PhD, Management, Human Resources
Shiva Taghavi is an Associate Professor of organizational behavior and the responsible for the Future of Jobs & Working Condition area of excellence Future of Work at Neoma Business School. She received her PhD in Human Resources Management from HEC Paris School of Management. She has been a visiting scholar in the Psychology department at Stanford University. Her research interests include diversity at workplace, multiple identities, women in STEM, and migrants and refugees. Applying quantitative and qualitative methods, she studies how multiple identities interact to predict workplace behavior. She has published various book chapters and articles in leading journals including Journal of Business Ethics, M@n@gement, and International Studies of Management & Organization. Her research has received a number of awards and recognitions, including the Most promising Thesis award from the Academy of Management.
Areas of research
- Multiple Identities
- Gender Diversity
- Intersectionality
- Migrants & Refugees
- Moral Identity
Recent academic contributions
KAKARIKA, M., S. TAGHAVI, H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, "Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality‑ and Gender‑Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip", Journal of Business Ethics, January 2024, vol. 189, pp. 329–344
DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05355-7 -
TAGHAVI, S., E. MANDALAKI, H. ZANNAD, "Socio-Professional Trajectories of Refugees in France: An Identity Work Perspective", M@n@gement, March 2024, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 57-75
DOI : 10.37725/mgmt.2024.7753 -
TAGHAVI, S., M. SEGALLA, "Is Work an Act of Worship? The Impact of Implicit Religious Beliefs on Work Ethic in Secular vs. Religious Cultures", Journal of Business Ethics, December 2023, vol. 188, pp. 509–531
DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05325-z
TAGHAVI, S., E. MANDALAKI, H. ZANNAD, "Socio-Professional Trajectories of Refugees in France: An Identity Work Perspective", M@n@gement, March 2024, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 57-75
DOI : 10.37725/mgmt.2024.7753 -
KAKARIKA, M., S. TAGHAVI, H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, "Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality‑ and Gender‑Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip", Journal of Business Ethics, January 2024, vol. 189, pp. 329–344
DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05355-7 -
TAGHAVI, S., M. SEGALLA, "Is Work an Act of Worship? The Impact of Implicit Religious Beliefs on Work Ethic in Secular vs. Religious Cultures", Journal of Business Ethics, December 2023, vol. 188, pp. 509–531
DOI : 10.1007/s10551-023-05325-z -
TAGHAVI, S., "Mental Construal and Employee Engagement : For more engagement look at the Big Picture", International Studies of Management and Organization, February 2019, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 99-107
Book chapter
- TAGHAVI, S., "Mental Construal and Employee Engagement: For More Engagement Look at the Big Picture" in International Perspectives on Employee Engagement., Michael Segalla Ed., Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2021
- TAGHAVI, S., "Religious Stimuli at Workplace and Individual Performance: The Role of Abstract Mindset" in Managing Religious Diversity at the Workplace: Lessons from Around the World., Ed., Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015
Academic conferences
- KAKARIKA, M., S. TAGHAVI, H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, "Psst! Did You Hear? A Gender Perspective on Reactions to Receiving Gossip at Work" in Academy of Management Proceedings, vol. 21, no. 1, 2021
- TAGHAVI, S., H.ZANNAD, "Socio-Professional Integration of Refugees in France" in Academy of Management Conference, 2020
- TAGHAVI, S., H. ZANNAD, "Socio-Professional Integration of Refugees in France The Role of Psychological Capital, Acculturation, and Subjective Discrimination", European Academy of Management, 2018
- ZANNAD, H., S.TAGHAVI, "Understanding Refugees’ career trajectories through psychological, social, cultural, and economic capitals" in 33rd Colloquim, The Good Organization, EGOS, 2017, Copenhague, Denmark
TAGHAVI, S., "How Do Beliefs About the Malleability of Social Structure Impact Meritocratic Attitudes and Behaviour?", Academy of Management Proceedings, 2016
DOI : 10.5465/ambpp.2016.15401abstract
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- TAGHAVI, S., M. GYOMLAI, "Who is more engaged while teleworking? Temporal boundary control as determinants of job engagement: the roles of work-family balance satisfaction, identity-integration and gender" in SHRM, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
- KAKARIKA, M., S. TAGHAVI, H. GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, "You Didn't Hear This From Me But.How Men and Women React to Gossip at Work" in SIOP, 2021, United States
- TAGHAVI, S., S. MOR, "Antecedents and Consequences of gender-professional identity integration for Women in STEM" in SIOP, 2021, United States
- ZANNAD, H., S.TAGHAVI, "Le rôle du capital psychologique dans les trajectoires de carrière des réfugiés en France" in 30ème Congrès de l’AGRH, 2019, Bordeaux, France
- TAGHAVI, S., "The Impact of Religious Beliefs and Cultural Identity on Work Ethic: A case of North African-French Culture" in The 29th Annual Conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM), 2016, New York, United States
Professional journals
- TAGHAVI, S., M. SEGALLA, "Le travail est-il un acte de foi ? Le rôle des croyances religieuses et du contexte culturel dans l’éthique du travail", The Conversation, December 2024
- TAGHAVI, S., "Au-delà de l’asile : comment la société civile ouvre la voie à un nouvel avenir professionnel pour les réfugiés", Hermès, La Revue , November 2024