Faculty & Research
Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research
The Future of Work
The future of organising
The current technological, environmental, social and political breakthroughs require organisational changes. Using a variety of research methods in various settings, this subarea explores how organisations adapt to the new challenges they are facing.
Ongoing research projects include:
- How do HR practices and work organisation shape the new workplace? How to organize for co-working?
- How do digital technologies impact work organisation and organisational strategy, and what are the challenges to their adoption?
- What are the new business ecosystems and how do they manage to articulate multiple stakeholders (e.g., how to integrate customer logistics)?
- How do organisations respond to new claims for power, and strive to distribute power through alternative forms of governance (e.g., how to foster democracy in firms)?
Allal-Chérif, O., E. Lombardo, F. Jaotombo, “Serious games for managers: Creating cognitive, financial, technological, social, and emotional value in in-service training”, Journal of Business Research, July 2022, vol. 146, pp. 166-175
ALLAL-CHERIF, O., M. GUIJARRO-GARCIA, K. ULRICH, "Fostering sustainable growth in aeronautics: Open social innovation, multifunctional team management, and collaborative governance", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, January 2022
BERKOWITZ, H., A.SOUCHAUD, "(Self-)Regulation of Sharing Economy Platforms through Partial Meta Organization", Journal of Business Ethics, November 2019, vol. 159, no. 4, pp. 961-976
LEE, S. H., K.MELLAHI, M. J.MOL, V.PEREIRA, "No-Size-Fits-All: Collaborative Governance as an Alternative for Addressing Labour Issues in Global Supply Chains", Journal of Business Ethics, March 2020, vol. 162, no. 2, pp. 291-305
RAULET-CROSET, N., R. BEAUJOLIN, T. BOUDES, "Multi-Shadowing: A Gateway to Organizing? The Case of Hunting with Hounds", M@n@gement, December 2020, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 45-65
ROUQUET, A., J.-B.SUQUET, "Knocking sovereign customers off their pedestals? When contact staff educate, amateurize, and penalize deviant customers", Human Relations, August 2020
SCHNEIDER, A., D. SUBRAMANIAN, J. -B. SUQUET, P. UGHETTO, "Situating service work in action: A review and a pragmatist agenda for analysing interactive service work", <i>International Journal of Management Reviews</i>, May 2021
Research Workshop - October 28, 2021 – Paris Campus – Research incubator, reading group, and roundtable around Open Science
Examples of courses linked to this sub-Area include: "Digital transformation and change management", "Management and Organisation", "Psychology and Organizational Behavior", "The Digital Organization", "Designing and Managing Organisations in a Digital Era", "Designing and Managing Organisations in a Digital Era" (e-learning module), "Agile Business Models and Organisations"
Industry events
Aurélien Rouquet and Jean-Baptiste Suquet win the first prize of the SYNTEC Awards 2021. Their paper "Knocking sovereign customers off their pedestals? When contact staff educate, amateurize, and penalize deviant customers", was published in Human Relations. A summary of their research is featured in Harvard Business Review (French edition)
Participation of Jean-Baptiste SUQUET to a debate with practitioners on managing customers with deviant behaviors.
The aim of this webinar was to present the results of the study conducted in collaboration with Aurélien ROUQUET, in partnership with the AMARC (association pour le management de la réclamation client), and recently awarded recognition by Syntec Conseil and the FNEGE
Chairs, partners, and funded projects
The sub-area includes two externally funded research projects: Vista-AR (Interreg, EU), whose goal is to analyse the impact of augmented reality on heritage sites, and Transformation of Retail after COVID (Grand Reims), whose is goal is to anticipate the mutations of retail in the post-pandemic era.
“Aux racines de la logistique, le maréchal des logis dans l’armée française (XVIᵉ-XVIIIᵉ siècle) by Aurélien Rouquet, ,” The Conversation, 09/09/2021
“Réinventer et humaniser le lien, principaux défis en 2021” by Jean-Baptiste SUQUET, Les Echos, 17/05/2021.
Professors: Oihab Allal-Chérif, Rachel Beaujolin, Carine Chemin-Bouzir, Bilal Jathol, Patrick Lê, Marc Lenglet, Moyra Marval, Valéry Michaux, Vijay Pereira, Ales Popovic, Aurélien Rouquet, Najma Saidani, Antoine Souchaud, Dilip Subramanian, Jean-Baptiste Suquet, Maria-Carolina Zanette
Several projects in the sub-AE are the result of collaborations with researchers from international institutions such as: Université de Reims-Laboratoire REGARDS (FR), Rennes School of Business (FR), IESEG School of Management (FR), Kedge Business School (FR), Indian Institute of Management Indore (IN), Grenoble Ecole de Management (FR), Université Sorbonne Paris Nord (FR), EM Lyon Business School (FR), Copenhagen Business School (DK), NMIMS University Mumbai (IN), University of Granada (ES), IAE Rennes (FR), Indian Institute of Management (IN), Concordia University (CA), ESCP Business School (FR),Aix-Marseille Université (FR), Institut de la Gestion Publique (FR), Bayes Business School (UK), London Cardiff Business School (UK), Warwick Business School (UK), Aaston Business School (UK), Université de Cergy, Université Clermont Auvergne (FR), Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (DE), University of Waikato (NZ), Newcastle Business School (AU), Vellore Institute of Technology-School of Business Vellore (IN)
SUQUET Jean-Baptiste
Chairs, partners and financed projects