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NEOMA Business School has developed an apprenticeship scheme for several of its programmes.

This advanced track, which alternates between theory and practice, allows students to develop their skills and make a successful transition to the workplace.

In addition to the undeniable benefits that apprenticeships offer our students, they also hold many advantages for your business.

A means of improving business performance

By signing an apprenticeship agreement with our School, your company :

  • strengthens its staff over the long term, by hosting a committed, skilled student;
  • identifies and trains a future employee in its corporate culture and processes, with a view to recruiting them at a later date, as required;
  • benefits from suitable block-release arrangements designed with our partner companies.

Guaranteed local support

Ensuring the professional development of our apprentices and the satisfaction of their host companies are key priorities at the School. To this end, we have set up a range of support mechanisms, including :

  • preliminary interviews to ensure that the student’s career aims and skill set match the apprenticeship programme and the role proposed by your company;
  • dedicated apprenticeship teams on each campus responsible for all administrative procedures;
  • academic tutors who serve as a regular point of contact for both the apprentice and their supervisor at the company.

Apprenticeship in three programmes

Our apprenticeship track is available on Reims and Rouen campuses, in three different programme, each with their own areas of specialisation and different student profiles, to meet all of your needs.

NEOMA BS Master in Management, Master 2 programme, Reims and Rouen campuses)

  • 2 options: standard and DSCG (Advanced Degree in Accountancy and Management) tracks
  • 24-month apprenticeship programme
  • For 2nd and 3rd year students
  • Block-release arrangements: three weeks working at the host company and one week studying at the School (apart from DSCG track: fulltime in an auditing firm)

Bachelor in Business Administration, (Bachelor programme, Reims and Rouen campuses)

  • 12-month apprenticeship programme
  • For 3rd year students who are continuing their studies or enter via the “parallel admission” scheme
  • Block-release arrangements: one week at the host company and one week at School during the 1st semester; three weeks at the host company and one week at School during the 2nd semester

Bachelor in Services Management, (Bachelor programme, Rouen campus)

  • 24-month apprenticeship programme for 2nd and 3rd year students
  • 12-month apprenticeship programme for 3rd year students who are continuing their studies enter via the “parallel admission” scheme
  • Block-release arrangements: three weeks at the host company and one week at School

Whatever the programme followed, apprentices are available to take up a post once their apprenticeship contract has ended.

  • Added value of the institution: 100% of graduates find a job within 6 months, all programmes combined

Bachelor en Management des Services

  • 95%:Graduation rate
  • 93%:Examination pass rate
  • 26%:Continuation rate
  • 5%:Drop-out rate during training
  • 100%:Rate of professional integration after 6 months
  • 11%:Gross termination rate of apprenticeship contracts
  • 40%:Rate of contracts reinstated following termination


  • 99%:Graduation rate
  • 100%:Examination pass rate
  • 61%:Continuation rate
  • 3%:Drop-out rate during training
  • 100%:Rate of professional integration after 6 months
  • 20%:Gross termination rate of apprenticeship contracts
  • 83%:Rate of contracts reinstated following termination

Master in Management

  • 99%:Graduation rate
  • 100%:Examination pass rate
  • 6%:Continuation rate
  • 2%:Drop-out rate during training
  • 100%:Rate of professional integration after 6 months
  • 12%:Gross termination rate of apprenticeship contracts
  • 74%:Rate of contracts reinstated following termination

2021-2022 data