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Customised programmes

Through our ability to develop programmes, our ambition is to provide you with a high quality learning environment

  • Paris, Reims, Rouen

  • English / French

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  • Customised

Executive Certificate Finance in Hospitality and Tourism Industry

Master the fundamentals of finance with Vatel & NEOMA with this programme in English dedicated to hotel and tourism executives.

  • Martigny – Switzerland

  • 4 days, lodging and boarding included

  • English

  • experience in hospitality management industry

  • Full time

Executive Cyber Risk Management Certificate

Identify threats and protect your data in advance with this programme providing cyber security best practices.

  • Distanciel, Paris

  • 5 days - 30,5 hours

  • French

  • Accessible to candidates holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree and minimum 3 years professional experience
    Admissions also possible for candidates not holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree, by special dispensation only

  • 2 days of in-person classes / 6 synchronous remote sessions / 1 master class or 100% digital

Executive Data Management Certificate

Gain an understanding of today's major digital challenges, the opportunities offered by Big Data and AI, and how to move towards a data-driven organisation.

  • Distanciel, Paris

  • 5 days - 30,5 hours

  • French

  • Accessible to candidates holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree and minimum 3 years professional experience
    Admissions also possible for candidates not holding a two-year Bachelor’s degree, by special dispensation only

  • 2 days of in-person classes / 6 synchronous remote sessions / 1 master class or 100% digital

  • Certificate eligible for the CPF: Validation of skills block 2 / RNCP level 6 title / RNCP Sheet N°35288 / Data Science Designer-Developer
    Registration date: 10/02/2021 - JEDHA

Executive Finance Certificate for Non-Financial Professionals

Explore financial diagnostics, identify sources of value creation and make informed decisions to contribute to your company's financial success.

  • Reims, Remote, Rouen

  • 6 days over 6 weeks 

  • French

  • Accessible to candidates holding a two-year bachelor's degree and minimum 3 years professional experience
    Admissions also possible for candidates not holding a two-year bachelor's degree, by special dispensation only 

  • Full time

  • Certificate eligible for the CPF: Validation of skills block 2/RNCP level 6 title Fiche RNCP N°37655 Business unit management and development manager 
    Registration date: 31/05/2023 - NEOMA

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