DU Helen-Shanqing
PhD, Economics, Social and Management Sciences, Economics
Strategy & Entrepreneurship
PhD, Economics, Social and Management Sciences, Economics
Helen Du is an Assistant professor of Strategy at NEOMA Business School. She teaches Strategic Management and Business Research Methods in bachelor and master programmes. Her research interests include multinational firms’ location strategy, performance, FDI and innovation. She has published in international journals such as Journal of Management Studies and Journal of World Business.
Areas of research
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Location choice
- Firm Performance
- Innovation
Recent academic contributions
BELDERBOS, R., D. CASTELLANI, H.-S. DU, H. L. GEON, "Internal versus external agglomeration advantages in investment location choice: The role of global cities’ international connectivity", Journal of International Business Studies, March 2024, vol. 55, pp. 745–763
DOI : 10.1057/s41267-024-00686-7 -
DU, H.-S., A. COLOVIC, "The impact of global city location intensity on MNE performance: Leveraging learning and connectivity", Long Range Planning, February 2024, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 102409
DOI : 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102409 -
DU, H.-S., R. BELDERBOS, D. SOMERS, "Research versus development: global cities and the location of MNCs’ cross-border R&D investments", Regional Studies, December 2022, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2001-2018
DOI : 10.1080/00343404.2022.2033198
DU, H.-S., A. COLOVIC, "The impact of global city location intensity on MNE performance: Leveraging learning and connectivity", Long Range Planning, February 2024, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 102409
DOI : 10.1016/j.lrp.2023.102409 -
BELDERBOS, R., D. CASTELLANI, H.-S. DU, H. L. GEON, "Internal versus external agglomeration advantages in investment location choice: The role of global cities’ international connectivity", Journal of International Business Studies, March 2024, vol. 55, pp. 745–763
DOI : 10.1057/s41267-024-00686-7 -
DU, H.-S., R. BELDERBOS, D. SOMERS, "Research versus development: global cities and the location of MNCs’ cross-border R&D investments", Regional Studies, December 2022, vol. 56, no. 12, pp. 2001-2018
DOI : 10.1080/00343404.2022.2033198 -
BELDERBOS, R., H.-S.DU, A.SLANGEN, "When do firms choose global cities as foreign investment locations within countries? The roles of contextual distance, knowledge intensity, and targetcountry experience", Journal of World Business, January 2020, vol. 55, no. 1
DOI : 10.1016/j.jwb.2019.101022 -
BELDERBOS, R., H.-S.DU, A.GOERZEN, "Global Cities, Connectivity, and the Location Choice of MNC Regional Headquarters", Journal of Management Studies, December 2017, vol. 54, no. 8, pp. 1271–1302
DOI : 10.1111/joms.12290
Academic conferences
- DU, H.-S., "Research versus Development: Global Cities and the Location of MNCs’ Cross-Border R&D Investments" in 2018 IAAM (International Association for Applied Management ), 2018, Las Vegas, United States
- DU, H.-S., "Research versus Development: Global Cities and the Location of MNCs’ Cross-border R&D Investment" in TEMS-ISIE (International Symposium on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ) 2018, 2018
- DU, H.-S., "Connectivity, global cities and the location choice of MNC regional headquarters" in EIBA Annual Conference, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- DU, H.-S., A.COLOVIC, "The performance effects of multinational firms' FDI global city location strategy" in AIB Annual Conference, 2020, Miami, United States
- DU, H.-S., A.COLOVIC, "The performance effects of multinatonal firms' FDI global city location strategy" in Strategic Management Society Special Conference, 2019, Frankfurt, Germany
- DU, H.-S., "Breaking up the global value chain: Possibilities and consequences" in AIB MINI-Conference, 2015, Milan, Italy
- DU, H.-S., R.BELDERBOS, A.GOERZEN, "Global city connectivity and the establishment of regional headquarters" in Strategic Management Society Special Conference, 2015, St. Gallen, Switzerland
- DU, H.-S., R.BELDERBOS, A.GOERZEN, "Global city connectivity and the establishment of regional headquarters" in Copenhagen Business School Workshop on Location Decisions of Multinational Enterprises: Market, Cities or Clusters?, 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark
- DU, H.-S., R.BELDERBOS, A.GOERZEN, "Global cities as innovations hubs: the location of foreign R&D investments by multinational firms" in Academy of International Business Conference, 2014, Vancouver, Canada
- DU, H.-S., R.BELDERBOS, D.SOMERS, "Global cities as innovations hubs: the location of foreign R&D investments by multinational firms" in The 2nd Geography of Innovation International Conference, 2014, Utrecht, Netherlands
- DU, H.-S., R.BELDERBOS, D.SOMERS, "Global cities as innovations hubs: the location of foreign R&D investments by multinational firms" in The DRUID Academy Conference, 2014, Aalborg, Denmark
- DU, H.-S., R.BELDERBOS, A.GOERZEN, "Global cities and international headquarters location" in The 2nd KTO Paper Development Workshop, 2013, Sophia Antipolis, France