VAE validates your professional experience and enhances your career prospects by awarding you a recognised qualification.
What is VAE?
Law 2002-73 from 17 January 2002 pertaining to the social modernisation established the validation of acquired knowledge (VAE) in articles 133 to 145, enabling any person who has performed a professional activity (salaried, non-salaried, voluntary, etc.) to, under certain conditions, obtain validation of acquired knowledge (VAE). The person’s experience can be presented as justification for obtaining a qualification for further professional development. This professional certification must be registered with the French National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP).
Skill fields acquired by way of VAE have life-long validity (article R335-10 of the French education code).
Who can benefit from VAE?
VAE is open to anyone, regardless of age or professional status. The system is open to any experience enabling the acquisition of skills directly linked to the targeted certification (title registered in the RNCP: French National Directory of Professional Certifications). However, a minimum of one year’s experience is strongly recommended.
Since 1 January 2015, any applicant can benefit from personalised professional development assistance or advice (CEP). NEOMA Business School has an Executive Education team devoted to guiding applicants through this process.
Why join NEOMA for a VAE?
As a management consultant, the certification of my 20 years‘ experience at PSA by NEOMA’s VAE has boosted my confidence and professional credibility. I chose VAE to certify my skills without taking an academic course. NEOMA matched my expectations perfectly, becoming the only certifier for the diploma in question.
Results indicators
For more information by programme, please contact Christelle Riccobene
- Training actions
- Apprenticeship training actions
- Actions allowing the validation of acquired experience
Data collected on participants, all VAE combined.
Sources: *Jury minutes from September 2023 to September 2024 | **Number of VAE participants from December 2023 to September 2024 | ***Post-jury satisfaction survey from October 2023 to October 2024.
NEOMA Business School is Qualiopi certified under the following action categories:
Which degrees and diplomas are eligible for VAE?
All our level 6 and 7 qualifications listed on the RNCP are accessible via VAE. Identify and validate your skills acquired through experience and obtain a recognised qualification. Choose the course that suits you from our 26 courses:
Master In Management (7)
Global Executive MBA (7)
Global BBA (6)
General Management Programme (6)
MSc Global Management (7)
MSc Management de Projet (7)
MSc Supply Chain & Transformation Digitale (7)
MSc Business Analytics (7)
MSc Sustainability Transformations (7)
MSc Supply Chain Management
MS/MSc Analyse Financière Internationale (7)
MSc Finance & Big Data (7)
MSc International Finance (7)
MSc Communication d’entreprise (7)
MS/MSc Marketing & Data Analytics (7)
MS/MSc Études et Décision Marketing (7)
MSc Marketing (7)
MSc Business Development & Clients Grands Comptes (7)
MSc International Business Development (7)
MSc International Project Development (7)
MSc Cultural & Creative Industries (7)
International Master in Luxury Management (7)
MSc Wine & Gastronomy (7)
Bachelor en Management des Services (6)
TEMA (Tech & Management) (7)
Specialised Master in Innovation Management in Innovation Management in Agribusiness and Bio-industries (Masternova) (7)
(7) > Titre RNCP niveau 7
(6) > Titre RNCP niveau 6
For each of the programmes offered as part of the VAE, you may choose to complete them by individual “skills block”, each of which is RNCP-certified.
To acquire the full certification, candidates must validate the elements indicated in the section of the RNCP sheet entitled “Description des modalités d’acquisition de la certification par capitalisation des blocs de compétences et/ou par correspondance » of the RNCP sheet.
The stages
Stage 1: Understanding the process: 2 phases
1st phase: pre-analysis of the CV and information about the process for the applicant for the VAE
The VAE point of contact at NEOMA Business School provides the applicant with information about the VAE process. This is aimed at assessing the chances of success and identifying the frame of reference of the most appropriate certification concerning the applicant’s professional experience. Booklet 1 (admissibility file) is sent to the applicant who must return it completed and including all the necessary documentation.
2nd phase: study of the admissibility of the application
The head of certification carries out a feasibility study in terms of professional experience and skills based on booklet 1.
After this assessment, the applicant receives notification of the decision on admissibility within two months maximum. Along with this decision, educational recommendations are made to the applicant.
An estimate concerning fees for individual or collective support and assistant with the financial arrangements is sent.
Stage 2: Interview
An interview between the candidate and the VAE point of contact takes place in order to:
- Sign a contract binding the applicant to NEOMA Business School with obligations on either side
- Plan the various stages of the support
- Explain the various constituent parts of Booklet 2 (supporting evidence)
At the end of this stage, the applicant begins the VAE process for certification on one of the four proposed intakes.
Stage 3: Gathering supporting evidence
The applicant puts together booklet 2 and indicates for each skill field:
- The description of their activities related to the qualification
- The knowledge acquired
- The expertise implemented and the qualitative and quantitative results obtained
- How they feel their behaviour and skills have developed over the course of their professional lives
While the file is being put together, a VAE adviser nominated by NEOMA BS assists the applicant.
Stage 4: Validation of the certification by a jury
- Evaluation of the supporting evidence (booklet 2) by the jury
- Support for the applicant at the meeting of the VAE jury (a NEOMA representative, a programme representative and two external employees in the skill field)
- The decision of the jury is sent to the applicant within two months of the date of the jury (total validation, partial validation, non validation).
Due to a very low rate of VAE requests at NEOMS BS, it is not yet possible for us to communicate on success and dropout rates.
For more information, contact our international team:
Christelle RICCOBENE
Business Manager | VAE referent +33 1 73 06 98 41 | +33 7 65 17 96 64 LinkedIn Make an appointmentLudgia RUPERT
Programme Coordinator Executive Education | VAE referent