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PhD, Management

Gaël Bonnin is Professor of Marketing at NEOMA BS. His research areas are product and place design, adoption of technology products and narrative approaches of market construction. Gaël Bonnin's research have been published in journals or conferences as Recherches et Applications en Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Advances in Consumer Research, European Marketing Academy Conference. He teaches UX-Design, innovation and qualitative methods at the graduate level, in PhD and DBA. At the executive level, he taught marketing & innovation in e-mba and, for several years, to top executives in one of the biggest retail chain in France. Finally, he coordinated or participated in several funded research project, at the regional or european level, on topics as companion robots for seniors, use of agricultural robots or the use of augmented reality on tourist sites.He was Research Director of NEOMA from January 2020 to November 2023.
The results of Gaël Bonnin’s research have appeared in several academic publications such as Recherches et Applications en Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Advances in Consumer Research, and European Marketing Academy Conference.
He teaches in initial training, continuing education and research education (DBA, PhD) programmes on the subjects of Technology and Innovation Marketing, Design, Qualitative Studies (Ethnography, Videography).

Areas of research

  • Role of narratives in technology markets
  • Appropriation of technologies
  • Design impact on consumers

Recent academic contributions

  • BONNIN, G., A. SINNO, "The Effect of Warning Messages on Fake News Diffusion: The Role of Emotions", Advances in Consumer Research, October 2022, vol. 50


  • BONNIN, G., A. SINNO, "The Effect of Warning Messages on Fake News Diffusion: The Role of Emotions", Advances in Consumer Research, October 2022, vol. 50
  • BONNIN, G., "The roles of perceived risk, attractiveness of the online store and familiarity with AR in the influence of AR on patronage intention", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, January 2020, vol. 52, pp. 101938
    DOI : 10.1016/j.jretconser.2019.101938
  • BONNIN, G., M.RODRIGUEZ, "The narrative strategies of B2B technology brands", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, June 2019, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1448-1458
    DOI : 10.1108/JBIM-03-2019-0112
  • GOUDEY, A., G.BONNIN, "Un objet intelligent doit-il avoir l'air humain ? Etude de l'impact de l'anthropomorphisme d'un robot compagnon sur son acceptation", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, April 2016, vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 3-22
    DOI : 10.1177/0767370115617914
  • BONNIN, G., P.ODOU, "Les stratégies de neutralisation de la pression normative par les consommateurs : le cas du téléchargement illégal", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, January 2014, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 114-133
    DOI : 10.1177/0767370113505949
  • BONNIN, G., A.GOUDEY, "L'ergonomie : Une composante marginalisée du design d'espace de vente ?", Décisions Marketing, January 2012, no. 65, pp. 21-30
  • BONNIN, G., A.GOUDEY, "The Kinetic Quality of Store Design: An Exploration of its Influence on Shopping Experience", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, November 2012, no. 6, pp. 637-643
  • BONNIN, G., P.ODOU, "Les communautés imaginées, un territoire d'action marketing ? Le cas de l'entreprise de rencontre en ligne Meetic", Décisions Marketing, April 2010, no. 58, pp. 27-36
  • BONNIN, G., S.JEAN, "La pratique de " l'orientation client " : le cas de Findus", Décisions Marketing, July 2010, no. 59, pp. 67-70
  • BONNIN, G., "Physical environment and service experience: An appropriation-based model", Journal of Services Marketing, July 2006, no. special issue, pp. 45-66
  • BONNIN, G., O.SEGARD, P.VIALLE, "Relationship Marketing and Innovation: The Case of the Launch of Wireless Local Loop Telecommunication Services in France", Journal of Services Marketing, December 2005, no. special issue, pp. 149-171
  • BONNIN, G., D.DION, "Une étude comparative des systèmes proxémiques français et tunisiens", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, September 2004, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 45-60
  • BONNIN, G., "La mobilité du consommateur en magasin : une étude exploratoire de l'influence de l'aménagement spatial sur les stratégies d'appropriation des espaces de grande distribution", Recherche et Applications en Marketing, December 2003, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 7-29
  • BONNIN, G., "Magasin et expérience de magasinage, le rôle de l'appropriation", Décisions Marketing, December 2002, no. 28, pp. 65-75
  • BONNIN, G., "Des instrumentalistes aux chineuses, quatre figures de la mobilité en magasin", Sciences de la Société, May 2002, no. 56, pp. 43-60

