DEROY Xavier
HDR (Authorization to supervise research), Business Administration
Xavier Deroy is Professor of of Strategy and Orgnaization Studies. He has got his HDR from the University Paris Daunphine, Phd from CNAM, Paris, Master in Economics from Paris Dauphine and Is also alumini of Rouen Management School. He teaches Strategy and was the former director of Masternova with Agro paris tech and has also been head of department. He has pubished many papers in international journals, such as Organization Studies, Organization, Journal of Change Managment, Management International, and also in french jjournals as RFG and Entreprise et histoire. He has edited a book and is hte author of numerous chapter in french and english books. He has organised during 8 years a track in Euram Conference devoted to events and Organization and participated to many other international Conferences such as Egos or Anzam. His main areas of research are events and management, complexity and management and organizational evolution
Areas of research
- Events
- Luhmann
- Power
Recent academic contributions
- DEROY, X., "Posthumanism as a system of codifying events" in Organization Studies and Posthumanism., François-Xavier de Vaujany, Silvia Gherardi, Polyana Silva Eds, Routledge Academic, pp. 26, 2024
- DEROY, X., "Codifying Events: The Unfolding of Posthumanism’, in More-than-humanism: Organization Studies and posthumanism", François Xavier De Vaujany, Silvia Gherardi, Polyana Silva Eds, Cambridge University Press, 2023
DEROY, X., "Is The Phenomenal Difference of the Entrepreneurial Event Opening on its Repetition?" in The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies., François Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Perezts Eds, Oxford University Press, pp. 152, 2023
DOI : 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192865755.013.23
LETHIELLEUX, L., M.THENOT, X.DEROY, "Les coopératives de santé : un nouveau sentier dans l'organisation des soins", Management & Avenir, June 2018, vol. 2, no. 100, pp. 189-207
DOI : 10.3917/mav.100.0189 -
DEROY, X., S.CLEGG, "Back in the USSR: Introducing Recursive Contingency into Institutional Theory", Organization Studies, January 2015, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 73– 90
DOI : 10.1177/0170840614544556 -
DEROY, X., M.THENOT, "L'évolution des logiques coopératives et de marché dans les coopératives agricoles françaises", Revue Française de Gestion, September 2015, vol. 41, no. 250, pp. 31-47
DOI : 10.3166/RFG.250 -
DEROY, X., "La gestion du changement confrontée aux événements. Le cas du comité des Champs Elysées", Management International, January 2014, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 39-52
DEROY, X., "La trajectoire atypique d'un équipementier majeur de l'aéronautique : Zodiac", Entreprises et Histoire, December 2013, no. 73, pp. 43-57
DEROY, X., S.CLEGG, "Contesting the Champs-Elysées", Journal of Change Management, September 2012, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 355-373
DEROY, X., S.CLEGG, "When events interact with Business Ethics", Organization, September 2011, no. 5, pp. 637-655
DEROY, X., "Qui contrôle l'éthique des affaires dans les situations d'événement ?", Management International, March 2009, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 11-22
DEROY, X., "L'événement entrepreneurial et le modèle entrepreneurial", Revue Française de Gestion, October 2008, vol. 34, no. 187, pp. 51-63
DEROY, X., "Le secteur pharmaceutique et l'histoire du contrôle de l'innovation", Revue Française de Gestion, November 2008, vol. 34, no. 188-189, pp. 175-183
DEROY, X., "L'innovation contingente, deux sagas : Zodiac et Salomon", Futuribles, June 2004, no. 22, pp. 3-76
Book chapter
- DEROY, X., "Posthumanism as a system of codifying events" in Organization Studies and Posthumanism., François-Xavier de Vaujany, Silvia Gherardi, Polyana Silva Eds, Routledge Academic, pp. 26, 2024
- DEROY, X., "Codifying Events: The Unfolding of Posthumanism’, in More-than-humanism: Organization Studies and posthumanism", François Xavier De Vaujany, Silvia Gherardi, Polyana Silva Eds, Cambridge University Press, 2023
DEROY, X., "Is The Phenomenal Difference of the Entrepreneurial Event Opening on its Repetition?" in The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies., François Xavier de Vaujany, Jeremy Aroles and Mar Perezts Eds, Oxford University Press, pp. 152, 2023
DOI : 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780192865755.013.23 - DEROY, X., "L’événement, phénomène fondateur de l’organisation’", Jean-François Chanlat Ed., Presses de l’Université Laval, 2022
- SEIFFERT, M.-D., X.DEROY, "Du colbertisme français du xxe siècle à un colbertisme européen du xxie siècle ?" in Colbert une source d'inspiration pour les décideurs d'aujourd'hui., Marc-Daniel Seiffert et Jean-Paul Méreaux Ed., Eyrolles, pp. 227-238, 2020
- DEROY, X., "La pharmacie, une activité de souveraineté au xxie siècle" in Colbert une source d'inspiration pour les décideurs d'aujourd'hui., Marc-Daniel Seiffert et Jean-Paul Méreaux Ed., Eyrolles, pp. 239-247, 2020
- DEROY, X., "Niklas Luhmman and organizations as social systems" in Management, Organizations and Contemporary Social Theory., Stewart Clegg and Miguel Pina e Cunha Ed., Routledge, 2019
- THENOT, M., L.LETHIELLEUX, X.DEROY, "Le modèle coopératif : une alternative pour le secteur de la santé en France ?" in L'économie sociale et solidaire face aux enjeux du management - L'ESS et ses nouveaux défis., Jean-Michel Huet et Stéphane Roques Ed., Editeur Pearson Education, pp. 165-180, 2017
