Staying connected
Connect to the ‘Neoma’ wifi network using your @first login
Your NEOMA E-mail:
NEOMA email account
At the start of the semester, all communications from the School (staff, professors, notifications, …) will be sent to this email address. Here’s how to connect:
- Download Microsoft Office 365 for free:
- Connect with your login and your usual password
- Consult your NEOMA emails & Outlook calendar in which your courses are synchronized
Your timetable
- Connect on using your email address and your usual password
- Click on the following tabs: Classes > My schedule
COURSES platform
- MyNEOMAgora > Classes > Courses section
- Connect with your @first login and your usual password
- Access course material, upload work, contact your professors, …
Microsoft IT tools
NEOMA gives you access to a wide range of Microsoft Office Tools.
Recommendations for IT equipment
You need a laptop to continue your studies at NEOMA.
Don’t have a laptop or want to invest in a new one?
Here are our recommendations to ensure the best compatibility with our teaching activities and software:
WIFI: Our campuses are equipped to provide you with adequate Internet access.
If you wish to use a WIFI connection in another location, especially for distance learning, a minimum speed of 5 megabits per second is recommended.
Finally, please note that tablets and Chromebooks are not suitable for program requirements.
A calculator may be used for examinations and lectures: the only model accepted is the “CASIO FX92“.
Cell phone
During your studies at NEOMA, you will be asked to scan a QR code to confirm your attendance in class.
To be able to do so, please make sure your cell phone is equipped with a camera.