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Master, Accounting, Corporate finance

María RUIZ GARCÍA, CFA, is a professor of Finance at NEOMA Business School. She is the director of the MSc Finance: Investment & Wealth Management. Her primary areas of research and teaching are Financial Reporting (IFRS and US GAAP) and Corporate Finance. She is particularly involved with e-learning programmes and on-line courses. Maria has published several cases in « The case Center » on numerous subjects such as investment opinion on Hermes, Prada brand financial valuation, financial modelling and business planning. She is currently working at Neoma Business School teaching in the Executive MBA and Masters programmes.


Areas of research

  • International financial reporting
  • Luxury brand valuation
  • Financial modeling

Recent academic contributions

  • RUIZ, M., C. DAUSSY, I. MIROIR-LAIR, "La valorisation des stocks - étude de cas sur les stocks de champagne et la valeur temps" in La Valorisation des actifs - Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel HUET et Franck PIGNEDE Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 53-82, 2023
  • DUBREUILLE, S., A. DUMESNIL, M. RUIZ, "Valorisation du capital humain" in Evaluation d'actifs - Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel Huet & Franck Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 153-176, 2023
  • RUIZ, M., J.-M. HUET, "La valorisation des marques" in La valorisation des actifs: Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel Huet & Franck Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 105-124, 2023

Book chapter

  • RUIZ, M., C. DAUSSY, I. MIROIR-LAIR, "La valorisation des stocks - étude de cas sur les stocks de champagne et la valeur temps" in La Valorisation des actifs - Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel HUET et Franck PIGNEDE Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 53-82, 2023
  • DUBREUILLE, S., A. DUMESNIL, M. RUIZ, "Valorisation du capital humain" in Evaluation d'actifs - Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel Huet & Franck Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 153-176, 2023
  • RUIZ, M., J.-M. HUET, "La valorisation des marques" in La valorisation des actifs: Nouvelles approches, nouveaux domaines., Jean-Michel Huet & Franck Pignède Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 105-124, 2023
  • RUIZ, M., I. MIROIR-LAIR, "Evolution des normes IFRS et leur impact sur la performance" in Audit et performance. Stratégies et outils de pilotage des entreprises., Huet Jean-Michel Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 37-60, 2021
  • RUIZ, M., I. MIROIR-LAIR, "La multiplicité des indicateurs: audit et reporting de performances en IFRS" in Audit et performance. Stratégies et outils de pilotage des entreprises., Huet Jean-Michel Ed., Pearson Education, pp. 121-141, 2021
  • RUIZ, M., "Normes de reporting financier internationales" in Analyse financière internationale : Stratégie, évaluation financière et gestion., Catherine Karyotis Ed., Gualino Lextenso Editions, pp. 69-94, 2020
  • RUIZ, M., "L'évaluation financière de la marque: les nouveaux défis" in Management du Luxe - Opportunités et challenges., Emmanuelle Rigaud-Lacresse et Fabrizio Maria Pini Ed., Vuibert, pp. 85-107, 2019
  • RUIZ, M., "La valorisation des marques de luxe: la société Prada" in Management du Luxe, Opportunités et challenges., Emmanuelle Rigaud-Lacresse et Fabrizio Maria Pini Ed., Editions Vuibert, pp. 284-287, 2019
  • RIGAUD-LACRESSE, E., A.BRUN, K.JENSEN, L.HERVE, C.ANDRE, M.RUIZ, S.FOURNEAUX, P.BERTOLA, B.QUACQUARELLI, C.CASTELLI, F.SERAIDARIAN, F.PINI, "Growth Archetypes in Luxury Companies" in New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization., Rigaud-Lacresse, Emmanuelle, Pini, Fabrizio Maria Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 241-259, 2017
  • ANDRE, C., A.BRUN, E.RIGAUD-LACRESSE, K.JENSEN, L.HERVE, M.RUIZ, S.FOURNEAUX, P.BERTOLA, B.QUACQUARELLI, C.CASTELLI, F.PINI, F.SERAIDARIAN, "Brand as a Legal Asset for Luxury Companies: Brand Power" in New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization., Rigaud-Lacresse, Emmanuelle, Pini, Fabrizio Maria Eds, Springer International Publishing, pp. 103-124, 2017
  • RUIZ, M., "Valorisation des stocks" in Contrôle de Gestion., Isabelle Miroir Ed., Ellipses, pp. 71-102, 2017
  • RUIZ, M., "Création de valeur et Target Costing" in Contrôle de Gestion., Isabelle Miroir Ed., Ellipses, pp. 162-185, 2017
  • RUIZ, M., "Décision d'investissement et business plan" in Contrôle de gestion., Isabelle Miroir Ed., Ellipses, pp. 292-323, 2017
  • RUIZ, M., "Synthèse financière à partir du budget" in Contrôle de gestion., Isabelle Miroir Ed., Ellipses, pp. 350-375, 2017
  • RUIZ, M., "Financial Valuation of Luxury Brands" in New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization., Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 85-102, 2017
  • RUIZ, M., "Cas de synthèse" in Système comptable français et normes IFRS, cas d'application avec corrigés., RICHARD Jacques Ed., Dunod, 2006


