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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

le Bachelor en Management des Services de NEOMA obtient son visa
le Bachelor en Management des Services de NEOMA obtient son visa

The new programme at NEOMA, the Bachelor in Services Management (BMS) has received approval from the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation for the next four years.

 Genuine recognition of the programme’s academic excellence

As part of the approval process, the Evaluation Commission for Management Programmes and Degrees at the French Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation evaluates the programmes.

The Commission takes into account the organisation of admission conditions, the curriculum and the education provided over the course of the programme, the quality and involvement of the faculty in the programme as well as its research, the terms for awarding the degree and the professional integration of the graduates.

After the assessment, the commission highlighted the following strong points of the Bachelor in Services Management (BMS):

  • The original, innovative character of the programme
  • A programme conceived and planned in close partnership with iconic companies from the sectors involved
  • The suitability of the programme in the development policy of the programme portfolio offered by the school
  • The solidity of the pedagogic team and its desire to actively contribute to the programme
  • The emphasis on French skills and knowledge and the focus on conveying them to a new generation of students
  • The career-orientated nature of the programme

This is great news because by providing this approval, the Minister attests to the academic excellence of this programme offered by NEOMA,” said Bénédicte Dulaquais, director of the Accreditations, Certifications and CSR Team.

With this government approval, the Bachelor in Services Management (BMS) from NEOMA is registered under law with the National Registrar of Professional Certifications at level 6. Moreover, starting this year, the BMS can submit a clearance request to accept students receiving financial aid through the CROUS national programme.

Associated programme

Bachelor in Services Management

Become a manager in retail or gastronomy with the “Bachelor en Management des Services”
  • Full time or apprenticeship
  • 3 years
  • Rouen