DBA, Management, Strategy
Nishani is an Associate Professor in the People and Organizations Department at NEOMA Business School. She holds a doctorate from Harvard Business School and an undergraduate degree from Princeton University. Nishani’s research explores how deeply embedded norms shape the experience of both individuals and organizations during times of transition and change. She uses qualitative and quantitative research methods in her work. Some examples of her research include: exploring how French anesthesiologists who adopt the practice of hypnosis in the operating room stray from their occupational norms and reinvent their work; studying former Paris subway drivers and how norms of responsibility internalized in this occupation shape their experience when they are promoted to managers. Other research focuses on understanding the role that broader societal norms can play when organizations decide to change the types of organizational practices they use. Nishani focuses on the challenges of adopting less hierarchical practices as well as various compensation practices in the cultural context of France. Her research appears in journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, and Harvard Business Review. Prior to joining academia, Nishani worked in finance trading fixed income products on Wall Street.
Areas of research
- Norms
- Changes
- Occupations
- HRM practices
Recent academic contributions
- BOURMAULT, N., "Golden Hands or Out of My Hands? Shifting Contexts and Sense of Professional Expertise: The Journey of Doctors Involved in Global Surgery" in EGOS Colloquium, 2024, Milan, Italy
- BOURMAULT, N., "The Benefits of Being a Cultural Outsider: The Journey of MNEs Becoming Less Hierarchical in France" in Academy of Management, 2024, Chicago, United States
BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Rebooting One’s Professional Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis", Administrative Science Quarterly, August 2023, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 913 - 955
DOI : 10.1177/00018392231190300
BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Rebooting One’s Professional Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis", Administrative Science Quarterly, August 2023, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 913 - 955
DOI : 10.1177/00018392231190300 -
BOURMAULT, N., J. SIEGEL, "Why Local Adaptation Sometimes Fails to be Effective for MNEs: Exploring the Dynamics of Collective Bonuses, Egalitarianism, and Informal Norms", Journal of Management Studies, June 2022, vol. 59, no. 4, pp. 886-924
DOI : 10.1111/joms.12757 -
BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Becoming a Manager Doesn’t Always Feel Like a Step Up", Harvard Business Review, March 2021, vol. online
BOURMAULT, N., M.ANTEBY, "Unpacking the Managerial Blues: How Expectations Formed in the Past Carry into New Jobs", Organization Science, November 2020, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1452-1474
DOI : 10.1287/orsc.2020.1361
Academic conferences
- BOURMAULT, N., "Golden Hands or Out of My Hands? Shifting Contexts and Sense of Professional Expertise: The Journey of Doctors Involved in Global Surgery" in EGOS Colloquium, 2024, Milan, Italy
- BOURMAULT, N., "The Benefits of Being a Cultural Outsider: The Journey of MNEs Becoming Less Hierarchical in France" in Academy of Management, 2024, Chicago, United States
BOURMAULT, N., "A Voluntary Reinvention of One's Work: The Case of French Anesthesiologists Using Hypnosis" in Academy of Management, 2023, Boston
DOI : 10.5465/AMPROC.2023.339bp - BOURMAULT, N., "The benefits of being a cultural outsider to informal norms: The journey of MNEs becoming less hierarchical in France" in EGOS Colloquium, 2022, Vienna, Austria
- BOURMAULT, N., "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists" in Academy of Management, 2022, Seattle, United States
- BOURMAULT, N., M. ANTEBY, "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by Anesthesiologists" in EGOS Colloquium, 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" in Academy of Management, 2016, Anaheim, United States
- SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" in EGOS Colloquium, 2015, Athens, Greece
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- ANTEBY, M., N. BOURMAULT, "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by Anesthesiologists" Transitions Research Group. 2022, United States
- ANTEBY, M., N. BOURMAULT, "A Radical Reinvention of Work from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists" Harvard’s Culture and Social Analysis Workshop. 2022, Cambridge, United States
- BOURMAULT, N., "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by Anesthesiologists" in Wharton’s People and Organizations Conference Round Table, 2021, Philadelphia, United States
- BOURMAULT, N., "Toppling One’s Professional Expertise from Within: The Use of Hypnosis by French Anesthesiologists”" Department Seminar Series, NEOMA Business School,. 2021, Paris, France
- BOURMAULT, N., "Benefitting from Less Hierarchical Practices in France" Department Seminar Series, NEOMA Business School. 2020, Paris, France
- BOURMAULT, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" Department Seminar Series. 2017, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, France
- BOURMAULT, N., "Exploring the Dynamics of Egalitarianism and the Effectiveness of Pay-for-Performance Compensation" Brown Bag Seminar. 2017, NEOMA, Rouen, France
- BOURMAULT, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" 2016, HEC, Jouy-en-Josas, France
- SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" in ESCP--SHO Research seminar, 2016, Paris, France
- SIRIWARDANE, N., "When Stepping up Also Means Stepping Down: Managerial Role Transitions for Members of High Reliability Occupations" in Wharton’s People and Organizations Conference Round Table, 2015, Philadelphia, United States
- SIRIWARDANE, N., "The Impact of Cultural Values on Multinational’s Organizational Practices" in Harvard Business School Student Research Symposium, 2014, Boston, United States