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PhD, International Relations

Holder of a PhD in International Law and International Relations from the University of Reims-Champagne Ardenne, Lotfi Hamzi joined the School in 1998 as a permanent professor where he teaches, mainly, Geopolitics and International Relations.

His research focuses on the Role of the new actors in the international system, Corruption, the Concept of 'Power' and its multiple imbrications as well as the geopolitical dimensions of CSR.

He recently participated in the Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference and has published in the Journal of Business and Economics and the Chinese Business Review.

He was also Director of the School's Specialised Masters and Masters of Science from 2006 to 2014 and currently heads the Strategy and Entrepreneurship Department at Neoma BS.

Areas of research

  • CSR
  • Geopolitical risk
  • Soft power and hard power

Recent academic contributions

  • HAMZI, L., C. WILLIAMS, N. ANARAKI, C. WIJEWARDENA, "Exploring the effect of the Arab Spring on the relationship between foreign aid and corruption", International Studies of Management and Organization, April 2024, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 238-260
    DOI : 10.1080/00208825.2024.2334174
  • DAHMEN MEHDI, M., P. PAILLE, N. BEN DAHMANE MOUELHI , L. HAMZI, "Encourager les comportements écoresponsables en milieu organisationnel par les échanges sociaux : l’effet contingent du climat de travail sur la justice perçue.", Management International, February 2023, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 40-53
    DOI : 10.7202/1098921ar
  • SINDHWANI, R., N. HASTEER, A. BEHL, C. CHATTERJEE, L. HAMZI, "Analysis of sustainable supply chain and industry 4.0 enablers: a step towards decarbonization of supply chains", Annals of Operations Research, September 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-023-05598


  • HAMZI, L., C. WILLIAMS, N. ANARAKI, C. WIJEWARDENA, "Exploring the effect of the Arab Spring on the relationship between foreign aid and corruption", International Studies of Management and Organization, April 2024, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 238-260
    DOI : 10.1080/00208825.2024.2334174
  • SINDHWANI, R., N. HASTEER, A. BEHL, C. CHATTERJEE, L. HAMZI, "Analysis of sustainable supply chain and industry 4.0 enablers: a step towards decarbonization of supply chains", Annals of Operations Research, September 2023
    DOI : 10.1007/s10479-023-05598
  • DAHMEN MEHDI, M., P. PAILLE, N. BEN DAHMANE MOUELHI , L. HAMZI, "Encourager les comportements écoresponsables en milieu organisationnel par les échanges sociaux : l’effet contingent du climat de travail sur la justice perçue.", Management International, February 2023, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 40-53
    DOI : 10.7202/1098921ar
  • FOSSO WAMBA, S., M. M. QUEIROZ, L. HAMZI, "A bibliometric and multi-disciplinary quasi-systematic analysis of social robots: Past, future, and insights of human-robot interaction", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, December 2023, vol. 197, pp. 122912
    DOI : 10.1016/j.techfore.2023.122912
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, H.-Y.HAN, "Sustainability and Multinational Enterprises: The Need for Diffuse Power", Journal of Business and Economics, August 2019, vol. 9, no. 8, pp. 679-688
    DOI : 10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/08.09.2018/005
  • HAN, H.-Y., L.HAMZI, E.BELLOW, "The Characteristics of Bribe-Taking by Chinese High-Level Officials", Chinese Business Review, September 2019, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 1-9
    DOI : 10.17265/1537-1506/2019.03.001
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, H.-Y.HAN, "The Role of Business as a Force for Good", Journal of Business and Economics, July 2018, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 566-583
    DOI : 10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/07.09.2018/002
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, H.-Y.HAN, "Energy Sovereignty and Corporate Social Responsibility", Journal of Business and Economics, June 2018, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 455-476
    DOI : 10.15341/jbe(2155-7950)/06.09.2018/001
  • HAMZI, L., E.VERNIER, "Comment les dictateurs investissent leur argent ?", Revue internationale et stratégique, March 2012, no. 85, pp. 71-79

Book chapter

  • HAMZI, L., "La donnée, enjeu géopolitique" in Révolution de la donnée Les data, la ressource du XXIe siècle., Jean-Michel Huet, Florence Dugas Eds, Pearson Education, 2022
  • HAMZI, L., "Art, culture et puissance dans les relations internationales" in Art et Management., Ed., Pearson Education, 2022
  • BELLOW, E., L. HAMZI, "The Role of Social Infrastructure in India" in Global Champions of Sustainable Development., Ed., Routledge Academic, 2018
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, "Manufacturing in the Single European Market in the 21st Century" in Companion European Business., Ed., Routledge, 2018
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, "The Future of Manufacturing in the Single European Market: A case study" in The Routledge Companion to European Business., Gabriele Suder, Monica Riviere and Johan Lindeque Eds, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group - Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, 2018


