PhD / Doctorat international, Management, Strategy
Rodrigo Valadao is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at NEOMA Business School. He teaches Entrepreneurship and Innovation in initial training and continuing education programs. His research specializes in cultural entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial ecosystems, entrepreneurial hypes, and corporate social media. Rodrigo’s work has been published, notably, in the Research Policy – a prestigious journal in the top 50 list of the Financial Times. Rodrigo is also one of the organizers of the Interpretive Data Science group (IDeaS), an emerging scholarly community interested in advancing human-centered approaches to big data modeling and theorizing in the social sciences. Before joining academia, Rodrigo worked for 15 years in global organizations that develop cutting-edge technologies. In his last role, he was Regional Commercial Director for Digital Solutions at General Electric.
Areas of research
- Cultural Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Entrepreneurial Hype
- Corporate Social Media
- Interpretive Data Science
HANNIGAN, T. R., A. R. BRIGGS, R. VALADAO, M.-D. L. SEIDEL, P. D. JENNINGS, "A new tool for policymakers: Mapping cultural possibilities in an emerging AI entrepreneurial ecosystem", Research Policy, July 2021, pp. 104315
DOI : 10.1016/j.respol.2021.104315
Book chapter
- GLASER, V., R. VALADAO, T. R. HANNIGAN, "Algorithms and Routine Dynamics" in Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics., Martha S. Feldman , Brian T. Pentland , Luciana D'Adderio , Katharina Dittrich , Claus Rerup and David Seidl Eds, Cambridge University Press, pp. 315 - 328, 2021
Academic conferences
- VALADAO, R., "Data Science to Study Data Science: Unveiling the Formation of a Meaning Infrastructure at the Early Moments of Institutional Change" in 3rd Toronto Fintech Conference, 2020
- VALADAO, R., "Advances in Topic Modeling: Curating Corpora, Using Structured Models, and Theorizing with Visuals" in Annual AOM conference, 2020
- VALADAO, R., "Data Science to Study Data Science: Unveiling the Formation of a Meaning Infrastructure at the Early Moments of Institutional Change" in EGOS colloquium (sub-theme 12 - Institutions, Innovation, Impact: Temporal, Spatial and Material Foundations of Institutional Innovation and Change), 2020
- VALADAO, R., "Interpretive Data Science, Big Data, and Topic Modeling" in Strategy-as-Practice (SAP) Community Day 2020 at the annual EGOS colloquium. Theme: “Studying Grand Challenges through Practice-based Methods, 2020
- VALADAO, R., "Understanding Analytics: Methods to Investigate Big Data, Algorithms and Culture" in Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019, Boston, United States
- VALADAO, R., "Assembling Frankensteins: How Protean Tools and Provisional Artifacts Influence Routine Dynamics" in EGOS colloquium, 2019, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Participation at an academic or professional conference
- VALADAO, R., "Assembling Frankensteins: How Data Scientists Render Provisional Knowledge in Organizational Innovation" in Alberta School of Business Ph.D. Conference, 2019, Alberta, Canada
- VALADAO, R., "Practicum on Creating Corpora, Topics, and Artifacts" First IDEAS Conference on Data Analysis Methods for Management Research at the University of Alberta. 2019, Edmonton, Canada
- VALADAO, R., "Assembling Frankensteins: How Data Scientists Render Provisional Knowledge in Organizational Innovation" Paper Development Workshop at the University of California. 2019, Santa Barbara, United States