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PhD in Management (specialized in Strategy and Entrepreneurship)

Moyra Marval is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at NEOMA Business School. She holds a Ph.D. from ESCP Business School and Université Pantheón-Sorbonne in France. She also has an MBA from IE Business School (Spain), and a Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering. Moyra’s research looks at organizations that provide entrepreneurial support to startups such as incubators and accelerators. She is particularly interested in contexts where large firms and startups collaborate to innovate, and in how tensions emerging from those collaborations might be managed. Moyra presents her research regularly at various international conferences including Babson, Strategic Management Society, and EGOS. At NEOMA Business School, Moyra teaches Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation courses. Before her PhD., Moyra worked as a Strategy Consultant advising clients from the energy, healthcare, and financial sectors.

Areas of research

  • Accelerators and incubators
  • Corporate venturing
  • Alliances between startups and large firms

Recent academic contributions

  • MARVAL, M., R. MAUER, "Les transformations des accélérateurs corporate et leur influence sur les interactions grande entreprise-startup pour l’innovation ouverte", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation/Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, January 2025, no. 76
  • MARVAL, M., "International Linkages between Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Understanding the Role of Corporate Accelerators" Forthcoming Small Business Economics
  • MARVAL, M., S. NIESCHKE, "How Do European Corporate Accelerators Select the Startups They Support?", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, January 2023, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 57-83


  • MARVAL, M., R. MAUER, "Les transformations des accélérateurs corporate et leur influence sur les interactions grande entreprise-startup pour l’innovation ouverte", Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation/Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, January 2025, no. 76
  • MARVAL, M., "International Linkages between Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: Understanding the Role of Corporate Accelerators" Forthcoming Small Business Economics
  • MARVAL, M., S. NIESCHKE, "How Do European Corporate Accelerators Select the Startups They Support?", Revue de l'Entrepreneuriat, January 2023, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 57-83
  • KUPP, M., M.MARVAL, P.BORCHERS, "Corporate accelerators: fostering innovation while bringing together startups and large firms", Journal of Business Strategy, November 2017, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 47-53
    DOI : 10.1108/JBS-12-2016-0145

Book chapter

  • BORCHERS, P., M.KUPP, M.MARVAL, "The role of incubators and accelerators to support digital transformation - insights from theory and practice" in Digital Leadership: Erfolgreiches Führen in Zeiten der Digital Economy., Thorsten Petry Ed., Haufe Lexware, 2019

Academic conferences

  • MARVAL, M., "Responding to institutional complexity in corporate venturing contexts: A dynamic perspective" in 39th EGOS Colloquim, 2023, Cagliari, Italy
  • MARVAL, M., "Entrepreneurial Ecosystems’ Interconnections: The Role of Corporate Accelerators" in R&D Management Conference, 2023, Sevilla, Spain
  • MARVAL, M., S. NIESCHKE, "How do sharks select ventures? The case of corporate accelerators" in EURAM Conference, 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland
  • MARVAL, M., "Understanding strategies to manage institutional complexity: The case of corporate accelerators in AIMS Conference, online", 2020
  • MARVAL, M., "The Transformation of Corporate Accelerators: An Institutional Perspective" in 36th EGOS Colloquium (European Group of Organizational Studies), Online", 2020
  • MARVAL, M., "Uncovering Practice Dynamics of Corporate Accelerators: A Process Perspective." in RENT Conference, 2019, Berlin, Germany
  • MARVAL, M., "Uncovering Practice Dynamics of Corporate Accelerators and Their Role in Open Innovation" in R&D Management Conference, 2019, Paris, France
  • MARVAL, M., M.KUPP, "Managing Collaborative Innovation: The Case of Corporate Accelerators" in Abbé Gregoire Innovation Days, 2018, Paris, France
  • MARVAL, M., "A Look into Corporate Effectuation Through Corporate Accelerator Programs" in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research - Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference Proceedings, 2017, Norman, United States
  • MARVAL, M., M.KUPP, R.MAUER, "Enabling Collaboration Between Large Firms and Startups: The Case of Corporate Accelerators." in Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 2017, Houston, United States
  • MARVAL, M., M.KUPP, "A Tricky Balancing Act: The Issue of Goal Alignment in Corporate Accelerators" in Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, 2016, Bodø, Norway
  • MARVAL, M., "Coopeting to Innovate: The Case of Corporate Accelerators" in Strategic Management Society Special Conference, 2016, Rome, Italy
  • MARVAL, M., J.FENDT, "Accelerating Open Innovation: A Stakeholder Approach" in ICSB Annual Conference, 2015, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • MARVAL, M., "Uncovering Practice Dynamics of Corporate Accelerators and Their Role in Open Innovation" in R&D Management Conference, 2019, Paris, France
  • MARVAL, M., "SRF Scholars dissertation presentations" in Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, 2018, Paris, France