GOMEZ Pierrick
HDR (Authorization to supervise research), Management, Marketing
Pierrick GOMEZ is Associate Professor of Marketing at NEOMA BS and Director of the Specialised Master in Corporate Communication and Specialized Master MASTERNOVA. He teaches consumer behavior, marketing research and food innovation. His research focuses on the role of external and cultural factors in food behaviour and the effectiveness of health communication. He has published in leading national and international academic journals such as Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology or Marketing Letters. His research has been awarded by the Marketing Science Institute and Emerald. He is also a member of the scientific council of Fondation Ramsay Générale de Santé and serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for numerous scientific journals such as Journal of Consumer Psychology and Plos One. Before joining NEOMA BS, he spent several years in the food industry.
Areas of research
- Consumer Psychology, Food Consumption, Health Behaviour, Persuasion
- Food Marketing
- Social Marketing
- Food Innovation
Recent academic contributions
GOMEZ, P., E. MINTON, N. SPIELMANN, "Essential shape: The role of essentialist beliefs in preferences for misshapen produce", Appetite, January 2024, vol. 192, no. 1, pp. 107119
DOI : 10.1016/j.appet.2023.107119 -
SPIELMANN, N., P. GOMEZ, E. MINTON, "The Role of the Ugly = Bad Stereotype in the Rejection of Misshapen Produce", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2024, vol. 19à, pp. 413–437
DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05420-1 -
MINTON, E. A., N. SPIELMANN, P. GOMEZ, "If I Understand Why a Product Looks Weird, Will I Buy It?", Journal of Advertising Research, December 2023, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 402-417
DOI : 10.2501/JAR-2023-027
GOMEZ, P., E. MINTON, N. SPIELMANN, "Essential shape: The role of essentialist beliefs in preferences for misshapen produce", Appetite, January 2024, vol. 192, no. 1, pp. 107119
DOI : 10.1016/j.appet.2023.107119 -
SPIELMANN, N., P. GOMEZ, E. MINTON, "The Role of the Ugly = Bad Stereotype in the Rejection of Misshapen Produce", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2024, vol. 19à, pp. 413–437
DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05420-1 -
MINTON, E. A., N. SPIELMANN, P. GOMEZ, "If I Understand Why a Product Looks Weird, Will I Buy It?", Journal of Advertising Research, December 2023, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 402-417
DOI : 10.2501/JAR-2023-027 -
CORNIL, Y., P.GOMEZ, D.VASILJEVIC, "Food as Fuel: Performance goals increase consumption of high-calorie foods at the expense of good nutrition", Journal of Consumer Research, August 2020, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 147–166
DOI : 10.1093/jcr/ucaa012 -
GOMEZ, P., N.SPIELMANN, "A taste of the elite: The effect of pairing food products with elite groups on taste perceptions", Journal of Business Research, July 2019, vol. 100, pp. 175-183
DOI : 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.03.013 -
GOMEZ, P., S.BOESEN MARIANI, E.BRUCKERT, "Psychological predictors of the combined adoption of physical exercise and dietary change among adults with hypercholesterolemia", Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, July 2018, vol. 66, no. 4, pp. 281-289
DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2018.01.134 -
GOMEZ, P., C. O. C. WERLE, O. CORNEILLE, "The pitfall of nutrition facts label fluency: easier-to-process nutrition information enhances purchase intentions for unhealthy food products", Marketing Letters, March 2017, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 15-27
DOI : 10.1007/s11002-015-9397-3 -
BORGES, A., P. GOMEZ, "How Products Induce Regulatory Fit: Evidence from the Health Domain", Journal of Consumer Marketing, September 2015, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 441-449
DOI : 10.1108/JCM-01-2015-1292 -
GOMEZ, P., N.SCHNEID , F.DELAERE , "How often should I eat it? Product correlates and accuracy of estimation of appropriate food consumption frequency", Food Quality and Preference, March 2015, vol. 40, no. Part A, pp. 1-7
DOI : 10.1016/j.foodqual.2014.07.018 -
GOMEZ, P., C. J.TORELLI, "It's not just numbers: Cultural identities influence how nutrition information influences the valuation of foods", Journal of Consumer Psychology, July 2015, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 404-415
DOI : 10.1016/j.jcps.2015.01.005 -
GOMEZ, P., N.ABOUAB, "Human contact imagined during the production process increases food naturalness perceptions", Appetite, August 2015, vol. 91, pp. 273–277
DOI : 10.1016/j.appet.2015.04.002 -
GOMEZ, P., A. BORGES, C. PECHMANN, "Avoiding Poor Health or Approaching Good Health: Does It Matter? The Conceptualization, Measurement, and Consequences of Health Regulatory Focus", Journal of Consumer Psychology, October 2013, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 451-463