  • RUIZ, M., I.MIROIR-LAIR, I.HAOUET, C.DAUSSY, C.ZAWADZKI, Contrôle de Gestion, Ellipses, Paris, France, 2017
  • DUBREUILLE, S., M.RUIZ, Level III CFA (r) Summary Notes, Top Finance by Morgan Intl, 2016

Academic conferences

  • RUIZ, M., "New trends in measuring intangibles" in 24e Congrès annuel de l'EAA, 2001, Greece
  • RUIZ, M., "La contabilidad ante el nuevo milenio" in 9 Encuentro de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad, 2000, Spain
  • RUIZ, M., "Control de gestion y estrategia : aportes y limitaciones del balanced scorecard americano y del tableau de bord frances" in IXe Encuentro de profesores, ASEPUC, 2000, Spain
  • RUIZ, M., C.SRANON, "Research on French Funds and Cash Flow Statements : Explaining Security Returns" in 22nd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association, 1999, France
  • RUIZ, M., "The accounting model of value. Strategic evaluation models and explanatory factors of value added", 1999, France
  • RUIZ, M., C.SRANON, "On French Funds and Cash Flow Statements Comparative Usefulness" in 8th World Congress of the International Association for Accounting, Education and Research, 1997, France

Published cases with instructional materials

  • RUIZ, M., I. MIROIR-LAIR, C. DAUSSY - "Champagne for All!" - 2024, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., D. ROBEY - "Thomas Cook's Recipe for Trouble - Goodwill: Haunting" - 2022, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., S. BELAOUNIA - "Building assets… for real: Financial Analysis of Bouygues Construction, leading European company" - 2022, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., D. ROBEY - "Thomas Cook's recipe for trouble - a going concern story" - 2021, The Case Centre, Wellesley, MA, United States
  • RUIZ, M., P. DAGUET - "Financial Modeling for an investment - QINGDAO" - 2021, The Case Centre, Wellesley, MA, United States
  • RUIZ, M. - "Sherlock goes into Finance: Multisector financial reporting and analysis" - 2021, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., I.MIROIR-LAIR - "Hermes - The Crown Jewel of French Luxury: Equity Investment Recommendation" - 2020, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., S.BELAOUNIA - "Business planning, financial valuation and transaction in France and Germany. How to celebrate it: French Wine or German Beer?" - 2020, The Case Centre
  • RUIZ, M., L.HERVE - "The Devil buys Prada: Brand Financial Valuation and Stock Returns" - 2019, The Case Centre
  • HERVE, L., M. RUIZ - "CHAMPAGNE AND FINANCE FOR ALL! Analyzing the financial statements of a renowned Champagne producer: Laurent Perrier (LP) S.A" - 2014, The Case Centre
  • BOUTEILLER, C., M. RUIZ - "Financial modelling for a Business Plan" - 2011, The European Case Clearing House (ECCH)
  • RUIZ, M., L. HERVE - "LVMH's acquisition of 17 % of Hermes: would a broker recommend further investment in the most desirable luxury firm?" - 2011, The European Case Clearing House (ECCH)

Participation at an academic or professional conference

  • RUIZ, M., "Measuring Financial Performances" International Partnership of Business Schools (IPBS). 2000, United States
  • RUIZ, M., P.HOARAU, "Les apports de la notion de création de valeur à la gestion à long terme des relations de l'entreprise avec ses partenaires" Ecole Polytechnique - Carré des Sciences. 1999, France