NLEMVO Frédéric
PhD, Management
Frédéric NLEMVO is Full Professor at NEOMA Business School. He received his PhD from HEC-University of Liège (Belgium) and was trained in entrepreneurship in the US (Babson College and University of Colorado at Boulder). He mainly teaches entrepreneurship and related courses. His research is currently focused on corporate growth (specifically its drivers, its relationships with financing issues and entrepreneurial mindset) and growth-oriented entrepreneurship. Former expert for the EU Commission on business angels and former member of a higher-education ministerial cabinet in Belgium, he has participated in various initiatives in France and abroad (White Paper, etc.) on how to strengthen the students entrepreneurial mindset and how to enhance collaboration between BICs (Business & Innovation Centers) and BSchools and engineering schools. He is currently member of the board of directors of the French Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. His research has been published in French and international journals such as Revue de l’entrepreneuriat, Revue Française de Gestion, Small Business Economics and Technovation, among others.
Areas of research
- Corporate Growth
- Growth-oriented Entrepreneurship
- International Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, "Diversité de comportement des entreprises à internationalisation précoce et rapide : essai de validation d'une typologie", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, September 2012, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 111-136
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, "Le rôle de l'expérience de l'entrepreneur dans le niveau d'internationalisation des jeunes entreprises", Management & Avenir, December 2011, no. 50, pp. 38-56
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.BIGA-DIAMBEIDOU, "Performance and growth dynamics in young service firms: an exploratory study", International Journal of Services Technology and Management, December 2011, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 262-279
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.BIGA-DIAMBEIDOU, R.COEURDEROY, "Le dynamisme entrepreneurial des régions: propositions d'un cadre conceptuel", Canadian Journal of Regional Science, December 2011, vol. 34, no. 2-3, pp. 47-59
NEKHILI, M., D.CHEBBI, F.NLEMVO, "Gouvernance des activités de R&D par les firmes multinationales : contribution de la théorie fondée sur les ressources", Management & Avenir, May 2010, no. 31, pp. 50-70
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., D.CHEBBI NEKHILI, M.NEKHILI, "Gouvernance des activités de R & D à l'étranger par les firmes multinationales : contribution de la théorie fondée sur les ressources", Management & Avenir, March 2010, no. 31, pp. 50-70
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, "The internationalisation of French new ventures: the case of the Rhone-Alps region", European Management Journal, August 2009, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 255-267
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., B.SURLEMONT, "Le choix des modèles de revenu dans la haute gastronomie", Revue Française de Gestion, March 2008, vol. 34, no. 181, pp. 145-159
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., B.SURLEMONT, D.CHANTRAIN, C.JOHNSON, "Revenue models in haute cuisine: an exploratory analysis", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, July 2005, no. 4, pp. 286-301
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Quelle stratégie pour la mise en place des réseaux de business angels ? Quelques leçons des pratiques internationales", Perspectives en Management Stratégique, June 2004
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., F.PIRNAY, B.SURLEMONT, "Towards a typology of university spin-offs", Small Business Economics, December 2003, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 355-369
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., F.PIRNAY, B.SURLEMONT, "The facets of technology incubation", International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, December 2003, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 237-243
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., F.PIRNAY, B.SURLEMONT, "A stage model of academic spin-off creation", Technovation, May 2002, no. 5, pp. 281-289
NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Le cumul des fonctions de président du conseil d'administration et de Directeur général : quel effet sur la performance de l'entreprise ?", Revue Française de Gestion, April 2000, no. 128, pp. 4-15
Book chapter
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, E.RASMUSSEN, P.SERVAIS, "Growth and internationalization of French and Danish SMEs" in International Growth of Small and Medium Enterprises., NUMMELA Niina Ed., Routledge Taylor & Francis Group - Series: Routledge Studies in International Business and the World Economy, pp. 83-96, 2010
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.BIGA, J.DE FREYMAN, M.DE HALLEY, "Les trajectoires de croissance des jeunes TPE de services : une étude exploratoire" in Le Grand Livre de l'économie PME., Gilles Lecointre Ed., L'Extenso, pp. 245-268, 2009
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., L.SPAHR, "Eurogentec B : Le lancement de l'entreprise et la lutte pour la survie" in Entrepreneuriat, Etudes de cas., CRIJNS H., DE CLERCQ D., JANSSEN F., PIRNAY Fabrice and SURLEMONT Bernard Eds, Intersentia, 2004
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., L.SPAHR, "Eurogentec A : De l'idée à l'entreprise" in Entrepreneuriat, Etudes de cas., CRIJNS H., DE CLERCQ D., JANSSEN F., PIRNAY Fabrice and SURLEMONT Bernard Eds, Anvers-Intersentia, 2004
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., S.DENIS, B.SURLEMONT, H.WACQUIER, "Un aperçu des clusters stratégiques de la Région Wallonne" in Internationalisation des PME wallonnes et pays en développement, mise à jour., FCD Editions, 2000
