Housing application procedure
The Housing Application takes place twice a year. It starts in May for the Fall semester, and in November for the Spring semester.
ALL applications must be done online. NO e-mail or telephone requests will be considered.
The application is done online, where you will have to rank your different choices of accommodation.
You will be assigned a room/studio on residence, while taking into account your preferences, residence requirements, availability, and other parameters.
If one of your choices is a double occupancy apartment, you must also give the name of the roommate you’ve chosen to live with. BOTH roommates will have to apply online and indicate each other as roommates.
You will be informed of the accommodation assigned to you by e-mail in the two weeks that follow the end of the Housing Application. You will then receive an e-mail with a Housing Package containing important documents about your accommodation as well as payment and wire transfer information to be taken care of very quickly.
Residences require full payment of the semester before arrival, so you will have until a specific date to take care of this payment.
Detailed instructions on confirming your reservation with your residence will follow in the Housing Attribution e-mail.
If you do not accept the room that is allocated to you, you will be responsible for finding accommodation for your studies at NEOMA. NO CHANGE or SWITCH will be possible once housing has been assigned.
Also, no change of housing will be allowed between semesters for full year students.
If you have any special needs as to accommodation for health reasons, please be sure to let us know on the Housing Application.
Now, please read the Charter and Policy for the Allocation of Subsidized Accommodation that follows. It is extremely important that you know what you are engaging yourself into by booking housing through NEOMA.
Charter and Policy for Allocation of subsidised accomodation
Allocation of Accommodation
Allocation depends on several criteria’s, which are notified to the student in advance. Depending on the availability of accommodation and to respect gender, allocation will be made by school or by the accommodation provider and then sent by e-mail.
The student may refuse the accommodation offered.
If he/she refuses, he/she will have to find his/her own accommodation.
The allocation of accommodation offered by the housing coordinator will be validated when the student has made the housing payment before the given deadline.
If the deadline is not respected, the reservation will be cancelled and the student will have to find his/her own accommodation.
It is advisable to inform the Housing Office of any health problem, which could affect the choice of accommodation.
The allocation of shared accommodation respects strict rules :
- Agreement of both people to share the same accommodation
- Commitment for the same length of time
If one or both of the roommates wish(es) to leave the accommodation before the end of the designated period, the rent must be paid by both parties until the end of the period whatever the reason for leaving – regardless the departure reason. As you cannot stay alone in a double-occupancy accommodation, you will be relocated to another.
Arrival, departure and inventory of fixtures and fittings
Arrivals and departures take place on weekdays between 9am and 4pm and must be planned in advance.
It is impossible to enter or exit accommodation during the weekend or on a Bank Holiday and outside the times given above or outside the date and time planned in advance.
If you wish to arrive earlier, you must find other accommodation at your own expense.
The inventory of fixtures and fittings will take place in the presence of the tenant. The inventory may also take place before the arrival of the tenant. In this case, the tenant must sign the original copy of the inventory on arrival and a copy of this inventory will be given to him/her.
The tenant will then have seven days to notify the Housing Office of NEOMA and fifteen days to notify the leaseholder of any malfunctions.
The tenant must absolutely be present for the checkout to make an inventory of the room/studio. The room/studio must be empty of the belongings by the time of the appointment. The fridge must be empty and clean.
The aim of this check-out is to make sure that everything is in order for you to get your deposit back. If something is broken or dirty, the tenant will be charged for the repair and it will come out of the deposit.
A cleaning fee might be charged depending on your residence.
The hall of residence must receive the notice of departure one month before the departure of the tenant if the accommodation is furnished.
Quick recap of the stages of the housing application
1- Online Housing Application
2- Communication of application results by e-mail
3- Communication of housing contract and payment instructions
4- Deadline for reception of proof of housing payment
5- Housing insurance registration request