Aware of the increasing importance that a continuous flow of research output has for our academic life, NEOMA People and Organisations department has developed a plan for a series of collective activities oriented to strengthen our research production.
Our seminars’ goal is to have a workshop format rather than paper presentations. As one part of these workshops, we regularly invite external speakers to give a talk on their research projects. In doing so, we hope that these days provide an opportunity for each professor in the P&O department to receive constructive feedback and guidance from others, build connections between one another, and spark a continued dialogue around topics of joint interest.
In the past two years, we have seen tangible benefits associated with these seminars. Our seminars have helped professors in our department to publish papers in various journals, get acceptance into conferences, and attain research funding. Moreover, many of our colleagues have reported that the seminars have helped them started new collaborations and advance on their ongoing research projects.
The goal: We aim to offer a space for friendly advice and comments to research projects at different stages (from idea conception to editorial process) in both English and French and using all kinds of methodologies.
The logistics: The seminars are organised once a month and last either half-day or the whole day. Our typical agenda includes one hour of Challenge and Advise (where professors discuss research challenges they need advice on) and 2 or 3 research project presentations that may include one external speaker.
Organisers: Nishani BOURMAULT (, Helena GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ ( and Shiva TAGHAVI (
2024-25 Seminars
(updated regularly)
Friday 13th September – 10h-15h15 – Paris campus (R509) or Zoom
- 10h-10h45: Challenge & Advise
- 10h45-12h15: Ronald CLARKE, Associate Professor, Rennes School of Business, France, Presentation + Round Table – “ A Social Network Approach to Dyadic Team System Effectiveness: Optimal Balance of Strong Ties Within and Between Teams ”
- 12h15-14h15: Lunch*
- 14h30-14h45: Meeting Our Faculty: Eric LOU, new Assistant Professor People and Organisations, NEOMA-BS
- 14h45-15h15: Sharing Editor’s Experience: Sirio LONATI, Associate Professor, People and Organisations, NEOMA-BS, and Associate Editor and Methods Advisor for the Leadership Quarterly.
Friday October 4th – 10h to 16h – Paris Campus (R509) or Zoom
- 10h-10h45: Challenge & Advise
- 10h45-11h00: Meeting Our Faculty: Zhaodong (Alan) QIU, new Assistant Professor People and Organisations, NEOMA-BS
- 11h00-12h00: Farai KATOMA, PhD Student, NEOMA-BS – “Unveiling Barriers to Collaboration: Technology Developers’ Perceptions of Healthcare Practitioners’ Needs.”
- 12h00-14h00: Lunch*
- 14h00-14h30: Carine CHEMIN-BOUZIR, Associate Professor, NEOMA-BS – “Reflexivity through Lacan’s four discourses: Using “lack” to operationalize practical moral reflexivity when teaching Bachelor students”
- 14h30-16h00: Sarah ROBINSON, Full Professor, Rennes School of Business – Presentation + Round Table – “The social dynamics of nurse – doctor collaboration and nurses’ professional and relational strategies of power and influence”
Friday 15th November from 10h-16h30 – Paris campus
- 10h-10h30: Challenge & Advise
- 10h30-12h: Karoline Strauss (ESSEC). Presentation + Round Table: “Complementarity in future selves”
- 12h15-14h: Lunch*
- 14h15-15h15: Behnoosh LAHOOTI (NEOMA PhD candidate) – “Between coping and resistance: Exploring how Iranian immigrant women respond to experiences of workplace oppression”
- 15h15-15h45:Francesca NANNETTI, Helena GONZÁLEZ-GÓMEZ, Shiva TAGHAVI (NEOMA) – “DEI Practices, Impostor Syndrome, and Advice Networks”
Friday 13th December from 10h to 15h15 in Paris (509) and on Zoom
- 10h-10h45: Challenge & Advise
- 10h45-12h15: Laurie Cohen, Professor Emeritus of Work and Organisation, Nottingham University Business School, UK and Editor-in-Chief of Work, Employment & Society. Presentation + Round Table: “ Working it Out: reflections on a project into women, work and retirement”
- 12h15-14h15: Lunch*
- 14h15-15h15: Publication Journey:
- Emma Lei Jing (NEOMA): Organization Studies
- Jean-Baptiste Suquet (NEOMA): Work, Employment & Society and Journal of Business Ethics
- Shota Kawasaki (NEOMA): Journal of Management
Friday January 17th, 2024, 10h to 12h15 in Paris (509) and on Zoom
- 10h-10h45: Challenge & Advise
- 10h45-12h15: Ioanna CONSTANTIOU, Full Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark – Presentation + Round Table, “Organizations As Digital Enactment Systems: The Progressive Replacement Of Humans By AI In Organizational Decision Making“
- 12h15-14h15: Lunch*
Thursday February 6th, 2025, 10h15 to 16h15 – Paris Campus (R509) or Zoom
- 10h15-11h00: Challenge & Advise
- 11h00-12h00: Alfonso CARBALLO, NEOMA-BS – “Entrepreneurship in a socially disrupted world: How Extreme and Opposing Divisions Destabilize Women’s Entrepreneurial Decisions”
- 12h00-14h00: Lunch*
- 14h00-15h30: Lauren KEATING, EM Lyon, Presentation + Round Table – “Lay Theories of Expertise: A Mixed-Methods Exploration”
- 15h30-16h15: Jean-Baptiste SUQUET, NEOMA-BS – “The role of place for meta-organizing. The case of the creation of a retail development center”
Friday March 7th, 2025, 10h00 to 16h45 – Paris Campus (513) or Zoom
- 10h00-10h30: Challenge & Advise
- 10h30-11h30: Emma Lei JING, NEOMA-BS – “Crafting Safety: Evolution of Paradoxes in a Complex Institutional Environment”
- 11h30-12h30: Najma SAIDANI and Laura RUIZ SANTIAGO, NEOMA-BS – “Unveiling the Role of IT Identity in the Technostress Process: A Self-regulation Perspective”
- 12h30-14h30: Lunch*
- 14h30-16h00:
- Amit NIGAM, Bayes Business School – “Professions and the Prioritization of Societal Goals in Organizations”
- Editors Talk/Round Table: BMJ Leader(a journal targeted at clinical leaders in health care with a focus on leadership and management)
- 16h00-16h45: Jeeny SEO, NEOMA-BS – “Embracing Challenges Posed by AI with Mentoring Senior Employees’ Reactions to Organizational Pressures to Adopt AI”
*If you are joining us for lunch in Paris, please let us know so we can organise the reservation accordingly.