Book chapter

  • BONNIN, G., A. GOUDEY, S. MBONGUI-KIALO, "Comment favoriser la diffusion des Gérontechnologies ? Une approche par la théorie du cadrage" in Des services à la personne à la silver économie ? : Comment accompagner le vieillissement de la population à domicile sur les territoires aujourd'hui et demain ?., Sébastien Payre Ed., Editions MPE et EMS, collection Management & Prospective, 2017
  • BONNIN, G., S.BORGHINI, P.MACLARAN, V.COVA, "The ecology of the marketplace experience: from consumers' imaginary to design implications" in Marketing Management: A cultural perspective., PENALOZA Lisa, TOULOUSE Nil, VISCONTI Luca Eds, Routledge, pp. 408-426, 2011
  • BONNIN, G., "La logistique de distribution face aux nouveaux comportements du consommateur" in Faire de la recherche en logistique et distribution ?., FABBE-COSTES Nathalie, COLIN Jacques, PACHE Gilles Eds, Collection FNEGE, pp. 249-259, 2000


  • BONNIN, G., A. GOUDEY, Marketing pour Ingénieurs, Collection Marketing sectoriel, 2010

Academic conferences

  • MANCHANDA, P., A. SMART, G. BONNIN, V. DUTHOIT-SAINT-GEORGES, "Understanding visitor experience interactions at cultural heritage sites: A text analytics approach" in CAUTHE 2020, pp. 594-598, 2020
    DOI : https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=049619621087039;res=IELBUS
  • RODRIGUEZ, M., G.BONNIN, "Narrative strategies to give sense to new technology: the case of Cisco’s Tomorrow starts here campaign." in IMP conference, 2016, Poznan, Poland
  • RODRIGUEZ, M., G.BONNIN, "Technology in business markets: toward a cultural perspective." in 32nd IMP-conference, 2016, Poznan, Poland
  • BONNIN, G., M. BAKPAYEV, A. GOUDEY, "Meet the Robot: Nao’s Chronicle", European Marketing Academy, 2015, Leuven, Belgium
  • BONNIN, G., A. GOUDEY, M. BAKPAYEV, "Meet the Robot: Nao’s Chronicle", Association for Consumer Research, 2014, Baltimore, United States
  • BONNIN, G., "The co-production of protest: the pivotal role of webzines in the framing of an advertising counter-campaign." in International Centre for Anti-consumption Research ICAR Conference, Christian Albrecht Universität, 2014, Germany
  • BONNIN, G., P. ODOU, G. ROBERTS, "Using social media networks in Russia to (re)construct collective memories and build brand identity" in ACR (Association for Consumer Research) conference, 2013, United States
  • GOUDEY, A., G. BONNIN, "Do You Have to Look Like a Human to Be Smart? An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Anatomy and Expressivity of Domestic Robots" in ACR (Association for Consumer Research) Conference, 2013, United States
  • BONNIN, G., A. GOUDEY, "Can Sensory Stimulation Decrease Rumination? An Exploration of the Influence of Senses on Repeated Mental Simulation" in ACR (Association for consumer research) Conference, 2013, United States
  • GOUDEY, A., G. BONNIN, "Design d'espace : la nécessaire intégration de l'ergonomie" in 14e Colloque Etienne THIL, 2011, France
  • BONNIN, G., O. SEGARD, P. VIALLE, "Relationship Marketing and Innovation: The Case of the Launch of Wireless Local Loop Telecommunication Services in France" in International Conference on Services Management, 2005, India
  • BONNIN, G., "Market Places in everyday life, The role of appropriation for the study of consumers-marketplaces relationships" in 9th International Conference on Marketing and Development: Marketing Contributions to Prosperity and Peace, 2005, Greece
  • BONNIN, G., "Physical environment and service experience: An appropriation-based model" in International Conference on Services Management, 2005, India
  • BONNIN, G., O. SEGARD, P. VIALLE, "An analysis of the role of relational assets from a resource-based view: the case of the failure of wireless local loop providers in France" in 15th ITS-Europe Regional Conference, 2004, Germany
  • BONNIN, G., "Une étude interculturelle des systèmes proxémiques français et tunisiens" in 19ème congrès de l'Association Française du Marketing, 2003, Tunisia
  • BONNIN, G., "New Technology Benefits versus Relational Market-Based Assets : The Case of the Failure of Internet Wireless Local Loop Service Providers in France" in 19th annual IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing group) conference, 2003, Switzerland
  • BONNIN, G., "Le comportement physique du magasineur au point de vente : Du déplacement à la production d'expérience par les pratiques d'appropriation" in 3e Colloque Etienne THIL, 2000, France
  • BONNIN, G., "L'acte de magasinage : description et interprétation des pratiques spatiales des individus en rayon" in 15e Congrès International de l'Association Française du Marketing, 1999, France
  • BONNIN, G., "L'évolution de la mission de l'entreprise de distribution : du point de vente comme espace économique au magasin comme espace de loisir" in 2e Colloque Etienne THIL, 1999, France
  • BONNIN, G., "L'utilisation de l'odeur d'ambiance comme variable d'influence des comportements en magasin : Quelles justifications ?" in 1er Colloque Etienne THIL, 1998, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Une typologie des pratiques spatiales des consommateurs en magasin" in 3ème Journée de Recherche en Marketing de Bourgogne, 1998, France