- DEROY, X., "La Trajectoire Atypique d'un Equipementier Majeur de l'aéronautique : Zodiac" in L'aéronautique mondiale, acteurs et stratégies., Marc-Daniel Seiffert et Med Kechidi Ed., ESKA Editions, pp. 215-242, 2016
- DEROY, X., M.THENOT, "L'interaction des logiques coopératives et de marché : Quelle évolution pour le modèle coopératif agricole français? Le cas Champagne Céréales" in L'étonnant pouvoir des coopératives., BRASSARD Marie-Joëlle, MOLINA Ernesto Eds, Sommet international des coopératives, pp. 419-432, 2012
- DEROY, X., "Innovation, marketing et improvisation" in Marketing - Analyses et perspectives., COLAS Hervé, SALERNO Francis Eds, Collection Entreprendre, 2007
- DEROY, X., "L'école de la contingence et le contrôle de l'agir stratégique" in Formes de l'agir stratégique., DEROY Xavier Ed., Méthodes & Recherches, pp. 63-85, 2007
- DEROY, X., "L'identité des firmes innovantes implique t-elle la contingence radicale ?" in Points de vue sur les sciences de gestion., PESQUEUX Yvon Ed., L'Harmattan, pp. 211-244, 2003
- DEROY, X., "Specificity and mimetism for innovating firms" in Tacling Industrial Complexity., Richards and Frizelle Editions, 2003
- DEROY, X., Formes de l'agir stratégique, Méthodes & Recherches, 2007
- DEROY, X., Théorie de la décision, Cours du CNAM/Intec - Nouvelle édition, 2003
Academic conferences
- DEROY, X., "The Events That Make History: A Paradoxical Phenomenon" in 13th OAP workshop, 2023, Barcelona
- DEROY, X., "Events and temporality in Luhmann's theory", Université Paris Dauphine, 2019
- DEROY, X., Y. EL, F., "Relational creative project and organisational process in advertising" in 30th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 2014, Netherlands
- DEROY, X., S. CLEGG, "Event, recursive contingency and organizational history" in 30th European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, 2014, Netherlands
- DEROY, X., "Politics within institutionalized systems of differences" in 5th Colloquium Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies ( LAEMOS), 2014, Cuba
- DEROY, X., S. CLEGG, "Politics of resistance within institutionalized systems of differences" in 9th Organization Studies Summer Workshop: Resistance, resisting, and resisters in and around organizations, 2014, Greece
- THENOT, M., X.DEROY, "How to uphold cooperative values when governing large internationalized cooperatives?" in Third, Journal of management and governance Conference, 2013, Montreal, Canada
- DEROY, X., S. CLEGG, "The contingency embedded in institutional change undermines the management of change" in 13th EURAM Conference (European Academy of Management), Istanbul Congress Center, 2013, Turkey
- DEROY, X., M. THENOT, "L'interaction des logiques coopératives et de marché : quelle évolution pour le modèle coopératif agricole français ? Le cas Champagne Céréales" in Sommet international des coopératives, 2012, Canada
- DEROY, X., M. THENOT, "L'évolution du modèle coopératif français confronté à l'interaction des logiques coopératives et de marché" in Diversité et Durabilité des modèles agricoles coopératifs dans un contexte de crises de la mondialisation, ESSEC, Paris La Défense, 2012, France
- DEROY, X., M. THENOT, "L'interaction des logiques coopératives et de marché : quelle évolution pour le modèle coopératif agricole français ? Le cas Champagne Céréales" in 3ème Journée de recherche : Innovation Sociétale et Entrepreneuriale, Gouvernance Territoriale autour de la Méditerranée, IPAG Business School, 2012, France
- DEROY, X., S. CLEGG, "How to preserve the identity of the Champs Elysées?" in 25th Annual ANZAM (Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management) conference 2011, Canterbury University, 2011, New Zealand
- DEROY, X., "Where is the event of de-institutionalization in the institutional entrepreneur ?" in 3rd Latin American and European Meeting on Organization Studies (LAEMOS) Colloquium, 2010, Argentina
- DEROY, X., "Who Controls Business Ethics in Event Situations?" in EURAM 2007 (European Academy of Management), 2007, France
- DEROY, X., "The little event: interaction between social network and individual strategy" in 23rd EGOS Colloquium (European Group for Organization Studies), 2007, Austria
- DEROY, X., "L'événement entrepreneurial et le modèle entrepreneurial" in Académie de l'Entrepreneuriat, 2006, France
- DEROY, X., D. MANGALAGIU, "An economy of improvisation rooted in the innovation process. The case of pharmaceutic industry" in EGOS (European Group for Organization Studies), 2005, Germany
- DEROY, X., "Representing the relationship of micro practices to their environment : the role of improvisation in the practice of strategy" in EURAM (European Academy of Management), 2005, Germany
- DEROY, X., "Quelle identité pour les firmes innovantes ?" in VIth World Congress IFSAM, 2002, Australia
- DEROY, X., "Specificity and mimetism for innovating firms" in 2nd International Conference of the Manufacturing Complexity Network, 2002, United Kingdom
- DEROY, X., "Mimetism and modelization : a double bind?" in European Management Association (EURAM), 2002, Sweden
- DEROY, X., M. CROZIER, N. ALTER, "Quel sens pour l'innovation ?" in Conférence CNAM, 2001, France
- DEROY, X., "Théorie de la ressource et réseaux d'entreprises. Le cas de la télévision haute définition" in Colloque La Métamorphose des Organisations, 1999, France
- DEROY, X., "Reconstruire la stratégie de la théorie de la ressource à la firme comme collectif de conception" in ACFSAS, 1999, United States
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- DEROY, X., "L'évolution des modes d'innovation dans les grandes entreprises du secteur pharmaceutique" in Conférence Paris - Dauphine, 2006, France