MANGIN François
PhD, Management, Strategy
François MANGIN is an Associate Professor in the Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at NEOMA BS. He holds a Ph.D. in Management Sciences from HEC Paris, a Master's degree in Sociology of Organizations. He is a graduate of ESSEC and Sciences Po Paris.
He teaches Corporate Strategy, Business Models, Services Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical Issues in Finance and leads real-life situations based on business games.
He develops business games and case studies, some of which are presented at the North American Case Research Conference (NACRA).
He has also been Secretary of the NEOMA BS Labor-Management Committee since November 2016.
Areas of research
- Smart Cost Strategy
- Value Chain in Services
- Non Financial Reporting
- Responsible Marketing & Business Practices
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- MANGIN, F., "Who is responsible for the US opioid crisis? (case study)" in North American Case Research Association Conference - Corporate Governance & Ethics, 2020, Zoom, United States
- MANGIN, F., "Amazon Inc. and New York: the rise and fall of HQ2 (case-study)" in North American Case Research Association Conference - Corporate Governance & Ethics, 2020, ZOOM, United States
- MANGIN, F., "Diversité et formation des élites : la France forme-t-elle les élites dont elle a besoin ?" in Séminaire - Groupe de Recherche et d’Applications Hospitalières (GRAPH), 2011, France
- MANGIN, F., "(Re)légitimer un département LCS dans une école de management: petite chronique d'un changement réussi" 4ème journée d'Etudes du groupe GEM - UPLEGESS. 2010, France