, 2021
  • CARBALLO, A., "The effect of populist leaders’ speeches on firms’ strategies" in Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 2021
  • CARBALLO, A., "History Matters: Path Dependence and Fertility Trends" in Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, 2021
  • CARBALLO, A., "From the Black Death to the End of the Modern Period: When did the Little Divergence in Europe Begin?" in Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, 2021
  • CARBALLO, A., "Global Fertility Convergence" in Population Association of America (PAA) Annual Meeting, 2020
  • CARBALLO, A., "When did the Little Divergence in Europe Begin?" in LSE Graduate Economic History Seminar, 2020
  • CARBALLO, A., "Identifying the Origins of the Little Divergence: Rare Events, Outbreaks of Peasants’ Revolts and Change in Labor Institutions in England" in Economic History Association (EHA) Annual Meeting, 2019, Atlanta, United States
  • CARBALLO, A., "Global Fertility Convergence" in Global Family Change Workshop Upenn-The Perry World House, 2019, Philadelphia, United States
  • CARBALLO, A., "“The Impact of the Great Recession on the Fiscal Sustainability of Public Debt and Economic Growth: Evidence of Emerging Economies" in International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals in Global Perspective, 2018, Pisa, Italy