PhD,Management Sciences, Finance
Stéphane FOURNEAUX is Associate Professor of Finance at NEOMA BS and part time Head of MSc/ MS International Financial Analysis. He coordinates Real Estate & Wealth Management courses within the Msc Finance, Investment & Wealth Management program. He mainly teaches Market Finance, Risk Management, and Real Estate in the CFA track, as well as in the continuing education (MSc/MS Part time and Global MBA) programmes. His fields of research are mainly centred on Real Estate Microstructure, Valuation as well as Blockchain technologies. He has published articles in academic and professional publications and he regularly speaks at conferences in France and abroad.
Areas of research
- Real estate
- Mispricing
- FinTech
- Gestion des risques
- Méthodes de valorisation
Recent academic contributions
- VERNY, J., Y. AIAT, S. FOURNEAUX, E. LAMBOURDIERE, "Origins, theoretical foundations and economic implications of cryptocurrencies" in Cryptocurrencies - Financial Technologies of the Future., Miciula, I. Eds, intechopen, 2024
- FOURNEAUX, S., C. KARYOTIS, J. VERNY, S. KARM, "Finance verte & risques climatiques" in Valorisation des actifs., J-M. Huet & F. Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 193-220, 2023
KARYOTIS, C., S. FOURNEAUX, "Finance 4.0: Une question d'humanités", Analyse financière, October 2018, no. 69, pp. 16-18
FOURNEAUX, S., F.VIVIER, "Un bêta plus humain", Analyse financière, August 2016, no. 60, pp. 47-50
DUBREUILLE, S., S.FOURNEAUX, S.MCHAWRAB, "Un modèle alternatif de valorisation des sociétés immobilières cotées", La Revue du Financier, February 2014, no. 204-205
DUBREUILLE, S., S.FOURNEAUX, S.LLEO, "Is Real Estate a Good Way to Diversify in Times of Financial Crisis?", International Research Journal of Applied Finance, March 2012, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 364-375
Book chapter
- VERNY, J., Y. AIAT, S. FOURNEAUX, E. LAMBOURDIERE, "Origins, theoretical foundations and economic implications of cryptocurrencies" in Cryptocurrencies - Financial Technologies of the Future., Miciula, I. Eds, intechopen, 2024
- FOURNEAUX, S., C. KARYOTIS, J. VERNY, S. KARM, "Finance verte & risques climatiques" in Valorisation des actifs., J-M. Huet & F. Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 193-220, 2023
- FOURNEAUX, S., "Valorisation des actifs immobiliers et gestion alternative" in Analyse financière internationale : Stratégie, évaluation financière et gestion d'actifs., Catherine Karyotis Ed., Gualino, pp. 247-264, 2020
- FOURNEAUX, S., J.VERNY, C.DAUSSY, "Blockchain: la technologie disruptive du marché du luxe" in Management du Luxe, Opportunités et challenges., E. Rigaud-Lacresse et M. Pini Ed., Editions Vuibert, pp. 153-179, 2019
- RIGAUD-LACRESSE, E., A.BRUN, K.JENSEN, L.HERVE, C.ANDRE, M.RUIZ, S.FOURNEAUX, P.BERTOLA, B.QUACQUARELLI, C.CASTELLI, F.SERAIDARIAN, F.PINI, "Growth Archetypes in Luxury Companies" in New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization., Rigaud-Lacresse, Emmanuelle, Pini, Fabrizio Maria Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 241-259, 2017
- ANDRE, C., A.BRUN, E.RIGAUD-LACRESSE, K.JENSEN, L.HERVE, M.RUIZ, S.FOURNEAUX, P.BERTOLA, B.QUACQUARELLI, C.CASTELLI, F.PINI, F.SERAIDARIAN, "Brand as a Legal Asset for Luxury Companies: Brand Power" in New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization., Rigaud-Lacresse, Emmanuelle, Pini, Fabrizio Maria Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 103-124, 2017
- FOURNEAUX, S., "Luxury & Prime Locations" in New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization., Rigaud-Lacresse, Emmanuelle, Pini, Fabrizio Maria Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 145-155, 2017
- KARYOTIS, C., J.-M.BÉGUIN, S.DUBREUILLE, S.FOURNEAUX, J.-C.MAZZONI , Aide-mémoire - Gestion de patrimoine, Editions Dunod, Paris, France, 2017
- FOURNEAUX, S., D. MARTEAU, J. CARLE, R. HOLZ, M. MORENO, La gestion du risque climatique, Collection Gestion, 2004
Academic conferences
- KARYOTIS, C., S.DUBREUILLE, S.FOURNEAUX, "Le « Grand Bouleversement » des bourses : une stratégie du low-cost appliquée à la finance" in « Gestion des organisations et systèmes financiers : quel modèle pour l’Afrique du 21ème siècle? »- COSIS, 2019, Dakar, Senegal
- DUBREUILLE, S., S.FOURNEAUX, "Breakthrough in financial markets: Low-cost strategies in finance industry" in World Finance Conference, 2019, Santiago, Chile
- DUBREUILLE, S., M.CHERIF, S.FOURNEAUX, J.ONOCHIE, "Venture Capital Performance Under Funds of Funds Monitoring" in World Finance Conference, 2016, New York, United States
- FOURNEAUX, S., S. DUBREUILLE, S. LLEO, "Is Real Estate a Good Way to Diversify in Times of Financial Crisis?" in III World Finance Conference, 2012, Brazil
- TARNAUD, N., S.FOURNEAUX, S.DUBREUILLE, "L'impact du métro sur la valeur d'un actif immobilier" in Colloque du GIS Modèlisation Urbaine, La modélisation des flux au service de l'aménagement urbain, 2012, France
- FOURNEAUX, S., "Understanding (my) MBA experience : a first person approach" in IFSAM (International Federation of Scholarly Association of Management) 2010 Conference, 2010, France
Published cases with instructional materials
- FOURNEAUX, S. - "Impossible n'est pas CATHELAIN - Une MBO solidaire" - 2022, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP)
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- FOURNEAUX, S., "ETF Immobilier : mode d'emploi, Comment construire son portefeuille en 2013 ?" in Séminaire Reims Management School, 2013, Reims, France
- FOURNEAUX, S., N.TARNAUD, "Atelier proximité des transports et prix des actifs immobiliers" in Fête de la recherche, Reims Management School, 2012, Reims, France