GOMEZ, P., "Common biases and heuristics in nutritional quality judgments: a qualitive exploration", International Journal of Consumer Studies, March 2013, no. 2, pp. 152-158
GOMEZ, P., S.BOESEN-MARIANI, R.MONROZIER, J.-L.LAMBERT, "A water intervention program to improve fluid intakes among French women", Nutrition today, July 2013, no. 4S, pp. S40-S42
GOMEZ, P., A.-E.LE MINOUS, "L'influence du format de l'étiquetage sur l'utilisation et la compréhension de l'information nutritionnelle : résultats d'une expérimentation menée en restauration collective", Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique, February 2012, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 9-18
GOMEZ, P., S.BOESEN-MARIANI, M.-L.GAVARD-PERRET, "L'orientation régulatrice : un concept prometteur en marketing", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, June 2010, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 87-106
GOMEZ, P., "La nutrition dans les strategies d’innovation alimentaire : de la protection du risque de sante publique a la construction de l’avantage concurrentiel ", Décisions Marketing, January 2008, vol. Janvier-Mars, no. 49, pp. 71-83
GOMEZ, P., "La nutrition dans les stratégies d'innovation alimentaire : de la protection du risque de santé publique à la construction de l'avantage concurrentiel", Décisions Marketing, January 2008, no. 49, pp. 71-83
GOMEZ, P., A.DEBENEDETTI, "La théorie de la rumination : état de l'art et perspectives de recherche en comportement du consommateur", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, January 2006, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 41-55
Book chapter
- GOMEZ, P., "L'innovation au service des objectifs de santé publique : l'exemple de la nutrition" in Etats Généraux du Management., PRAS Bernard Ed., Vuibert, 2008
Academic conferences
- SEIF, M., P.GOMEZ, "The “Smoking Keeps you Slim” Lay Belief: Effects on Smokers’ Intentions and Behaviors" in 48th EMAC Conference, 2019
- GOMEZ, P., D.VASILJEVIC, "Food as Fuel: Performance goals increase consumption of high-calorie foods" in 2019 La Londe Conference - International Research Seminar in Marketing, 2019
- VASILJEVIC, D., P.GOMEZ, "Feeling of relief: Its impact on food perception and preferences." in 29th Association for Psychological Science Convention, 2017
- VASILJEVIC, D., P.GOMEZ, "Fuel or food? Priming a performance mindset in absence of task achievement increases consumption and preferences for high-calorie foods" in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2016
- GOMEZ, P., D.VASILJEVIC, "Fuel or food? Priming a performance mindset in absence of task achievement increases consumption and preferences for high-calorie foods" in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2016, St Pete Beach, Florida, United States
- GOMEZ, P., T.AVNET, A.-L.SELLIER, "Tick-tock, tick-tock: Is it time to eat yet?" in 27th APS Annual Convention May 21 - 24 New York, 2015
- AVNET , T., A.-L.SELLIER, P.GOMEZ, "Is it Time to Eat Yet? The Effect of Clock on Healthy Food Choices" in Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science, 2015
- GOMEZ, P., D. VASILJEVIC, "Effects of performance goals on food preferences and consumption" in Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference, 2015, Hong Kong
- GOMEZ, P., S.BOESEN-MARIANI, E.BRUCKERT, "Predictors of the combined adoption of physical exercise and dieting behaviour among hypercholesterolemic adults" in European Atherosclerosis Conference, 2014
- GOMEZ, P., C. J. TORELLI, "Nutrition information as a cultural contaminant" in Association for Consumer Research North American Conference (ACR), 2013, United States
- GOMEZ, P., "It's Not just Numbers: Nutrition Information Disclosure is Perceived as a Social Identity Threat by French Consumers" in Association for Consumer Research (ACR), 2012, Canada
- GOMEZ, P., "How to Make Non-Natural Products Appear More Natural? Changes in Process Work Better than Changes in Content" in Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 2012, United States
- GOMEZ, P., "Do Health Claims Always Lead to Obesity?: The Role of Consumers' Lay Theories About Low-nutrients Food in Quality and Quantity Estimation" in ACR (Association for Consumer Research) Annual North American Conference, 2011, United States
- GOMEZ, P., A.-E. LE MINOUS, "L'influence du format de l'étiquetage sur l'utilisation et la compréhension de l'information nutritionnelle" in 27e congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing, 2011, Belgium
- BORGES, A., P. GOMEZ, "Does a Product Category Have a Motivational Orientation? Effects on Health Message Efficacy" in ACR (Association for Consumer Research) conference, 2011, United States
- GOMEZ, P., A. BORGES, "Avoiding poor health or approaching good health: Does it matter? Conceptualization, measurement and consequences of health regulatory focus" in Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2010, United States
