SUBTIL Bénédicte
Master, Organizations and Institutions
Bénédicte SUBTIL, a DECF (Diploma of Accounting and Financial Studies) graduate and a holder of two Masters – one in research (DEA) and the other in Management –is an Associate Professor in Corporate Finance at NEOMA BS. Her areas of interest are Financial Analysis of Groups and Companies, IAS-IFRS Financial Standards, and Mergers and Acquisitions. She has developed and coordinated numerous courses in International Financial Analysis and Financial Policy in the Bachelor, PGE and Specialized Masters programs of NEOMA BS. Bénédicte is very involved in the development of financial simulations and e-learning courses. For 6 years, she coordinated the Financial Accounting discipline for all NEOMA BS programs. She has also published several case studies and book chapters. In parallel to her activity at NEOMA BS, Bénédicte is the Financial Manager of a company.
Areas of research
- Analysis of consolidated financial statements
- International financial standards IAS-IFRS
- Merger Acquisition
- Initial public offering
Book chapter
- SUBTIL, B., "L'analyse des états financiers" in Analyse Financière Internationale- Stratégie, évaluation financière et gestion d'actifs., Catherine Karyotis Ed., Gualino Lextenso Editions, pp. 39-66, 2020
Academic conferences
- HERVE, L., I.MEJRI, B.SUBTIL, "Showroomprivé.com rings the bell! (Features of a French stock market IP0) " in North American Case Research Association (NACRA)!, 2017, Chicago, United States
Published cases with instructional materials
- MEJRI, I., L.HERVE, B.SUBTIL - "Showroomprivé.com sonne la cloche! Quels enseignements en tirer pour introduire en bourse une start-up confirmée?”," - 2019, Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques (CCMP), Paris
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- SUBTIL, B., "Le nouveau référentiel comptable international IAS/IFRS : conditions d'émergence et impacts annoncés en France", 2004, France