Faculty & Research
Areas of Excellence: a 360° expertise for an impactful Research
The Future of Work
The future of leadership
Defining leadership as a goal-directed influence of one person (the leader) towards others (one or more of their followers) and acknowledging that leadership can be positive or negative in nature (e.g., servant leadership, charismatic leadership vs abusive supervision), this research group focus on sustainable leadership for the future workplace.
Ongoing research projects include:
- How to work with dark leaders?
- How does socioeconomic status influence leadership?
- What are the benefits of positive leadership?
- What is the impact of the presence of women in executive boards on leadership?
- Is leadership the key to firm performance?
BREEVAART, K., B. WISSE, B. SCHYNS, "Trapped at Work: The Barriers Model of Abusive Supervision", Academy of Management Perspectives, June 2021
HAMMOND, M., B. SCHYNS, G. VOGELGESANG, R. CLAPP-SMITH, J. S. THOMAS, "The Romance of Leadership: Rekindling the fire through replication of Meindl and Ehrlich", Leadership Quarterly, June 2021
HANSBROUGH, K. T., R. LORD, B. SCHYNS, R. FOTI, R. -C. LIDEN, B. P. ACTON, "Do you remember? Rater memory systems and leadership measurement", Leadership Quarterly, May 2021, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 101455
KIM, D., C.VANDENBERGHE, "Ethical Leadership and Team Ethical Voice and Citizenship Behavior in the Military: The Roles of Team Moral Efficacy and Ethical Climate", Group and Organization Management, May 2020, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 514-555
PENG, A. C., D.KIM, "A meta-analytic test of the differential pathways linking ethical leadership to normative conduct", Journal of Organizational Behavior, May 2020, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 348-368
SCHYNS, B., B., M.WISSE, S.SANDERS, "Shady Strategic Behavior: Recognizing Strategic Behavior of Dark Triad Followers", Academy of Management Perspectives, June 2019, vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 234-249
SCHYNS, B., T.KIEFER, R.FOTI, "Does thinking of myself as leader make me want to lead? The role of congruence in self-theories and implicit leadership theories in motivation to lead", Journal of Vocational Behavior, October 2020, vol. 122, pp. 103477
Research Talk Thursday, May 12, 2022 - Reims Campus and Online - Prof. Pedro Neves (Nova School of Business and Economics) "Killing me softly – A collection of studies exploring the relationship between supervisor incivility and emotional exhaustion”
Research Workshop - October 28, 2021 – Paris Campus – Research incubator, reading group, and roundtable around Open Science
Examples of courses linked to this sub-Area include: "Deep Dive in leadership", "Leadership and Organisations Development", "Leading and collaborating in a Competitive World" (e-learning module), "Leading Change"
Dealing with dark leadership behaviour
Birgit SCHYNS's paper 'Shady Strategic Behavior: Recognizing Strategic Followership of Dark Triad Followers' co-authored with Barbara WISSE (University of Groningen and Durham University Business School) and Stacey SANDERS (University of Groningen) published in June, 2019 in Academy of Management Perspectives, have been relayed in Academy of Management Insight online magazine dedicated to managers and business leaders and several other media (e.g., theHRDIRECTOR, companiesdigest.com, workplaceinsight.net, employer news, Management today)
How To Awaken Dormant Leaders
Based on her paper "Does thinking of myself as leader make me want to lead? The role of congruence in self-theories and implicit leadership theories in motivation to lead" co-authored with Tina Kiefer (Warwick University) and Roseanne Foti (Virginia Tech) in Journal of Vocational Behavior, Birgit Schyns proposes five actions to find, wake up and develop dormant leaders in organisations. Discover them on NEOMA Blog
Professors: Dongkyu Kim, Urzula Lagowska, Agata Mirowska, Birgit Schyns, Shiva Taghavi, Marlies Veestraeten, Erik Waltre.
Several projects in the sub-AE are the result of collaborations with researchers from international institutions such as: Oakland University (NZ), San Jose State University (USA), Naval Postgraduate School (USA), Louisiana State University (USA), Danube Business School (Austria), Rotterdam School of Management (NL), Tilburg University (NL), KU Leuven (B), Claremont Graduate University (USA), George Mason University (USA)
Professors: Dongkyu Kim, Urzula Lagowska, Agata Mirowska, Birgit Schyns, Shiva Taghavi, Erik Waltre.
Several projects in the sub-AE are the result of collaborations with researchers from international institutions such as: Oakland University (NZ), San Jose State University (USA), Naval Postgraduate School (USA), Louisiana State University (USA), Danube Business School (Austria), Rotterdam School of Management (NL), Tilburg University (NL), KU Leuven (B), Claremont Graduate University (USA), George Mason University (USA)
KIM Dongkyu (Brian)