HDR (Authorization to supervise research), Business Administration, Finance
Stéphane DUBREUILLE, PhD, CFA, is Director of the Executive Education and Professor of Finance at NEOMA Business School, where he teaches managerial finance in the Executive MBA and Master of Science programmes, and financial assets valuation in the CFA© (Chartered Financial Analyst) programmes. After ten years of experience working in the Paris Stock Exchange and two years at the Anderson Graduate School at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles), Stéphane Dubreuille joined NEOMA BS as the coordinator of the CFA© programmes. Stéphane Dubreuille is the author of various books, in particular on value creation and market finance at Peason Editions, and of articles on issues such as intangibles valuation, portfolio management and financial markets microstructure published in International Journal of Business, Finance Contrôle Stratégie, Banque et Marchés or International Research Journal of Applied Finance. He is member of AFFI, CFA France and operates regularly as reviewer in PhD defenses.
Areas of research
- Intangibles Valuation
- Value Creation
- Wealth Management
Recent academic contributions
- DUBREUILLE, S., A. DUMESNIL, M. RUIZ, "Valorisation du capital humain" in Evaluation d'actifs - Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel Huet & Franck Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 153-176, 2023
DUBREUILLE, S., M.CHERIF, M.BELLALAH , "Real Options: An Alternative Valuation Model for the U.S. REIT Market", International Journal of Business, 2016, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 42-54
DUBREUILLE, S., F.LEROY, "Taux Négatifs : Quelles conséquences pour les banques et les entreprises ?", Analyse financière, July 2016, no. 60, pp. 43-47
MCHAWRAB, S., M. M. ALBOUY, M. KERGOAT, S. DUBREUILLE, "Les dessous de l’évaluation des entreprises high tech ", Finance Contrôle Stratégie, July 2015, vol. 18, no. 2
DUBREUILLE, S., S.FOURNEAUX, S.MCHAWRAB, "Un modèle alternatif de valorisation des sociétés immobilières cotées", La Revue du Financier, February 2014, no. 204-205
DUBREUILLE, S., S.FOURNEAUX, S.LLEO, "Is Real Estate a Good Way to Diversify in Times of Financial Crisis?", International Research Journal of Applied Finance, March 2012, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 364-375
DUBREUILLE, S., H. M.MAI, "Impact of European and American Business Cycle News on Euronext Trading", International Journal of Business, April 2009, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 123-136
DUBREUILLE, S., "Impact des informations macroéconomiques américaines sur Euronext", Revue Banque & Marchés, March 2007, no. 87, pp. 6-14
DUBREUILLE, S., R.GILLET, C.RAKOTOMALALA-KHAROUBI, "Futures sur électricité : analyse du marché français et impact de la structure de dépendance empirique en matière de diversification", Revue Banque & Marchés, September 2007, no. 90, pp. 44-51
DUBREUILLE, S., R.GILLET, "Les bourses traditionnelles face à la concurrence des systèmes de transaction alternatifs", Revue Bancaire et Financière, June 2004, no. 104, pp. 200-205
DUBREUILLE, S., "L'impact sur la liquidité de la mise en place d'une cotation électronique des contrats MATIF", Revue Banque & Marchés, September 1999, no. 4
Book chapter
- DUBREUILLE, S., A. DUMESNIL, M. RUIZ, "Valorisation du capital humain" in Evaluation d'actifs - Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel Huet & Franck Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 153-176, 2023
- DUBREUILLE, S., "Evaluation d'Entreprise" in Analyse financière internationale - Stratégie, évaluation financière et gestion d'actifs., Catherine Karyotis Ed., Gualino, pp. 169-192, 2020
- KARYOTIS, C., J.-M.BÉGUIN, S.DUBREUILLE, S.FOURNEAUX, J.-C.MAZZONI , Aide-mémoire - Gestion de patrimoine, Editions Dunod, Paris, France, 2017
- DUBREUILLE, S., M.RUIZ, Level III CFA (r) Summary Notes, Top Finance by Morgan Intl, 2016
- KARYOTIS, C., S. DUBREUILLE, Introduction à la finance de marché, Pearson, London, United Kingdom, 2015
- DUBREUILLE, S., M. CHERIF, Création de valeur et capital-investissement, Collection Synthex, 2005
- DUBREUILLE, S., Liquidités et formation des prix sur le MATIF, Collection Recherche en gestion, 2000
Academic conferences
- KARYOTIS, C., S.DUBREUILLE, S.FOURNEAUX, "Le « Grand Bouleversement » des bourses : une stratégie du low-cost appliquée à la finance" in « Gestion des organisations et systèmes financiers : quel modèle pour l’Afrique du 21ème siècle? »- COSIS, 2019, Dakar, Senegal
- DUBREUILLE, S., S.FOURNEAUX, "Breakthrough in financial markets: Low-cost strategies in finance industry" in World Finance Conference, 2019, Santiago, Chile
- DUBREUILLE, S., M.CHERIF, S.FOURNEAUX, J.ONOCHIE, "Venture Capital Performance Under Funds of Funds Monitoring" in World Finance Conference, 2016, New York, United States
- DUBREUILLE, S., S. MCHAWRAB, M. KERGOAT, "The valuation puzzle of IT companies" in International Conference on Finance and Banking (IFMA), 2013, Indonesia
- FOURNEAUX, S., S. DUBREUILLE, S. LLEO, "Is Real Estate a Good Way to Diversify in Times of Financial Crisis?" in III World Finance Conference, 2012, Brazil
- TARNAUD, N., S.FOURNEAUX, S.DUBREUILLE, "L'impact du métro sur la valeur d'un actif immobilier" in Colloque du GIS Modèlisation Urbaine, La modélisation des flux au service de l'aménagement urbain, 2012, France
- DUBREUILLE, S., "Impact of European and American Business Cycle News on Euronext Trading" in 19th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, 2006, Australia
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- DUBREUILLE, S., S.LLEO, S.MCHAWRAB, "Schwartz and Moon Valuation Model: Evidence from IT Companies" in Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, 2012, United States
- DUBREUILLE, S., M.MAI HUU, "Trading and information on Euronext" 20e Conférence Internationale de l'Association Francaise de Finance. 2003, France
- DUBREUILLE, S., M.MAI HUU, "Impact of US macroeconomic news announcements on Euronext trading" Séminaire de recherche. 2003, France
- DUBREUILLE, S., "An european comparison of the short rate interest future contracts" 5th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research. 2002, Switzerland
- DUBREUILLE, S., M.MAI HUU, "Introductions en Bourse à Paris : caractéristiques et performances" Séminaire Introductions en Bourse. 2001, France
- DUBREUILLE, S., L.FOURNIER, "Life ou EUREX : quel leader européen sur le contrat Euribor 3 mois ?" Bourse de Paris à l'Association Francaise de Finance (AFFI). 2000, France
- DUBREUILLE, S., "Optimal strategies on futures markets" Accounting and Finance Benchmarking Consortium. 2000, Australia
- DUBREUILLE, S., "Price formation and liquidity on futures markets" APFA Shanghai (Asia-Pacific Finance Association). 2000, China
Professional journals
- DUBREUILLE, S., "Tackling a unique challenge", The European, April 2021