PhD, Management, Finance
Sara holds a PhD in Finance from Université Paris-Dauphine. She is also a certified data scientist from the University of Harvard, and a certified professional in deep learning and transformative pedagogy from the University of Queensland. Sara’s primary research interests include institutional investment, human capital, and ESG topics in finance. Her research is regularly featured in international conferences, has won grants such as Institut Europlace de Finance and CEIBS Cathay Research Fund, and has been published in top-tier journals such as Management Science. Prior to her academic career, Sara held various executive positions, where she managed a wide range of operations including fund management, mergers & acquisitions, real-estate investment and corporate financing.
Areas of research
- Institutional investment
- Artificial Intelligence and Human Capital
- Tokenization of assets
- ESG and finance
Recent academic contributions
AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity Performance Around the World", Financial Analysts Journal, February 2024, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 99-121
DOI : 10.1080/0015198X.2023.2292545 - AIN TOMMAR, S., "Geography of Private Equity" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Ed., Springer US, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "The Geography of Private Equity Returns" in Lapland Investment Fund Summit, Levi - Kittilä, Finland, 2023
AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity Performance Around the World", Financial Analysts Journal, February 2024, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. 99-121
DOI : 10.1080/0015198X.2023.2292545 -
AIN TOMMAR, S., R. MURA, O. KOLOKOLOVA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry under COVID-19", Management Science, August 2022, vol. 68, no. 8, pp. 6250-6267
DOI : 10.1287/mnsc.2022.4402
Book chapter
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Geography of Private Equity" in The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity., Ed., Springer US, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Des marchés boursiers en perte de cote : analyse et perspectives internationales" in Management en Action., Ilan Benhaim Ed., Pearson Education, 2022
Academic conferences
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "The Geography of Private Equity Returns" in Lapland Investment Fund Summit, Levi - Kittilä, Finland, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper discussion: "Opportunity Cost of Capital for Venture Capital Investors and Entrepreneurs: a Reappraisal", by Prabesh Luitel, Piet Sercu and Tom Vinaimont" in 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship, Montréal – Canada, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity performance around the World" in 4th International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Financing and Entrepreneurship, Montréal – Canada, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S. DAROLLES, E. JURCZENKO, "Private Equity performance around the world" in The British Accounting Review Inaugural Annual Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA – United States, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion: "Emotions drive actions: Sentiment and cryptocurrency market reactions to macroeconomic news announcements" by Nhan Huynh" in The British Accounting Review Inaugural Annual Conference at Harvard University, Cambridge, MA – United States, 2023
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the individual mobility of private equity professionals tell us about performance?" in 12th Hedge Fund Research Conference, 2020
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" in 37th Spring French Finance Conference, 2020
- AIN TOMMAR, S., O.KOLOKOLOVA, R.MURA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry" in 14th International Risk Forum, Institut Louis Bachelier, 2020
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" in 11th Annual Hedge Fund and Private Equity Research Conference, 2019, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the Individual Mobility of Private Equity Professionals tell us about Performance?" in 4th EntFIN Conference, 2019, Trier, Germany
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the Individual Mobility of Private Equity Professionals tell us about Performance?" in 3rd Private Markets Research Conference, 2019, Montreux, Switzerland
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" in FMA Annual Meeting, 2018, San Diego – California, United States
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" in 35th Spring French Finance Association Meeting, 2018, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" in 10th Annual Hedge Fund and Private Equity Research Conference, 2018, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" in 3rd International Workshop in Quantitative Finance, Risk & Decision Theory, 2018, Bordeaux, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" in 2nd Private Markets Research Conference, 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Is Destiny Worth the Distance? On Private Equity in Emerging Markets" in FMA Europe Doctoral Student Consortium, 2018, Kristiansand, Norway
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "The Geography of Private Equity Returns" in French Inter Business School Conference, 2023, Toulouse, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Private Equity Performance and the Mobility of the Highly Skilled" in The 37th Spring French Finance Association Conference, 2021, Nice, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion - Shareholder Governance and Debt Maturity Structure (by Paul Voss)" in 37th Spring French Finance Association Conference, 2021, Nice, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., O. KOLOKOLOVA, R. MURA, "When Paid Work Gives in to Unpaid Care Work: Evidence from the Hedge Fund Industry under Covid-19" in 2021 Paris December Finance Meeting, 2021, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion - "One Global Village? Competition in the International Active Fund Management Industry" by Feldman David, Konark Saxena and Xu Jingrui" in 2021 Paris December Finance Meeting, 2021, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion -(R)evolution in Entrepreneurial Finance? The Relationship between Cryptocurrency and Venture Capital Markets, by Kirill Shakhnov and Luana Zaccaria" in Paris Fintech Days, 2020, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "Paper Discussion -Are Star Law Firms Also Better Law Firms? by Allen Ferrell, Alberto Manconi, Katya Neretina, William Powley and Luc Renneboog" in 17th Corporate Finance Day, Liège, 2020, Liège, Belgium
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.BARTRAM, "Public Markets and the Evolution of Private Equity" CEIBS Cathay Private Equity Research Fund. 2020, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., "What does the Individual Mobility of Private Equity Professionals tell us about Performance?" Neoma Business School Finance Seminar. 2019, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" 35th Spring French Finance Association PhD Workshop. 2018, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days. 2018, Strasbourg, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" Université Paris-Dauphine - Finance seminar. 2017, Paris, France
- AIN TOMMAR, S., S.DAROLLES, "Listed Private Equity: How does the Transition to Public Markets Impact Investment Outcomes?" Finance seminar. 2017, Aix-Marseille School of Economics, France