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Through our ability to develop programmes, our ambition is to provide you with a high quality learning environment
Paris, Reims, Rouen
English / French
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Executive Certificate Finance in Hospitality and Tourism Industry
Master the fundamentals of finance with Vatel & NEOMA with this programme in English dedicated to hotel and tourism executives.
Martigny – Switzerland
4 days, lodging and boarding included
experience in hospitality management industry
Full time
Executive Cyber Risk Management Certificate
Identify threats and protect your data in advance with this programme providing cyber security best practices.
Distanciel, Paris
5 days - 30,5 hours
Accessible to candidates holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree and minimum 3 years professional experience
Admissions also possible for candidates not holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree, by special dispensation only
2 days of in-person classes / 6 synchronous remote sessions / 1 master class or 100% digital
Executive Data Management Certificate
Gain an understanding of today's major digital challenges, the opportunities offered by Big Data and AI, and how to move towards a data-driven organisation.
Distanciel, Paris
5 days - 30,5 hours
Accessible to candidates holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree and minimum 3 years professional experience
Admissions also possible for candidates not holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree, by special dispensation only
2 days of in-person classes / 6 synchronous remote sessions / 1 master class or 100% digital
Certificate eligible for the CPF: Validation of skills block 2 / RNCP level 6 title / RNCP Sheet N°35288 / Data Science Designer-Developer Registration date: 10/02/2021 - JEDHA
Executive Finance Certificate for Non-Financial Professionals
Explore financial diagnostics, identify sources of value creation and make informed decisions to contribute to your company's financial success.
Reims, Remote, Rouen
6 days over 6 weeks
Accessible to candidates holding a two-year bachelor's degree and minimum 3 years professional experience Admissions also possible for candidates not holding a two-year bachelor's degree, by special dispensation only
Full time
Certificate eligible for the CPF: Validation of skills block 2/RNCP level 6 title Fiche RNCP N°37655 Business unit management and development manager Registration date: 31/05/2023 - NEOMA