- GOMEZ, P., M. LE, S. A.-E., L. J., "Impact de l'information nutritionnelle sur les comportements alimentaires" in 8èmes Journées Francophones de Nutrition, 2010, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Nutrition choice in everyday life : a heuristics approach to understanding consumer's evaluations of food products" in EMAC (European Marketing Academy), 2010, Denmark
- GOMEZ, P., "L'orientation régulatrice de santé : développement et validation d'une échelle de mesure" in Colloque AFPSA (Association Francophone de la Psychologie de la Santé), Université de Rennes II, 2009, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Les heuristiques de choix nutritionnels : une étude qualitative exploratoire" in 14èmes Journées de Recherches en Marketing, Institut de l'Administration de l'Entreprise (IAE) de Dijon, 2009, France
- GOMEZ, P., A. DEBENEDETTI, "Purchasing behaviour and gloomy thoughts: impact of ruminative thoughts on the decision making process" in Conférence de l'EMAC (European Marketing Academy), 2009, France
- GOMEZ, P., "The Health Regulatory Focus Scale: construct validation, antecedents and consequences" in 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 2009, Italy
- GOMEZ, P., "L'orientation régulatrice de santé : conceptualisation, mesure et application" in 8e Journées Normandes de Recherche sur la Consommation : Sociétés et Consommations, Institut de l'Administration de l'Entreprise (IAE) de Caen, 2009, France
- GOMEZ, P., A. DEBENEDETTI, "Mental rumination: how unwanted and recurrent thoughts can perturbate the purchasing behavior" in Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2009, United States
- GOMEZ, P., "La prise en compte du rôle de l'information nutritionnelle dans l'achat alimentaire des consommateurs : état de l'art et perspectives" in 2e Journées du marketing agroalimentaire de l'AFM (Association Française de Marketing), ENSAM (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Métiers), Montpellier, 2006, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Comportements des consommateurs et marketing des aliments santé : entre promotion et prévention" in Colloque doctoral de l'AFM (Association Française de Marketing), 2005, France
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- SPIELMANN, N., P.GOMEZ, "Snobby = Tasty? How Product Elitism Influences Taste Perceptions" in Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, 2017, San Francisco, United States
- GOMEZ, P., "Marketing et prévention de la santé: amis ou ennemis ?" in 10ème Forum du Cancéropôle du Grand-Est, 2016, Nancy, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Les mécanismes de perception de la naturalité" in Groupe de travail sur l'information nutritionnelle, commission nutri-santé, pôle de compétitivité Bretagne-Valorial, 2013, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Les mécanismes de perception de la naturalité" in Colloque Natur'IAA, 2012, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Common biases and heuristics in nutritional quality judgments" in 1er workshop DRM ERMES : La consommation de santé entre théorie et pratique, 2012, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Effects of process and content changes on naturalness judgments" Value and Persuasion Research Center meeting. 2012, France
- GOMEZ, P., A.-E.LE MINOUS, "L'influence du format de l'étiquetage sur l'utilisation et la compréhension de l'information nutritionnelle" Value and Persuasion Research Center meeting. 2011, France
- GOMEZ, P., A.GOUDEY, "Effets de la distance temporelle sur la perception des nouveaux produits" ERMES lab meeting - DRM (Dauphine Recherches en Management). 2011, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Health regulatory focus : a useful concept for understanding health and nutrition motivation" in Symposium Nutreating, 2010, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Faut-il toujours mettre le consommateur au centre de l'innovation ? L'exemple de la nutrition" in Atelier AFM de recherche appliquée Nouveaux modes d'innovation : de l'idée au marché, comment créer de la performance, 2008, France
- GOMEZ, P., "L'innovation au service des objectifs de santé publique : l'exemple de la nutrition" in Etats Généraux du Management de la FNEGE (La fondation Nationale pour l'Enseignement de la Gestion des Entreprises) La contribution des spécialistes du management aux débats de société, 2008, France
- GOMEZ, P., "Le rôle de l'orientation régulatrice de santé dans le processus de traitement de l'information nutritionnelle" Séminaire interne du LARGECIA Laboratoire de recherches en gestion et économie des industries alimentaires. 2006, France
- GOMEZ, P., "L'information nutritionnelle dans l'achat alimentaire des consommateurs : quel état des lieux ?" in Groupe de travail sur l'information nutritionnelle, commission nutri-santé, pôle de compétitivité Bretagne-Valorial, 2006, France
Professional journals
- GOMEZ, P., "Les expérimentations online", Survey Magazine, April 2015