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NEOMA's world

Thematics :

For the past three years, first-year Global BBA students have to commit to a volunteer experience, called Social Engagement Projects, and then submit their experiences through a website, an interview and a video. The best submissions receive a prize.

​“I matured a lot.”

It’s my favourite experience at NEOMA.”

I am going to continue to commit my time and efforts.

I felt useful for the first time.

These are some of the reactions from students in the Global BBA 1, among the 440 students who participated in Social Engagement Projects.

For three years now, NEOMA professors Catherine Derrien-Churchill from the Language Centre and Nathalie Dioudonnat from the People and Organisations Department have proposed that students become involved in a student society. The goal is to have them learn about its operations and management and transform this volunteer work into genuine professional experience.

At the end of at least twelve hours in an organisation, each student must submit an interview, a video journal and a website. For the professors, it’s the chance to develop new skills: digital tech, writing and public speaking. The best submissions receive awards during a closing ceremony in Rouen and Reims.

The 2021 winners


Award for the best website






Association : La Cantine de Rouen

ACCUEIL | la-cantine-rouen (wixsite.com)




Association : Les Petits Frères des Pauvres



Award for best interview





Fanny COLLET et Chloé BASSET  

Organization : Cheval Espérance




Marie BORN et Manon COURTIER

Organization : CHRU de Nancy



Award for best video journal






Organization : : le Samu social de la Croix-Rouge





Organization : Les Petits Frères des Pauvres



“Although some students were not interested in the beginning, we saw that they quickly developed a taste for volunteer work and they appreciated feeling useful. Other students, by helping people in need, realise their own good fortune. They are proud of their efforts and a lot of them told us that they will continue to volunteer in student societies,” Nathalie Dioudonnat said. 

All students are involved in Social Engagement Projects each year. Some of them even change their professional project, focusing on the student society/association world.

Associated programme

Global BBA – Bachelor in Business Administration

Expand your horizons with the Global BBA
  • Full time
  • 4 years
  • Paris (1st year), Reims, Rouen