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Keynote speaker

The conference has the great pleasure to welcome:

Jean-Charles_Rochet-keynote-speaker-NEOMA-conference on Sustainable-finance-May20, 2022Prof. Jean-Charles Rochet, Professor of banking at Geneva School of Economics and Management (GSEM) at University of Geneva and senior chair at the Swiss Finance Institute.

Jean-Charles Rochet holds a Ph.D. in mathematical economics from Paris University.

He has taught at the Toulouse School of Economics, at the London School of Economics, and has visited many universities and central banks all over the world.

He was President of the Econometric Society in 2012 and has been a Fellow of this society since 1995.

He has published more than 80 articles in international scientific journals and 7 books, including “Microeconomics of Banking” (with X. Freixas) at MIT Press, “Balancing the Banks” (with M.Dewatripont and J.Tirole) and “Why are there so many banking Crises?”, both at Princeton UP.

His research interests include banking, financial stability, industrial organisation of financial markets, and contract theory.