Upcoming seminars:
Friday 04.04.2025 Jos Akkermans, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Friday 23.05.2025 Rita Mota, ESADE
Friday 13.06.2025 TBC
2023-24 Seminars
- Agata Mirowska, NEOMA BS – “The A(I) Team: The effects of realism and gender on willingness to work with a virtual teammate”
- Lea Katharina Reiss, WU Vienna – “From mother to daughter: Embodied memories of gendered precarity”
- Serge Da Motta Veiga, NEOMA BS – “Changes in Perceived Age Discrimination Over Time: Patterns, Predictors, and Outcomes”
- Elise YU, NEOMA BS, “ To integrate or to pass? A latent profile analysis of social class management strategies among junior professionals”
- Ekaterina Netchaeva, HEC Paris, “At face value: Facial traits, social capital, and individual performance”
- Shiva Taghavi, NEOMA BS, “Boundaries Are Blurred When I Work-From-Home: The Impact of Temporal Control and Identity Integration on Work-Family Balance and Job Engagement”
- Carine CHEMIN-BOUZIER, NEOMA BS – “Authority through desire – the case of consulting”
- Sophie RAUCH, NEOMA BS Post-Doc – “Non-work at work : the paradoxical dynamics of a commonplace but taboo behavior in the space-time of office work”
- Hyemi SHIN, Royal Holloway, University of London – Presentation + Round Table – “Securing the Meaningfulness of Work in CSR – Meaning-Making Mechanisms via Economies of Worth”
- Alfonso CARBALLO, NEOMA BS – “Holding Back the Damage: Strong Political Institutions and the Effect of Populism on Business Investment”
- Dhruv SINGH, NEOMA BS, PhD student – “Navigating the new frontiers of workplace communication: Cultural context, mindset, and the role of AI-based technology”, PhD proposal
- Francesca NANNETTI, NEOMA BS – “Bringing your family to work: How parenthood homophily and gender influence the formation of network ties”
- Farah KODEIH, IESEG – Presentation + Round Table – “Building collective resilience in times of rising authoritarianism: Civil society organizations in Orbán’s Hungary”
- Emma Lei JING, NEOMA BS – “From powerless to powerful: Narrative identity empowered by a repertoire of temporal resources”
- Publishing Journey Round Table – Behind the scenes experiences:
- Urszula LAGOWSKA (NEOMA) in Journal of Applied Psychology
- Brian (Dongkyu) KIM (NEOMA) in Journal of Business Ethics
- Serge DA MOTTA VEIGA (NEOMA) in Journal of Vocational Behavior
- Helena GONZÁLEZ GÓMEZ & Shiva TAGHAVI (NEOMA) in Journal of Business Ethics
- Nishani BOURMAULT (NEOMA) in Administrative Science Quarterly
- Wenhao WANG (NEOMA) – “Performance consistency: Development and validation of a new measure”
- Ovul SEZER, (SC Johnson College of Business, Cornell University) – Presentation + Round Table
- Isabelle SOLAL, ESSEC – Presentation and round table: “‘Not My CEO’: Employee Reactions to the Threat of Female Leadership”
- Sabina BOGILOVIC, Univerza v Ljubljani (Visiting researcher at NEOMA BS) – “I want it all: Hoarding knowledge for creative idea”
- Verinika-Maria Cieslak, ICADE, (visiting PhD student at NEOMA-BS) – “Exploring Digital Transformation in the Workplace: A Multi-Paper Investigation”
- Lex Washington, Oklahoma State University – Presentation and round table:“The Paradox of Intersectional (In)Visibility for Executive Black Women in Corporate America”
- Sabina BOGILOVIC, Univerza v Ljubljani (Visiting researcher at NEOMA-BS) – “Creative Sparks: Task Conflict, Cultural Intelligence, And Creativity”
- Daicy VAZ, NEOMA BS, Doctoral Student – “Developing a Futuristic Business Model with sustainable AI: A bibliometric and Systematic Literature Review approach”
- Nicolas BAZINE, University of Bordeaux – Presentation + Round Table – “Trajectories of networking on SNS (Social Networking Sites) over one month: a growth mixture analysis”
- Dhruv SINGH, NEOMA BS, Doctoral Student – “Navigating the New Frontiers of Workplace Communication: Role of Generative AI and Mindset in Augmenting Cross-Cultural Competence”
- Andrew HAFENBRACK, Associate Professor, University of Washington Foster School of Business, Seattle, USA, Presentation + Round Table – “ Mindfulness Meditation as an On-The-Spot Workplace Intervention: A Field Experiment and Some Cautionary Tales”
- Hedia ZANNAD – Presentation – “The interplay between professional, organizational and professional identities. The case of women journalists at France Télévisions”
- Nadia (Yin) YU – Presentation – “ Navigating ambiguous expectations and be creative: Comparative studies across two contexts”