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • SUQUET, J.-B., A. ROUQUET, G. BONNIN, E. GRENIER, "Rapport rédigé pour la Direction du Développement économique, Commerce et Enseignement supérieur du Grand Reims", 2022
  • BONNIN, G., P.ODOU, "Neutralization theory and illegal downloading" Research seminar of the MCS research center. 2013, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Montée en gamme des entreprises: comment favoriser l'innovation dans les PME régionales ?" in 8èmes assises recherché et entreprises, 2013, France
  • BONNIN, G., "L'innovation : pourquoi, comment?" in Les chemins de l'innovation, 2012, France
  • BONNIN, G., P.ODOU, "'I steal but I am not a thief': an analysis of neutralization techniques in the case of illegal downloading" in 7th Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2012, United Kingdom
  • BONNIN, G., P.ODOU, "" I steal but I am not a thief ": Neutralization techniques and piracy" Research seminar of the CMAC pôle de recherche. 2012, France
  • BONNIN, G., L.PENALOZA, "Respresenting the consumer : how firms use qualitative research ?" in 6th Workshop on interpretative consumer research European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management(EIASM), 2011, Denmark
  • BONNIN, G., L.PENALOZA, "Interpreting the consumer in firms: how managers use qualitative research?" 6th workshop on interprative consumer research organized by EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management). 2011, Denmark
  • BONNIN, G., "Design d'espace et expérience client: quels impacts? quels management?" in Journée ADETEM Distribution, 2010, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Consumers & Technologies: What Strategies for Retailers?" in Journées de recherche marketing et distribution du PICOM (Pôle de Compétitivité des Industries du Commerce), 2009, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Comportements des consommateurs au point de vente" in Conférence ADETEM-POPAI, 2009, France
  • BONNIN, G., "L'apport des approches culturelles de la consommation au marketing" in Conférence Argus de l'Assurance, 2007, France
  • BONNIN, G., "L'impact du design d'espace de vente" in Conférence ANVIE, 2007, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Comment le consommateur réagit aux stimuli sensoriels et sonores sur le point de vente ?" in 1ère rencontre du marketing sonore opérationnel, 2006, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Le design d'espace de vente et de service : quels enjeux pour les producteurs et les distributeurs" in Conférence ADETEM, 2005, France
  • BONNIN, G., "The role of physical behaviour and spatial configuration in service encounter: two exploratory studies in a retail context" 8th International Research Seminar in Service Management. 2004, France
  • BONNIN, G., "Physical Behaviour in Stores and Spatial Configuration : Two Exploratory Studies" 6th Annual Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar of the Society for Marketing Advances (SMA). 2003, United States