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GRENIER Emmanuel

Master, Signal Processing - Statistics

Emmanuel GRENIER is a professor of Quantitative Methods at NEOMA Business School. An agricultural engineer by training, he is a practitioner and generalist in statistics.  He has taught statistics and data analysis to engineering and business school students, as well as doctoral students and professionals pursuing executive education. He currently teaches applied mathematics and data analysis at NEOMA.  Outside of teaching, he provides advice and support in quantitative methods to his colleagues. He has worked as a statistician in research teams, which has led him to co-publish in international peer-reviewed journals like Risk Analysis. These consultancy activities have led him to acquire expertise in Statistical Process Control, Bayesian statistics, Quantitative Risk Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling.

Areas of research

  • Design Of Experiements
  • PLS Path Modeling
  • Bayesian statistics


  • HATOU, F., E. GRENIER, "The contribution of cultural variables to predicting intentions to adopt a healthy eating", Journal of the New Economy, July 2021, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 805-831
  • GRENIER, E., F.HATTOU, A.HAMMOUTENE, "L’Evaluation De La Theorie Du Comportement Planifie Par La Modélisation Par équations Structurelles Basée Sur Les Moindres Carres Partiels (pls) : Lignes Directrices", La Revue des Sciences Commerciales, June 2018, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 16-25
  • HANSON, D., C.AUBIER-CHAMBON, E.GRENIER, "French Leadership: Creativity to the core", NEOMA BS - Insights, 2017
  • BENNANI, A.-E., E.GRENIER, F.DANY, "Human factors influencing the intention of ICT appropriation by healthcare practitioners: a survey in public centers in Agadir city, south of Morocco", Journal of North African Research in Business, March 2014
    DOI : 10.5171/2013.607571
  • GRENIER, E., I.ALBERT, J.-B.DENIS, J.ROUSSEAU, "Quantitative Risk Assessment from Farm to Fork and Beyond: A Global Bayesian Approach Concerning Food-Borne Diseases", Risk Analysis: An International Journal, April 2008, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 557-571
  • GRENIER, E., M.MATHIEU, G.NEUTELINGS, S.HAWKINS, "Cloning of a pine germin-like protein (GLP) gene promoter and analysis of its activity in transgenic tobacco bright yellow 2 cells", Physiologia Plantarum, March 2003, no. 3, pp. 417-435
  • GRENIER, E., T.TIR, A.MEDDAH, L.LEKE, "The effects of mesenteric ischemia on ileal colonization, intestinal integrity, and bacterial translocation in newborn piglets", Pediatric Surgery International, September 2001, vol. 17, no. 7, pp. 515-520
  • GRENIER, E., F.LAMBLIN, G.SALADIN, B.DEHORTER, "Overexpression of an heterologous sam gene in flax (Linum usitatissimum) cells, consequences on methylation of pectins and lignin precursors", Physiologia Plantarum, June 2001, no. 2, pp. 223-232
  • GRENIER, E., L.REIDIBOYM-TALLEUX, M.SOURDIOUX, GRENIER-DE MARCH, "Lipid composition of somatic and zygotic embryos from Prunus avium. Effect of a cold treatment on somatic embryo quality", Physiologia Plantarum, February 2000, no. 2, pp. 194-201
  • GRENIER, E., J.LAGUERRE, V.TAUZIN, "Hot air and microwave drying of onions: comparative study", Drying Technology, June 1999, no. 7-8, pp. 1471-1480
  • GRENIER, E., P.BENHAMOU, J.CANARELLI, C.CORDONNIER, "Human recombinant growth hormone increases small bowel lengthening after massive small bowel resection in piglets", Journal of Pediatric Surgery, September 1997, no. 9, pp. 1332-1336
  • GRENIER, E., E.GARIN, M.GRENIER-DE, G., "Somatic embryogenesis in wild cherry (Prunus avium)", Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, February 1997, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 83-91
  • GRENIER, E., M.CHAPUT, H.SAN, DE HYS, "How plant regeneration from Mentha x piperita L. and Mentha x citrata Ehrh. leaf protoplasts affects their monoterpene composition in field conditions", Journal of Plant Physiology, April 1996, no. 5, pp. 481-488
  • GRENIER, E., D.FARGETTE, C.FAUQUET, J.THRESH, "The spread of African cassava mosaic virus into and within cassava fields", Journal of Phytopathology, December 1990, no. 4, pp. 289-302

