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Visa validation

Visa validation procedure

Who is concerned?

If your visa is type ”D” mention “student” and you will stay in France for over three months, you will have to validate it upon your arrival. You will need to follow the procedure below as soon as possible after arrival at NEOMA.

To pay the immigration fee online:

Procedure to validate your visa online

After the payment of the fee, the visa will be validated and you will have to download a certificate confirming that your visa validation has been completed online.

Please keep this certificate carefully with you! You will need it:

  • To travel and come back to France – immigration control
  • To renew your visa with the Prefecture if you have to stay longer in France for your studies (After the delay of 3 months, if you have not validated your VLS-TS visa, you will need to apply for a new visa to return to France.)
  • To apply for the housing allowance (CAF)
  • To complete the French health insurance application

This is a compulsory procedure and if students have not validated their file within 3 months of their arrival in France, they will no longer be able to travel in the Schengen area and will be considered as being in an irregular situation on the French territory.

Travelling outside of France

If you wish to visit a foreign country within the Schengen area: your long-stay, multiple entries visa allows you to travel within the Schengen area.

If you wish to visit a country outside the Schengen area, or visit your home country:

Within 3 months of your arrival in France: Travel is authorized without your validation certificate, with a long-stay, multiple-entry visa.

3 months after your arrival: you must have the validation certificate. If you have not undergone the validation formalities before the deadline (3 months after arrival), you will have to apply for a new long-stay visa from the diplomatic or consular services in your home country.