Academic conferences
- NLEMVO, F., G.BOUSLAMA, "Fast Growing, low growing and stagnant companies in Europe: the impact of innovation, export, financial constraints, and business environment factors on SMESs growth" in ICSB 2016, 2016, New-York, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, "Croissance et internationalisation accélérée des jeunes entreprises : Le cas de la région Rhône-Alpes" in 6e congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2011, France
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., D.BIGA, C.M., M., "Increasing the rate of mid-sized companies in the economy: lessons from the French most dynamic regions" in Conférence ICSB (International Council for Small Business), 2010, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, D.CALCEI, "Growth dynamics in technology-based spin-offs graduating from public incubators: addressing the challenges of increasing the rate of growth-oriented firms" in Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Babson College, Babson Park, 2009, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, E.RASMUSSEN, A.ASPELUND, "Internationalization of French and Danish SMEs: Are there any differences?" in Consortium for International Marketing Research CIMar, 2009, China
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, D.CALCEI, "L'accompagnement des processus de création d'entreprises technologiques et innovantes" in Colloque de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat : Dynamique de croissance dans les spin-offs issus des incubateurs publics : Les défis de l'augmentation du taux des entreprises de croissance, 2009, France
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.BIGA, "Le dynamisme entrepreneurial des régions françaises : proposition d'un cadre conceptuel" in 5e congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat et de l'Innovation, 2009, France
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, D.CALCEI, "A Technology Incubator and Entrepreneurship Education: A French Business School Case'" in XXVI - World Conference I A S P - International Association of Science Parks, 2009, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, D.CALCEI, "The Role of Experience in the Internationalization Process of French New Ventures" in Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), Babson College, Babson Park, 2009, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.BIGA, B.GAILLY, "Toward a better understanding of new firm growth process" in XXVI - World Conference I A S P - International Association of Science Parks, 2009, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., F.BECARD, D.CALCEI, L.KAROUI, "Promouvoir l'innovation et l'entrepreneuriat à travers la coopération entre les écoles d'ingénieur, les écoles de management et les structures d'appui à l'innovation et à l'entrepreneuriat", 2008, Canada
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, "Les premières phases de l'internationalisation des entreprises nouvellement créées" in Conference of Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2007, Canada
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., M.CABROL, "The internationalization of French New Ventures" in 52nd International Council Small Business World Conference, 2007, Finland
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Integrating a Technology Incubator and Entrepreneurship Education: A French Business School" in OECD Conference, EISB (Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business), 2006, United Kingdom
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Is Geographical Diversification a Strategic Choice or Survival Imperative? An International Comparison Using Agency Theory Perspective" in Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference, 2005, United States
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., J.GRAY, "Why do Incubators succeed?" in Conference EISB (Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Small Business), Western Sydney University, 2005, Spain
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., B.SURLEMONT, C.JOHNSON, "Les revenus models dans la gastronomie : étude exploratoire" in 13e International Conference Association Internationale de Management Stratégique, 2004, France
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., L.KARAOUI, X.PARISOT, "Reinforcing Students Entrepreneurial Skills: Overcoming the Resistance to Change Issues" in 11th EDINEB International Conference, 2004, Netherlands
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Les réseaux de business angels et le financement de PME en développement : Des repères à la lumière des pratiques internationales" in 3e Congrès de l'Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat, EM Lyon Business School, 2004, France
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., B.SURLEMONT, C.JOHNSON, "The Funding of Michelin Star Restaurants in Europ: Return on Equity or Ego?" in 33rd Conference EISB Entrepreneurship Innovation & Small Business, 2003, Italy
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Quelle stratégie pour la mise en place des réseaux de business angels? Quelques leçons des pratiques internationales" in 12e Conférence Internationale de l'A.I.M.S (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique), 2003, Tunisia
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., "Revenue Models in Haute Cuisine: an exploratory analysis" in Internationalizing Entrepreneurship Education and Training - 4th Conference, 2003, France
- NLEMVO NDONZUAU, F., A.BALDI, L.KARAOUI, B.MARTINEZ, "Enhancing and reinforcing students entrepreneurial skills: an innovative didactic practice" in 10th EDINEB International Conference, 2003, Austria
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- NLEMVO, F., "Croissance et internationalisation accélérée des jeunes entreprises : le cas des PME de la région Rhône-Alpes" Workshop sur l'entrepreneuriat international. 2011, France