  • HENRY, G.-M., L.HAMZI, QATAR - La puissance contrariée, Jeunes Editions/Studyrama, Paris, France, 2015
  • ANDRE, C., L.HAMZI, L'essentiel de la jurisprudence civile - Contrats spéciaux 58 grands arrêts commentés, Gualino Lextenso Editions, 2010
  • HAMZI, L., C. ANDRE, L'essentiel de la jurisprudence civile - Contrats spéciaux 58 grands arrêts commentés, Collection Les Carrés, 2009

Academic conferences

  • BELLOW, E., H.-Y.HAN, L.HAMZI, "Social Unrest and Dominant Discourse in Toronto" in 27th Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC) - Virtual Conference Format, 2020
  • ROUET, G., L.HAMZI, T.COME, H.-Y.HAN, "Campagne anti-corruption et climat des affaires en Chine ," in 8e conférence Atlas FMI « Continuité et ruptures en management international », 2018, Paris, France
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, "Infrastructures to Promote Sustainable Communities: Indian Dilemmas" in 2018 International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC), 2018, New-York
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, "The Role of Business as a Force for Good" in 2017 International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference, 2017, Chicago, United States
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, "The Role of Business as Force of Good" in International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference - IVBEC 2017, 2017, Chicago, United States
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, H.-Y.HAN, "Energy Sovereignty and Corporate Social Responsibility" in 1st International Conference on Energy, Finance and the Macroeconomy (ICEFM), 2017, Montpellier, France
  • HAN, H.-Y., T.CÔME, L.HAMZI, "High level official corruption in China -" in 7ème Conférence internationale d’Atlas AFMI, 2017, Antananarivo, Madagascar
  • BELLOW, E., L.HAMZI, "Sustainability and MNEs: The Need for Diffuse Power" in Colloque ESSECT - Développement Durable et pratiques innovantes, 2017, Hammamet, Tunisia
  • HAMZI, L., S. ANNE, "Marché du travail, équilibre Nord-Sud et rôle des syndicats" in XXIème Colloque fédérateur international de l'institut CEDIMES (Centre d'Etudes du Développement International et des Mouvements Economiques et Sociaux), 'La crise économique et les marchés du travail', Faculté des sciences économiques et administratives, Izmir, 2011, Turkey
  • HAMZI, L., "Le droit d'auteur dans la société d'information" in 5th International Business Information Management Conference, 2005, Egypt
  • HAMZI, L., "Les droits français et tunisien des sociétés" in Colloque de l'Institut Supérieur de Gestion (ISG), 2001, Tunisia

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • HAMZI, L., "Responsabilité internationale des Etats et dédommagement pour cause de COVID 19" Weinar, Département Stratégie et Entrepreneuriat, COVID-19: CRISE A DUREE NON DETERMINEE,. 2020, Reims, France
  • HAMZI, L., "Evolution du cadre réglementaire et des procédures sur les liquidations judiciaires et les faillites en Europe", Commission européenne, 2014
  • HAMZI, L., "La protection des oeuvres d'art en temps de guerre. Le corpus UNESCO" in Colloque de l'Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales les oeuvres d'art dans les relations internationales, 2009, France
  • HAMZI, L., "Etat des lieux des traités et accords internationaux ratifiés par la Tunisie dans le domaine de la PI" in Conférence sur l'adaptation de la législation tunisienne aux normes internationales de propriété intellectuelle, 2006, Tunisia
  • HAMZI, L., "Juge et la sécurité alimentaire" in Entretiens communautaires, Délégation des Barreaux de France, 2002, Belgium
  • HAMZI, L., "Le nouveau code tunisien des sociétés à la lumière du droit français des sociétés" in Colloque Investir en Tunisie organized by the Ministère tunisien de l'industrie and l'Institut Supérieur de Gestion (ISG), 2001, Tunisia
  • HAMZI, L., "Participation to the Workshop Concentration" in Table ronde - Conférence des barreaux français sur le thème Le nouveau droit européen de la concurrence, intervention sur le thème des concentrations, 2000, Belgium