Book chapter

  • GRENIER, E., "Glossaire" in L'analyse statistique des données - Apprendre, comprendre et réaliser avec Excel., MORINEAU Alain, CHATELIN Yves-Marie Eds, Ellipses, pp. 405-407, 2005
  • GRENIER, E., Y.-M.CHATELIN, "La méthode RAS" in L'analyse statistique des données - Apprendre, comprendre et réaliser avec Excel., MORINEAU Alain, CHATELIN Yves-Marie Eds, Ellipses, pp. 134-137, 2005
  • GRENIER, E., J.GOUPY, "La régression linéaire" in L'analyse statistique des données - Apprendre, comprendre et réaliser avec Excel., MORINEAU Alain, CHATELIN Yves-Marie Eds, Ellipses, pp. 300-321, 2005
  • GRENIER, E., K.CHAPELAIN, "L'analyse de la variance" in L'analyse statistique des données - Apprendre, comprendre et réaliser avec Excel., MORINEAU Alain, CHATELIN Yves-Marie Eds, Ellipses, pp. 288-299, 2005
  • GRENIER, E., K.CHAPELAIN, "Probabilités et jugement sur échantillon" in L'analyse statistique des données - Apprendre, comprendre et réaliser avec Excel., MORINEAU Alain, CHATELIN Yves-Marie Eds, Ellipses, pp. 239-260, 2005
  • GRENIER, E., K.CHAPELAIN, O.MARTIN, "Statistique descriptive" in L'analyse statistique des données - Apprendre, comprendre et réaliser avec Excel., MORINEAU Alain, CHATELIN Yves-Marie Eds, Ellipses, pp. 220-239, 2005

Academic conferences

  • BENNANI, A.-E., E. GRENIER, R. OUMLIL, "Human factors influencing the intention of ICT application by healthcare practitioners: a survey in public centers in Agadir city, south of Morocco" in 13th IBIMA Conference (International Business Information Management Association), 2009, Morocco
  • GRENIER, E., I. ALBERT, E. ESPIE, A. GALLAY, "Bayesian statistical meta-analysis of epidemiological data for quantitative risk assessment" in ESREL (European Safety and Reliability) conference, 2008, Spain
  • GRENIER, E., I. ALBERT, J.-B. DENIS, J. ROUSSEAU, "A global Bayesian approach for Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) from farm to illness. Application to camylobacteriosis through broiler" in 5th International Conference of Predictive modelling in foods, 2007, Greece
  • GRENIER, E., I. ALBERT, J. ROUSSEAU, J.-B. DENIS, "Quantitative Risk Assessment from Farm to Fork and Beyond. A Global Bayesian Approach for Campylobacter-Broiler" in COST 920: Challenges to foodborne zoonosis, 2006, France
  • GRENIER, E., M. FEDERIGHI, J.-B. DENIS, "Pour une approche globale et bayésienne de l'appréciation du risque de campylobacteriose chez l'homme" in 6e Congrès de la Société Française de Microbiologie, 2004, France
  • GRENIER, E., I. ALBERT, J.-B. DENIS, "Towards a global and Bayesian approach to perform quantitative risk assessments in food. The case of Campylobacter jejuni in chicken products" in 16th European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 2003, France
  • GRENIER, E., K. CHAPELAIN, "Les erreurs dans la norme ISO définissant le vocabulaire statistique" in 33èmes Journées de Statistique - Société Française de Statistique, 2001, France
  • GRENIER, E., J. VAILLE, K. CHAPELAIN, J.-F. REY, "L'enseignement de la statistique dans une école d'ingénieurs" in 30èmes Journées de Statistique - Société Française de Statistique, 1998, France

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • SUQUET, J.-B., A. ROUQUET, G. BONNIN, E. GRENIER, "Rapport rédigé pour la Direction du Développement économique, Commerce et Enseignement supérieur du Grand Reims", 2022
  • GRENIER, E., "Risque opérationnel et réseaux bayésiens" in Modélisation stochastique et gestion des risques, 2012, France
  • GRENIER, E., "Une expérimentation en élicitation graphique" Rencontres du groupe Elicitation de dires d'experts. 2012, France