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PhD, Management, Management Control

since September 2012. Benoît is a graduate of IEP Paris and obtained his PhD at ESSEC.

His teaching areas are Management Control and Management Accounting. Benoît focuses his research on management instrumentation and more particularly the role of performance indicators in organizational processes; risk management; change management; and lean management. To publish his research he choses high-ranking journals; in particular the journal Organization Studies (4*CNRS; among the 50 Journals used in FT Research Rank)

Before joining NEOMA Business School, Dr. Tricard was a Consultant in Organisation for the Orga Consultants firm, then a Researcher at the Vinci Group.

Dr. Tricard has a large amount of experience as a researcher, and is the author/co-author of many articles and chapters in various books that have appeared in the journal Organisation Studies (4*CNRS), and through Oxford University Press, Economia, etc.

Areas of research

  • Lean Management
  • Risk Management
  • Change Management

Recent academic contributions

  • TRICARD, B., "Sociomateriality or Semiotic Mediation to overcome dualisms? Insights from Pragmatist Philosophy", Academy of Management, 2023
  • TRICARD, B., "Paul Ricoeur's contribution to new conceptual advancements in temporality studies" in PROS/PHILOS, 2022


  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, Y.CLOT, "Research methods for non-representational approaches to organizational complexity: the dialogical mediated inquiry", Organization Studies, June 2011, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 769-801

Book chapter

  • TRICARD, B., "Le temps dans la pensée processuelle" in Théories des organisations : nouveaux tournants., François Xavier DE VAUJANY, Anthony HUSSENOT, Jean-François CHANLAT Eds, Economica, pp. 319-338, 2016
  • LORINO, P., B. TRICARD, "The Bakhtinian theory of chronotope (time-space frame) applied to the organising process" in Perspectives on Process Organization Studies: Constructing identity in and Around Organizations., M. Schultz, S. Maguire, A. Langley & H. Tsoukas Eds, Oxford University Press, pp. 352, 2012
  • TRICARD, B., P. LORINO, "Les facteurs organisationnels du risque d'accidents du travail sur les chantiers de construction" in Le défi des organisations face aux risques: Sciences humaines et Cindyniques., M. Specht & G. Planchette Ed., Economica, 2009

Academic conferences

  • TRICARD, B., "Sociomateriality or Semiotic Mediation to overcome dualisms? Insights from Pragmatist Philosophy", Academy of Management, 2023
  • TRICARD, B., "Paul Ricoeur's contribution to new conceptual advancements in temporality studies" in PROS/PHILOS, 2022
  • TRICARD, B., "Plots, Clocks & Events: How the narrative emplotment integrates temporality in organizational processes”" in in 1st PHILOS Colloquium, 2021, Athene, Greece
  • TRICARD, B., "The pragmatist concept of trans-action to approach organizational change as a socially inclusive process”" in 37th EGOS Colloquium, VU University Amsterdam, 2021, Amsterdam, Denmark
  • TRICARD, B., P. LORINO, "Sociomateriality or ecological agency? The pragmatist concept of trans-action as the building block of an ecological approach to agency" in 14th Organization Studies Workshop: Technology and organization, 2019, Mykonos, Greece
  • TRICARD, B., "Plots, temporal bifurcations and events: Organizing as an aesthetic experience" in 34th EGOS Colloquium, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia
  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, "How organizational artifacts contribute to the construction of organizational temporality" in Tenth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PRO), 2018, Greece
  • TRICARD, B., "Performance Indicators in the Light of the Pragmatist Concept of Valuation" in 3rd European Pragmatism Conference, 2018, Helsinki, Finland
  • TRICARD, B., "A pragmatist critique of Sociomateriality's approaches to processes" in 9th International Process Symposium, 2017, Kos, Greece
  • TRICARD, B., "How mediating habits create organizational inertia" in EGOS, 2015, Athène, Greece
  • TRICARD, B., "Novelty emergence and time" in Fifth International Symposium on Process Organization Studies (PROS), 2013, Greece
  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, "'Mediation': An encounter between Peirce and Vygotski" in 28th EGOS Colloquium, 2012, Helsinki, Finland
  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, "Designing mediating tools: An encounter between Peirce and Vigotsky" in 28th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2012, Helsinki, Finland
  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, "Transient designs and persistent impacts Peirce's theory of sign, the mediation of organizing processes and conflicting temporalities" in 28th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2012, Helsinki, Finland
  • TRICARD, B., "The insights given by Peirce’s “Interpretant” notion to the study of organizations" in 27th EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organizational Studies), 2011, Goteborg, Sweden
  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, "Regulatory practices as dialogical activities" in 2nd Annual Cambridge Conference on Regulation, Inspection & Improvement, 2007, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • TRICARD, B., P.LORINO, "Designing mediating tools: an encounter between Peirce and Vygotsky" Brown Bag Seminar du pôle Finance Responsable - Rouen Business School. 2013, Rouen, France
  • TRICARD, B., "A bakhtinian inquiry on the building processes of a construction firm: the case of workplace risk genesis" in CBS Conference: Managing Complexities, Decisions and Actions in the Building Process, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark